
Sunday, January 31, 2010


That's what Mixed Media Monday  wants to know this week, and that's what all of these people want to know--

That's what they're saying to each other, BUT what they're  THINKING  is--there's something about her, with her fun and carefree spirit, and her self-condifence of expressing herself.   And oh yeah, I'd be one of those whispering ladies here, but secretly I'd  be envious of her knowing herself so well, and doing what makes her happy.  A couple of weeks ago I made an art piece that you can see here, and in it, I used an old postcard that I had.  And on the back was a message written from Clara to her friend Olga.  So after looking at  this piece--I think that the lady with the spiffy outfit must be Clara,

 and her friend Olga is in the bottom right-hand corner.
Olga doesn't seem too  pleased with Clara right now, does she?   So, I decided to name this piece "Clara".

Clara's outfit was designed by the house of Itkupilli, and all of the other gossiping, snickering, jealous people came from vintage magazines dating back to the  40's and 50's.  When I was looking through the magazines, I loved the different advertisements I ran across, like this one:

She has a strict budget of $25.00 a month for groceries--I think she can do it.  Or how about this one:

How about a brand new car for $645.00!  But my favorite one has to be this:

"Smoke a LUCKY to feel your LEVEL best"  Wow, it was a whole different world back then!  When I saw what the theme was for this week, I was a little stumped.  I almost didn't do it, but these are challenges, so I challenged myself to do it, and I'm glad that I did--I had fun!

And wanted to show you this, in keeping with this week's theme.  WHAT WAS I THINKING when I made this VERY VERY fattening, high in cholesterol, delicious, 3 cheese macaroni and cheese dinner?

I was thinking, "I can't wait for dinner!"

Yep, I ate all that up, PLUS I had seconds!

And finally one more photo that I'd like to share with you.  This is me when I was in my 30's, and of course, there's that question again--

WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!--with my big hair (that I was so proud of), and those high-wasted , balloon pleated  pants that accentuated my "tiny" hips so well--JUST LOVELY!!


  1. Ha Ha. Yes this was lots of fun wasn't it? I went down the fashion route too! Are you sure you were in your 30s? You look very young!!

  2. Man, that macaroni and cheese of yours is making me hungry! Have you or will you be posting the recipe?

  3. I loved this post. It was awesome. What were we all thinking in the big hair days. LOL That mac and cheese looks scrumpcious beyond words. If you were my neighbor I'd raid your frig. LOL :)

  4. I'm always saying that about some of the outfits I have on in old photos. I love your page and the attitude of Clara.

    Homemade macaroni and cheese is one of my favorite things. Yours looks so yummy.

  5. Diane, this is such a fun piece - and I must admit I'm also a little envious of her bravery :-) Diane

  6. Just think how all these young men of today who go about with their trousers hanging 'way down will think when they see themselves 20 years hence? I enjoyed your art, AND your sense of humor.

  7. LOL! love it!! Great art piece and post!

  8. I'm thinking I wish I had some of that mac n cheese! I am so hungry and I'm going to go make some broccoli dish, which is good, but oh what I'd give for some homemade gooey, cheesy, yumminess!

  9. Diane,
    I'm enjoying my visit here.
    Love the old pic of you.
    I had some bushy hair days myself.
    I'm so much cuter now! =0))

    I just noticed you signed up to follow, thanks. =)

    and you are the 300th follower. i announced a few days ago that at 300 followers and 700 posts i would do a giveaway. A few more posts and i am there.
    Wonder if i can reach 325 followers before my posts reach 700??


    barbara jean

  10. Beautiful job on the theme Diane,love what you wrote about it too. Now you got me craving homemade mac and cheese not the box type. And the ending with the picture of you was perfect for the theme. I like your hair and your pants. I was trying to work on something for the theme but my daughter wanted me to do a puzzle with her all afternoon. Which was fun,maybe tomorrow I'll get something done. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I love this page! It's quite an original composition and I like the use of all the heads from long ago sort of looking down their prim and proper noses at Clara. I think I'll just have to steal this idea for a page of my own, thank you very much.

  12. Oh my goodness!!! So cute I just can't stand it!! Love that picture of you. I had big permed hair too. We were all the rage weren't we??!!

  13. Such cute hair really, I love topaint women with hair like that.
    Those were the magazines I read as a kid, those were the cigarettes they put in the grocry bag free. Tiny little 5 packs.

    Your mixed media is such a light humerous look at what we all think sometimes. Yet to have legs to wear those stockings is a thing of envy for me.

