
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This week over at The Three Muses the theme is water.  As soon as I saw that this was the challenge, the first thing that came to mind was of course summer and the beach--one of our favorite places to go to when our kids were small.  So last week I was thinking Spring--now I'm thinking Summer--can you tell that I'm getting cabin fever!  Here's what I came up with this week--

I started out with this craft box

I love taking these plain wood craft boxes, or any old box like cigar, jewelry, recipe ,and so on, and altering them. One of my favorite boxes that I made last year was this one--

For the top of this one, I started out with plain glass 1" tiles, and then I collaged papers onto them, and then I  applied Crystal Laquer to them.  Crystal Laquer is like resin--when it dries, it gives a 3D effect, and it's very glossy--so the tiles on the box ended up looking like glass tiles. The photo doesn't show it very well, but in person, it was very cool looking.  Crystal Laquer is like Diamond Glaze, but I like it a little better, because you don't get the tiny bubbles like you do when you use the Diamond Glaze.

 Usually when I'm faced with a blank canvas or any blank surface, I myself turn blank, and I struggle with it.  But not with the boxes--for some reason, I like these "blank canvases".  I'll never know how they will turn out, but they always seem to come together very easily for me.  On the beach box, I used digital images from Luna Girl.  Don't you just love modern technology--with a couple clicks of your mouse, the images are right there at your fingertips.  The  mouse I knew about 20 years ago was the kind that made me scream.

After I collaged the images, I just added the knobs for feet, and then the shells and beads on top. I had fun making this box, and I'm thinking I'm going to have to make some more now : ) 


  1. Both are absolutely great!

  2. beautiful boxes, lots of work but well worth it.

  3. Your boxes are fantastic, Diane! So full of beautiful and interesting details. I'm waiting for the summer, too.

  4. OMG this is absolutely stunning.
    Fantastic work Diane. Brilliant.

  5. It's a really charming little box. The ribbons and strings look like the stuff washed up on beaches are finish it off perfectly. Love the other one too. Do you sell these? You should - they're great! I can just see them in a quaint seaside gift shop!

  6. Beautiful boxes,my favorite is the beach one.

  7. I had just been to Lori Saul's blog and saw the theme when I came to your blog and was BLOWN AWAY by these boxes. Perhaps you need to be working in these and calling them your medium of choice. They are simply stunning, and it's obvious from your enthusiastic words that you enjoy altering them, too.

  8. Your boxes blow me away. Fantastic!! I forgot how much fun it is to alter boxes! Thanks for visiting the Honeysuckles. Trader Joe's is an addictive experience. LOL - plenty of cool stuff there to alter a few boxes! Marlynn

  9. Wonderful Diane! Both boxes are pretty cool : )

  10. Whow...what a wonderful "water" box!!!
    Great work.

  11. wow love these i also love altering boxes these are brilliant well done im also getting cabin fever more snow on the way..........

  12. Well, Diane, you certainly didn't turn blank this time. What a work of art your altered box is for this week's water entry. I can almost hear the roar of the ocean. And the other box with the Crystal Lacquered top. Wow! I would not have believed it was possible to get something so beautiful from a plain box.

  13. Your boxes are beyond gorgeous! They takes my breath away!
    Fantastic pieces of art!

  14. Oh Diane, I love these. Will you be making more, and possible be selling them??

  15. Amazing! Both boxes are just beautiful, each in their own way.
    What talent you have! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  16. I am in awe of the beauty of your box Diane, you are so incredibly clever and talented. This is a fantastic take on the theme.

  17. What beautiful craft boxes- with all the riches of the sea!

  18. I love coming here to see all your creations....they're always beautiful.

    And I love your comment about the mouse!

  19. Oh my, my mother would go crazy over the shells. This is just divine! And, oh-so-different. Believe it or not, I was thinking of you today on my way back from the humane society, just wondering what you were making. I don't get to visit my favorite blogs as much as I'd like, so when you comment on my blog, it only reminds me who I want to visit. Anyway, my mom has bags of shells and has decorated mirros and made wheelbarrows and owls and such, she would love this box. I, myself, would love to own it! It speaks of so many stories. Clever idea.

  20. LOL - think: Trader Joe's; Trader Joe's, Trader Joe's.... If you wish it, it will come. *wink* Now, why did I write that lunchtime post just for you?

  21. Wow, this is amazing and like the second box even more. They must have taken you ages.

  22. Diane...these boxes are so cool, plus beautiful! I like the ideas of using the glass tiles on top...they look like ceramic tiles..I'm not sure which one I like best...

  23. Both your boxes are fantastic!! love your work!!


  24. Wow, that's amazing! Cool looking box :-)

  25. Wow Diane! These are incredible! Keep going!

  26. Gorgeous work Diane!

    I know what you mean about it being funny that my work messed up, it is funny and I have laughed at the irony, especially as it's the first piece of work i'd been happy with for a while ;)

    The product I use for the faux encaustic is not anything special it's just golden's 'soft gel (gloss)' you just lay it on thick over the painting (I use an old credit card to apply it) and then I usually leave it to dry overnight then rub a bit of charcoal in to define the lumps and bumps the next day.
    It looks just like encaustic/beeswax finish but isn't yellowy and doesn't need buffing.(plus I hate the smell of beeswax too and soft gel hardly smells at all.)
    Just don't do what I did and use soft gel (matte), it doesn't work the same as it is cloudy not clear ;)

    Micki x

  27. Diane, you blew me away with that box with the shells. Just breathtaking! They are both beautiful. I can't wait to see you make more! Thank you for your comment on our post. Yes, I did find those bobbins with the thread already on them, but I see the empty bobbins for sale all the time at the flea markets and antique stores. It would be real easy to buy thread, such as DMC, and wrap the spools in whatever color would match your color scheme. Have a beautiful day! Twyla

  28. Everyone seems to like that painting but me lol ;)

    I liked the 3 I did for valentines day then I hit a wall in my head and didn't like anything else i did after them, thats when i took a day out to do the mystele style 'pulled art' painting. I wasn't keen on the outcome of the painting but i liked the process and it cleared my head a bit, this last one that got ruined was the first one I did since then (am I making sense? lol)

    Micki x

  29. WOW!! These are fabulous. Gorgeous,gorgeus. This is my firt time for playing this challenge and I can't believe all the gorgeous art.

  30. Fabulous boxed, and paintings and drawing as well;o)

  31. Sorry I am late with my comment!

    I am completely blown away by your sea-chest. I am stunned (and thrilled) that you made it for our Challenge. It's sensational. Absolutely gorgeous. After I recovered from the (nice) shock, I scrolled down and saw your other box which is so different to the first but equally as scrumptious.

    Your artwork is superb. Take a bow!
