
Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Favorite Ornaments

Yesterday  we  put  up  our  Christmas  tree!!   We  always  wait  about  a  week  before  to  do  this,  mainly  because  we  use  a  real  tree  (much  under  the  protest  of  my  husband,  but  sorry--majority  rules),  and  I  just  like  to  wait--I  love  the  feeling  a  Christmas  tree brings,  and  I  don't  want  to  lose  it  by  putting  it  up  too  soon.

And  through  the  years,   I've  accumulated  MANY  ornaments  with  sentimental  value to them,  but  there's  no  way  that  they'll  all  fit  on  one  tree,  so  I  have  to  just  pick  my  favorites,  and  what  else  would  that  be, but  the  ones  that  my  kids  made  for me  when  they were children  in  school.  And  out  of  this  group,  I  have  to  choose  which  ones  I  want  to  hang.   So  let  me  formally  introduce  you  to  my  kids  from  oldest  to  youngest.

This  is  Scott--

I'm  not  sure,   but  I  think  he  was  in  4th  grade  here.  As  you can  see,  he  made  this  very  clever  wreath  made  out  of  yarn.  : )  He's  now  34.

And  then  there's  Nick--

I'm  pretty  sure  this  is  a  reindeer  face (see  the red  nose?)  --so  he's  the  reindeer.  It's  1988  so  this  would  put  him  in  4th  grade.   I've  talked  about  Nick  before  on  my  blog--he's  now  32.

And  now,  here's  Lisa  (the  sassy  one  of  the family)--

This  cute  little  heart  is  from  1987-- would  put her  in  first  grade.   And  she's  now  29.

And  next  is  Jen--

On  this  Christmas  tree!!  And  she  is  in  Kindergarten  here.  She's  now  27.

And  finally,  my  favorite  ornament  on  the  whole  tree--John's

So  let  me  explain  a  little  bit  about this  one.  As  you  can  see,  this  Kindergarten  photo  session  was  not  a  pleasant  experience  for  him.  (in the  actual photo, his nose is  red  from the tears).  But  I  didn't  have  the  heart  to  make  him  go for  a  retake,  because  the  first  time  was  so  traumatic  for  him.  And  to  this  day,  we  have  no  idea  why,  including  John.   So  when  Christmas  time  came  around,  the  teacher  got  out  all  of  the  students'  class photos  so  they  could  make  their  ornaments  for  their  parents.   And  when  he  gave  this  to  me  on  Christmas  morning,  he  was  so  proud  and  happy  of  his  present--his first  one   that  he  made  all by  himself  and  wrapped  it  too.  And  I  was  very  proud  and  happy  to hang  it  on  the  tree (and  still am)!  And  this  baby  of  the  family  is  now  23!

So  here  they  all  are  last  year  on  Christmas  Eve  in  front  of  their  red  felt  stockings  with  their  names  in  glitter  that  they  each  received  the  year  they  were  born--

They  would  be  so  mad  if  I  didn't  hang  these  stockings  every  year.  It's  their  favorite  part  of  Christmas--yes  Santa  still  fills  them  every  Christmas.

I  still  can't  believe  that  they  let  me  take  this  Brady  Bunch  pic!!

So  from  my  family  to  yours--Merry  Christmas!!


  1. I love, love, love your ornaments...what a treasure! Happy holidays to you!

  2. diane, what a beautiful family, so nice to see that photo of them on the stairs and it is a real treasure. and wonderful ornaments and it does mean a lot to the kids even as adults. Puts a lump in my throat to see and hear this story, the meaning of family and Christmas.

