
Friday, January 1, 2010

Where I Was Last Year At This Time

Last year at this time I had just signed up for my first ever online workshop.  I was very cyber shy at the time--I was one of the 'lurkers'.  I loved the workshop and our group, but it took me a while to post my first comment, if you can believe that.  And when I posted my first photo of my art, it was a very big accomplishment for me--to actually expose my work online.  I've always been artsy in some form or another all my life, and I've sold my work at shows, but never showed it on the internet.

I also discovered the magazine Artful Blogging, and was immediately drawn to it.  I loved reading about all the different blogs, and looking at all the eye candy in it, never even thinking about having my own blog one day. But after connecting with all of the online artists, my confidence grew--you are all very encouraging and generous, and I've made many new artsy friends from everywhere.

So look at me now--I took a couple more workshops, and an actual class last fall, Mystele's, and I loved it. And this year, I'm starting another new class, and looking into another one at the end of January.  Plus, I now have my own blog--and you can't shut me up!  I think I've come a long way!!

And where else was I last year at this time--I was here :-D

I was in Disneyworld!  I love Disneyworld--I could live here, really!  I went with my husband and 33 year old son Scott  (he's a bigger kid than I am).  This was Cinderella's castle at night.  All the Christmas decorations were still up, and they were beautiful!  We went to Epcot and Animal Kingdom--

 I"d have to say the most impressive at night was Hollywood Studios--the first time we saw it at night, it really did take our breath away-

nothing was left undone!

And of course we went to Downtown Disney and went shopping, and a little more shopping.....and then we shopped again

There was a Lego store there, and do you believe that this whole family was made out of Legos? What else would you expect at Disneyworld?!

We also saw alot of Disney people

Look at that  blue sky--the weather was beautiful and warm the whole time that we were there.
They were everywhere!  Hey, we even saw Johnny Depp!

I would say that my only complaint about Disneyworld was the amount of people there.  I think I'm safe in saying that half  the population of the WORLD was there! And the crowds never let up the whole time that we were there, but that was okay.  What wasn't okay is that we had to come home : (

There was at least a foot of snow on the ground and it was 20 degrees, and  three days later, I was sitting in the dentist's chair getting an impacted wisdom tooth removed.

Unfortunately, we're not going anywhere this January, but on the bright side, I don't have to visit the dentist either : )  Gee, I wonder what I'll be writing about this time  next year?


  1. You did come along way this year! You go girl! And I love disney world too,its just so magical and you forget your everyday life,like you're in a different world. Happy New Year!

  2. Sounds as if 2009 was a big year for you!! I'm so glad you've decided to have a blog and share your art with us. Your talent should be viewed by many!!

  3. I will echo what Buffy and Janet have said and wish you an even better and more creative year this year.

  4. SWEET Disney!!! Love all the lights..I'd love to live there too! It is truelly a magical place. I know I almost cried several times from the beauty and magic...we went in 2008! BUT I'd love to see the place at Christmas time.

  5. What fabulous photos. The first one of the castle is gorgeous, the color brilliant. I went to Disneyland when I was a senior in High School...before the birth of Epcot! After seeing your photos, I must make future plans to take my children there. I'm so happy you have been fulfilled this past year, passing many milestones along the way. So glad to have discovered you, too. You seem to have a zest for life, that is something we all want to be a part of! Thank you also for all the lovely comments that you leave on my posts. They are deeply appreciated.

  6. Love your art, Glad we've met , and we do have a lot in common...Disney is my favorite place too..Im glad you're not at the Dentist too..

  7. Hi Diane! So glad you decided to share your lovely art here in blogland! Love the the Disneyworld pics. Happy 2010! Wishing you a year full of love and creative happiness! Thanks so much for your sweet visits! I really appreciate you sharing my giveaway badge on your fabulous blog! Have a wonderful day!

    Lisa :)

  8. You have had a wonderful last year, I think! I hope this new will be even better :))

    I love those images from Disneyland! I've never visit there, but I really would like to.

    About few years ago I visit The Universal Studios in Orlando. It was really fascitaning place, but too much people there too. ;)

  9. I love Disney. Some of the best inspiration and visual art in the world. When I did stage set design, I would refer to anything Disney as inspiration often. Were we sisters in another life? I love reading through your posts.

  10. WE LOVE Disney world! Our youngest was part of the college program a couple of years we had to visit her! She wants to go back, and be part of the entertainment/dancing, after she graduates next year, so hopefully...we will be visiting her a lot in the coming years! Hey, I'd like to work there! ;-)