    I enjoyed this visit a lot. thank you. Emelie

  14. Hi Diane!!!

    oh what fun and those ads are hilarious....I lauged at the cigarette one...hehehehe ...smoke a lucky!!! hehehehe

    Wonderful post and your dinner looks yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!

    Have a great day!!!


  15. ok, first of all....I sooo want to be like Clara when I grow up! Look how she smiles! lol What a great page and I love those ads! I'm sure we all have pictures in our albums we're not too proud of but they are good to look back on and have a chuckle. Thanks for sharing!

  16. GREAT post Diane.
    Clara is definitely my kinda gal - at least I hope I'm that brave!!!

    Oh. But I'm clearly not as I will not be posting any old pics of myself.


  17. Love your page and your own personal photo and the magazine adverts and most of all that mac and cheese--looks so yummy!!!

  18. That's a wonderful collage...Clara & Olga were spiffy for their era just as you were with the big Hair. Enjoyed the entire post...the mac and cheese looks yummy!

  19. Wow this is stunning.
    Fantastic work. Amazing.

  20. your artpiece is hilarious!!!
    ahh, the fashion of yesterday;))

  21. I just love this post. Your artwork is gorgeous and very creative.

  22. Brilliant! I secretly wish I could be the stand out one!

  23. Darling collage! I love the message behind it. The photo of you was way too cute! I'm glad someone else is brave enough to post old pictures of themselves. Looking back, some thing should never come back into fashion! Your hair was adorable!

  24. WOW, this is fantastic. Love all the old paper too!

  25. shes thinking.. they are all jealous of my legs ;-)

  26. I love your Clara she is special and wonderful, the picture of you with the big hair made me remember my hair when I was 30 years.

  27. Diane, today's post is really special! I loved it from top to bottom. The entry for today's MMM is fabulous. I don't remember $25/month for food, but I do remember the cigarette ads. And lastly that fab picture of you and the big hair is priceless. (I'd love to have a little of that hair now that I've gotten older and have such thin hair.) Loved your contribution to the challenge.

  28. Ha-ha! Funny post and stunning creation, dear Diane!

    Only with the macaroni I have to restrain myself when I think about my bathroom scale .......:-))))))

  29. Oh my! I love this post! Thank you for the Monday morning smiles and making me very hungry! I would have eaten all of the mac and cheese! Yum!

    Your page is amazing!!!

  30. Love mac and cheese!!!!
    Love your art interpretation!!

  31. Hihi I had a lot of fun seeing and reading all... Thanks, great and fab art!

  32. Omg! Your art is terrific, but the picture is priceless! You're toooo funny! Don't feel too badly. I didn't wear the balloon pants, but I DID have 'big hair' and huge shoulder pads!!! Hugs, Terri

  33. This is sooooo funny, fantastic piece!!

  34. Oh heavens to Betsy Diane!! What were you thinking?!! I love this post. Love your whimsical piece, and the fact that you (like me), nearly didn't take part! How cool! Those magazine ads are brilliant too!

  35. This is the most fun I've had all day, Diane. I laughed so hard. Clara really does look upset. Gotta love your entire post. And, from the number of comments you got, I would say lots of people liked it, too.

    BTW, my grocery budget is still $25.00/month.

  36. lol..very cute ..never seen a grannie in pink!

  37. lol, it does make you wonder what people think sometimes when you see what they wear...great piece!

  38. That macaroni cheese looks delicious! I love your looks at fashions of a bygone era. I often look at old album photos and wonder "What was I thinking". Your blog is a real joy.

  39. Hi Diane,
    I had to order the Shiva sticks. You can do a google search and find them. They are really great. If you paint a face with acrylic and if you want to smooth everything out the shiva will do that right over the dry acrylic. I love them!

  40. What a wonderful post - loved all of the vintage ads. Your collage is fabulous - great fun! Cheers!

  41. Great post!
    I think Clara's got it goin' on.

  42. Lol. what a great post Diane! And a great piece of art to go with it! Love your hair in that photo too ;-)

  43. I love your take on this theme- wonderful MMM entry! This post was full of fun things to see and made me long for comfort food too- great work!

  44. Hey Diane! That mac and chees looks delish! As for the curly bob and pleated pants....we were all there and have done that at one time or another! LOL! As for the bead shop in Greenville, if you decide to venture down this spring let me know! It's always nice to meet another mixed media artist face to face!

  45. What a lovely post. Vintage, creativity, and food. Now who wouldn't like that? Oh, and laughter...that is special too!

  46. I don't have a clue how I missed this one. LOVED every word. Loved your photo and your white capri pants. What goes around comes around! LOL Loved it. Thanks for visiting the Honeysuckle today! hugs,