  3. That was so much fun, a glimpse into your world & family. Love those handmade/kid treasures. What a great looking family you have. Merry Christmas

  4. Beautiful family picture! Its wonderful you have kept all those ornaments,they all probably get a kick out of seeing them on the tree! Have a great Christmas Sincerely,Jonny

  5. What a good looking family! Five children--WOW! Loved the chikdhood ornaments too.

  6. You have such a beautiful family and you are so blessed Diane. Enjoy the holidays and have a wonderful Christmas. *Hugs*

  7. Diane, you have a beautiful family- thanks for sharing! I have ornaments that my kids made for me too, and I will always treasure them.
    Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and much love, joy, and good health in 2011! xo

  8. Oh my goodness. What a wonderful post. The ornaments are adorable, but that photo of your children on the stairs is priceless. I had no idea you had 5 children. WOW, your children are all as beautiful as you.

    And I only wish I could have a live tree. It's been at least ten years since I've had one. The last time I had one, I had to move furniture into a bedroom that is now my craft room. The things we give up to have a crafting space (grin).

    You have given me a wonderful morning, because I was feeling quite down until I read this post. Thanks for this.

  9. Oh, what a wonderful post Diane...
    Warmed my heart up. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season..Hugs...

  10. What wonderful memories Diane and thanks so much for sharing them!
    Tina xo

  11. Oh those little handmade treasures! Love them! We have a few on our tree too. I have 5 children too, but only 1 son.

    Just popping a note over to you to thank you for following my blog & to wish you the Happiest of Holidays & a great incoming New Year. I am sharing a free journal page on my site to thank you. Hope you enjoy it~Theresa

  12. Oh what fabulous keepsakes Diane they are so lovely to see.
    The photo of them all grown up is wonderful..what a lovely family you have.

    Happy Christmas wishes to you all.

    Chris xx

  13. Beautiful post Diane!! What a lovely family you have! The brady bunch pic is great!! I can see your love for them come through in this post! Merry Christmas! :)

  14. What a beautiful family you have. Love those handmade ornaments too. Enjoy every minute with them this Christmas season.

  15. Dear Diane, you have a beautifull bunch of children-how wonderfull, and sweet they looks-- now--and then.
    Thanks for sharing your dear storyes with us.
    I so wish you a joyfull christmas, dear Diane-
    thank`s for many visits on my blog, dear friend---I love visiting you here-seing your wonderfull art, and reading the big and small- things from your world.
    Blessings, Dorthe

  16. Adorable ornaments! No wonder they're your favorites. You have a beautiful family, and that photo is perfect for Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

  17. Hello Diane. What fun ornaments and your family is totally AWESOME!! This was a lot of fun, like receiving a Christmas Card and really taking the time to read it and enjoy it. Thanks so much!! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Years, in case I don't get back to you.
    I do have a question though and that is about underneath your banner on your blog. How do you add those little "rooms" of things at the bottom of the banner. The ones that say "Home" "Art" etc, paintings. I see them all over and wonder how it's done. If you get a chance and if not I can wait till after the new year. Okay bye now and thanks.

  18. You have a beautiful family. I love your ornaments, especially the last one. I have to admit, I did giggle to myself when I read that part of the story..that so sounds like something my son would do :) Anyway, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! :)

  19. Your ornaments are so wonderful!! You have a beautiful family.
    Hoping you and your family have a very happy holiday!!

  20. Diane, thanks for sharing your beautiful family and memories with us! Warm wishes for a wonderful Christmas! Holiday Hugs, Terri xoxo

  21. This was such a heart felt post!!I think this was my favorite Chirstmas post this year from anyone! I loved it. You are very blessed to have 5 beautiful children!!! Happy Holidays to all!

  22. Oh so sweet, both then and now! A post like this just reminds us how very much we have to be grateful for. A very Merry Christmas to you and those you love!

  23. Hi Diane,
    I want to say thanks for stopping in at my blog. That Sharon is just awesome for sending some of her friends my way. Thank you for your kind words.
    You have a beautiful family. I love the photo of you all on the staircase with the stockings. Happy Holidays!
    I'm heading over to your etsy right now.

  24. Diane, what a great tradition you have with all your kid's ornaments that they made...I'm sure they look for them when they come home for Christmas. I also love the santas that you shown thus far. Wishing you the best holiday season! Blessings, Mary

  25. You have a lovely family Diane! How wonderful that you share the holiday together. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and beyond.

