
Friday, January 8, 2010

My Suzi Class and My Word For the Year

So I've been working very hard on my first lesson in my Suzi Blu class.  This class has been a bit fustrating for me, but I love it.  I've never sketched before--I didn't know anything about graphite pencils, except for the ones I used in elementary school, so this is all new to me.  I'm sure anyone can relate to this if they're trying to learn something new--starting at the very beginning.

I've drawn 2 faces--believe me that's an accomplishment--I've lost count of how many eyes, noses, and mouths I've drawn.  I'll show you the better of the 2--keeping in mind, that I'm learning--

The reason why it's fustrating for me is that I'm working with the left side of my brain, the analytical side (I think it's the left side).  I have the pdf sheet on one side and my computer on the other with Suzi teaching me about facial features, dimensions, and of course SHADING! (if I could figure out  how to underline that word, I would--Nick can you help?)  But anyway, my brain is taking this all in, and it's learning.  And then my right side of my brain, the creative side (I'm not sure which side is which, but you know what I mean) is sitting back with the background music going, and I'm sketching away with my new set of graphite pencils.  I found that I really enjoy sketching just for the sake of it.  It relaxes me--almost like meditating--I guess that's why they call it art therapy.  So when both sides of my brain  come together, I end up enjoying it very much.

Which brings me to my word for the year.  I saw that alot of the bloggers have a word that will inspire them for the year instead of making resolutions.  I didn't think too much of it, until I started this class.  I have to allow myself to learn and to actually fail--to be patient with myself.  I'm generally a very impatient person, and when it comes to art and learning something new--it has to be perfect almost immediately.  So my word for 2010 is patience--to be easy on myself, and expect failure, but to be patient, and with practice, practice, and more practice I will do  whatever I set out to do.  You know the saying Patience is a Virtue--well it really is, and I'm planning to have it by the end of this year.


  1. I think your sketch is great! I like to sketch and draw but haven't done any of that in quite awhile.

    And, yes, I simply love the Golden liquid acrylics but use them sparingly due to their cost. I wish I could send you some sunshine!! I just heard on the news tonight that later this month we're going to have nothing but rain....if that's any consolation!

  2. Your sketch is good enough to remind me of a childhood friend from the neighborhood I grew up in. Which says that already you are able to evoke meaningful feelings in the viewer with pencil and paper. I'd say that's quite an accomplishment. Looking forward to more ...

  3. I think our sketch is beautiful, especially the eyes. which hint at the dreams behind them and are also somewhat sad. I'm a big fan if your word for the year, but I admit that patience for oneself is a bit harder to muster than patience for others.

  4. She's great Diane, don't doubt yourself, she's wonderful.
    I think i'm going to be greedy and choose 2 words for myself this year ' keep going' It seems that when I stop, even for just a day, I find it hard to get back into the swing of things.

    Micki x

  5. If this is you starting from the beginning, I can't wait to see when you get really experienced at it! I just found out about this word of the year thing from Mondo Beyondo, and mine is Independence. It's got me thinking about things in a completely different way! Which can only be a good thing. :)

  6. Your sketch is beautiful,you are doing so good. Love her lips. I think sketching and shading is relaxing too,I was just saying that to somebody yesterday that it kinda puts you in a relaxing mood.

  7. Oh my gosh Diane, I think she's fabulous!!!!!!!! Of course, I don't know what I'm talking about...LOL, but to my novice eye she's wonderful. I'm taking the SAME COURSE!!! I have YET to start, haven't even downloaded the videos!!!! I can't draw worth a darn and I have no idea what motivated me to sign up!!!!! I can't imagine drawing something as nice as you have here. Shading, left sided brains???? I think I'm going to go withdrawal!!! Your face looks like you've been drawing for years to me!!!!

  8. Diane-I'm in a different class, darn!!! I'm in her Petit Doll class...a beginner's class on face drawing. Have fun in yours!!! I'm not sure I'll share my sketches with you though. LOL

  9. Hi Diane...This is my new site..I lost all of my old ..Im trying to find my friends with reader...I love your sketch..!!

