
Thursday, June 30, 2022

What I've Been Up To This Year--Creatively Speaking

 It's been a while since I've been here, but I'm always in my art studio every day--just neglecting my blog. I'm more active on my Facebook and Instagram pages, but I feel that I need to re-visit my blog here since it was my first venture on the web and I've met many online friends because of it.  I'll never stop blogging, just not as much.

So, what have I been up to--I've been playing with paint and collage and some assemblage (finding lots of great flea market finds too!)

I started out the year painting (my first love) with mainly acrylics and painting some of my favorite things (or animals in this case)...horses, giraffes, and a whimsy style way...

They all ended up in barnwood frames that I collaged my painted papers on to like this giraffe--

I took that giraffe and put her on a cigar box--

didn't stop there--

I always enjoy making these boxes!

And this time of year, I will usually make some circus assemblages--here's just a couple of what I made--

When I make these I try to use mostly items that I find at flea markets, thrift stores, yard sales, etc (sometimes gifted to me too!) I'm always amazed at what I can find--it's definitely a 'treasure' hunt and you know the saying--"one man's treasure is another man's junk"--some people probably wonder why I get so excited when I find these things--but I know just where they are going to end up :-)

Some of my favorite finds from this year....SO FAR....

I can never pass up old cameras or photos.  Half the fun of making assemblage art, for me, is looking for my 'supplies'

So I've been busy with my little treasures (getting ready for my BIG show in October)--and here's a couple--

I call this one--Bird Watching

His and Hers

So, this is just a sampling of what I've been doing--I love what I do and so happy that I can do this every day.  I hope you can find the time to do what makes you happy--makes all the difference!

Till next time.....