  26. Thank you for introducing your family, you have a beautiful bunch ! Love your ornaments, I think your tree is much like mine. No matching ornaments in one or two colors, but filled with memories ;-) Our (real) tree is up for a week now, and looking good. I always buy one with roots in a pot, so I can water it and plant after Christmas. Not always a succes, but the one in my front garden is now 3,5 mtrs high and so beautiful, with lights and covered in snow ;-) I think that was the tree we had in our home 4 years ago ;-) Anyway, enough of me chatting along, just want to wish you and your wonderful family very happy Holidays !

  27. Diane,

    merry christmas to you and your family!! Wow what a bunch you have...and I thought that going for the third baby was something!!

    All the best to you Diane and enjoy Christmas with your family! xx

  28. I've got the ones my kids made too and my oldest is 39 and my youngest 25. They are the best sort.
    What a lovely family you have. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Thank you for your friendship.
    Hugs, Sue :)

  29. What wonderful memories, Diane!

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year to you and all your loved ones. Hope 2011 brings you loads of love, laughter and creativity.

  30. You have such a beautiful family! I love your ornaments,I still have the ones my kids made to,they are such treasures. Merry Christmas!

  31. Its a Brady Bunch christmas !! TEE HEE

  32. Life is all about family and the times we share together!


    thanks for coming by to visit with me too!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  33. oh, you are so blessed with your kids!!! and i know you know that!!! merry christmas to you, special one!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  34. What a beautiful, beautiful family! Wow! 5 kids. I thought I had a large family with 4!!! Seriously, your kids are all very good looking. I'm glad you posted a bit of family life. I'm like you, I usually concentrate on art. One of these days I'll focus on the family too. Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments throughout the year Diane and have a wonderful Christmas!

  35. Merry Christmas to you too Diane! What a beautiful family!

  36. Oh my...
    Confession time: I wasn't going to do stockings for my grown babies this year...Now that tears have been shed reading your post, I may have to change my mind...!

  37. so cute! adorable family!!

    <3 mvv

    Expedition of a Modern Viking Vixen

    p.s. i invite you to enter my giveaway :)

  38. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is going through the kids' ornaments, looking at their sweet faces and toothless grins. That is a beautiful family you have there!

  39. What a good looking family you have Diane. Merry Christmas to you and yours from Honey Girl Studio!

  40. Merry Christmas Diane! All the best in 2011.

  41. What a beautiful family you have, Diane! Thanks for sharing these wonderful heirloom ornaments here. :) I hope you and your family have a beautiful and magical Christmas! Theresa

  42. Those are the best ornaments! Thanks for sharing. You have a lovely family. Merry Christmas!

  43. merry christmas to you & your
    BEAUTIFUL family!!! xoxox

  44. Love those treasured ornaments:)
    Wishing you and yours very merry this christmas!
    Much Love,

  45. This has got to be the most darling Christmas Post Ever! Love, love, love the pics and story behind them! Brady Bunch Picture...oh definitely is! Too cute! Merry Christmas Diane and you day is the day after Christmas! Hugs to you!

  46. How lovely it is to have such precious decorations that link you all together! I have little tree ornaments that my children made when they were little. They're a bit battered now but come out every year! A very happy christmas to you! :)

  47. Great memories,Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011!

  48. What beautiful and precious ornaments, Diane!

    I just popped over to wish you and your beautiful family a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

    Love, Light and Peace,
    Serena xo

  49. Have a nice Christmas with Your beautiful family- Ag from Greece and Poland toogether

  50. thanks for sharing your beautiful ornaments! I love the treasures they have become - I too, have favorites, more every year:)
    Here's looking to next year!

  51. You have a beautiful family, and I really loved seeing their ornaments!

  52. What a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing and also for taking time to visit my blog and leave your nice comments in 2010. Happy New Year to you and yours. All my best~