  10. just in case you have trouble with your word of the year . . .


  11. I love your sketch, I think it turned out awesome. Now that you are sketching faces, you will find yourself really noticing details of people's faces that you look at. I know when we studied it in college I would find myself staring at strangers - noticing all the details. Probably freaked a few people out. :)

  12. Oh Diane...she's beautiful...what a great sketch! Are you going to try and put one of your drawings on wood like Suzi shows in the class?

  13. You are doing a great job on drawing the face. It's one of the most difficult drawings to do as most artists strive to draw someone they know. So just draw faces with all the features and soon pretty soon you'll Know Noses like the back of your they say! Eyes would be good too. Seriously, you're doin an amazing job for just starting and best of all you're enjoying it and learning...what's that New Word...Patience! Good for you!

  14. You are a fast learner!!! I love your portrait!!!

  15. Diane, these sketches are fantastic!
    I wouldn't think these are your first.
    They say the most beautiful people are the ones with better symmetry.
    You have done this in your art. Brilliant!

    Abi, my daughter built this snowman, while I was out. She showed me him last night during the dark. I was so impressed with her. I just had to share her awesome mind.

    BIG HUG!


  16. Hi Diane! Got your message about joining the Collage Play w/ Crowabout group but I don't have your email...could you plz send it to me at mrmrsfritz(at)hughes(dot)net Would love to have you as a member! :O) Awesome sketch btw...the drawings I have done lately are not as pretty as yours hopefully I can post them soon! xoxo

  17. Hi Diane! Got your message about joining the Collage Play w/ Crowabout group but I don't have your email...could you plz send it to me at mrmrsfritz(at)hughes(dot)net Would love to have you as a member! :O) Awesome sketch btw...the drawings I have done lately are not as pretty as yours hopefully I can post them soon! xoxo

  18. This is a wonderful sketch - she has so much expression and depth- I love it! I look forward to seeing more and you picked a great word for the year- patience is so difficult for me. I think most artists do have trouble with patience and not getting bored. We want spectacular results right away- but there has to be the time to grow... Thanks for sharing your beautiful work !

  19. I think this sketch is fabulous. If this is your first then just think what they will be like when you have had a bit of practise! Well done :-) Kate x

  20. Hi Diane!
    Your sketch is gorgeous! Suzi Blu is great... such inspiring projects that girl promotes!

    I love your word for the year. I think that is a really great one to strive to work towards for many of us. Last year my word was THRIVE and boy did I! I realized I have not chosen one for this year yet... you've got me thinking.

    Thanks for popping by my blog.

    Have a great day.


  21. You must be enjoying your art lessons, certainly reflects in your sketch. It is beautiful. I love the diversity of your art and have joined your followers list so I can return to view as often as I can. I extend an invitation to you to join me at my followers list as well. I look forward to my next visit. Hugs, Gayle (in Canada)

  22. LOL - that was almost my word but then I looked at my "studio" (aka second bed room in chaos) and came up with "organize." I know the Suzi class has been a big hit but I'm afraid it would drive me to drink. I have some of the same issues as you do. Thanks for visiting the Honeysuckles and I love your artwork. Bob sounds wonderful - you know the French! Oliver as a westie has so much energy... and loves the bulldogs in the area - some don't love him. But that is life. ; )

  23. you have got the shading right around the nose and mouth..they are often the hardest to draw..excellent

  24. Great Sketch! I'm glad you are enjoying the process. And "patience" is a great word for the year. Something us perfectionists need to fill up on, for sure. Mine is "focused". Trying not to scatter myself too much 'cause I love so much stuff and learnin' is a buzz for me, but I gotta back off a little and learn to enjoy one thing at a time. Sort of like "patience", too.

  25. Diane, this Suzi face looks great! The shading is perfect, the lips are luscious and the nose is awesome. I'm still having nose issues. I just can't get it... like I want it. I've looked at a lot of Suzi faces over on Ning but this one is really impressive!
