
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cigar Box Love

I used up all of my papers, and my cigar boxes, except for one  lid.  Here's what I did on the second one--

I made a shadow box!  I made all ofthe collage items to put into it--

I like to think of these as puzzle pieces. I arrange and rearrange them until they just "fit" into place--you know, just like putting a puzzle together.  And I love when I find just the right touch to add--

This was from a necklace that I had, and I just colored it with alcohol inks. I love alcohol inks--they're great for adding color to metal or glass, or anything for that matter.

And as for the other cigar box--I took my own advice. I'm using  it for storage for my neocolor crayons.  One reason being,  is that they're not that cheap, and I want to take care of them.  The other reason is that I've become very attached to these little guys. I love my crayons!

And also, I know I don't say this enough, but I just want to thank everyone for visiting me and for  all of your comments!  Plus, I want to thank you for sharing your art with me--I've learned so much in the last few months--I can't believe it.  I think it's great that we can share and learn from each other--so thanks guys!


  1. Fabulous! Very creative and love the colors and feel. "Haven" perfect!

  2. So wonderful that you make all your elements and then display them so beautifully. Magical x

  3. That is so very cool! I love everything you've used!! It's beautiful!!

  4. The colors and composition on these pieces are wonderful. Keep going, you are an inspiration.

  5. Gorgeous! I love the bird,you're so creative.I know what you mean about the crayons. I only have about eight but they are in a safe little box.What did you think of idol last night,I did'nt think it was that good. Maybe it was the songs that they sang.

  6. This is FABULOUS!! I love the colors and everything you did with it. I love my crayons too.

  7. Your work is just so sumptuous! Love the motifs, the colours and love that you make all the collage items yourself. This piece is just so vibrant and tactile, I wish I could hold it :)

  8. Wow, this is wonderful!!! You are doing some fabulous work!!!

    I too love cigar boxes, I have a fairly large stack of them - I just like to stack them!!! :)

    I wanted to say, where you create art is your studio - no matter the size - and it looks great! I love that is was your bedroom growing up.


  9. These are just beautiful, Diane..Your creations are always so eye appealing and the colors...

  10. Your cigar box is amazing and all that color simply pops. Did you make the bird? I'm glad to see you recycled, too. It was the perfect touch for the bird.

  11. Another fabulous piece! I would love to see your booth at one of your craft festivals--bet it looks just yummy!!!

  12. I love this Diane! Beautiful colors and all the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly.

  13. Another amazing piece, gosh I love your art. The colors are gorgeous!

  14. hi there! i like this art piece so so so...much! It's so beautiful and outstanding! Great work! wait to see your next surprise....

  15. Hi Diane
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I have enjoyed getting caught up on yours. So many gorgeous things to see here! I am following you now too.
    Have a great day.

  16. Yes I agree, blogging is sort of like a workshop, I have learned a lot also. Especially the different ways a piece of art can be. Is aid last night to my husband, I didn't even know I could draw some of this stuff I draw, and what one can't draw you can find another way to present it.
    For instance I can cut out things that I can't draw, sort of funny.

    Hope your find more cigar boxes, people are very drawn to them, you have probably noticed at the fairs you participate in, and even if your at someone's house and you see a lovely box you want to open it.
    You do have some boxes tho from the antique fair.

    Yes, I love to come here also and see the great things and I need to find some of those crayons.

  17. Likewise Diane. I find so much inspiration from others; it's a pleasure being on this creative journey with you!

  18. YOur art is always wonderfull and you have such great ideas!

  19. I'm so impressed... Of all your boxes I've seen... I love this one the most. Did you carve that bird? It's all so wonderful!

  20. Wow!!! I love this so much! Thank you so much for sharing!! And thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! :)

  21. OMG, Diane, these are simply FABULOUS!!! Awesome work!
    Lots of love, Sanda xoxo

  22. Hey Diane...Long time no comment! I've been off blogs for a while, ya know.

    Anyway, just wanted to say, I enjoyed perusing your back posts. Love the story of your art room. Who would of thunk it way back, eh? Ya hafta think you're getting good vibes from all that past history going into your art!

    I think some of the glass beads would work so nicely into the sort you're doing on the canvases or the wood pieces. It would bring another dimension of texture and another bit of glow!

  23. I love your cigar box! What a great idea to use it that way, I would have never thought to do that. Yes, it's great to have blogging friends for non-stop inspiration.

  24. Wow - this is really and truly beautiful. I love shadow boxes! The bird is a wonderful addition. Such terrific work!!! Theresa

  25. OH, it's so so stunning! I love love love it - and have to get some of those inks . . . Beautiful, Kristin xo

  26. Diane, this is beautiful!! LOVE IT!!!

  27. the shadow box!!!

  28. You put that one together really really "knock-me-out" kind of awe! I LOVE it - the bird so ROCKS with the necklace. Love it! You are the best, no doubt about it.

  29. Diane, just came over from The Gathering Nest. You have some wonderful art work. I LOVE it! Will be back to see you soon.
    God Bless.

  30. It turned out great! I love your color combinations.

  31. Your boxes are always so beautiful! I know I say that every time but it's true!

  32. You have a creative touch with everything Diane and I thank you for always sharing!
    Fantastic boxes as always!

  33. Greetings from Iowa! So happy to find your wonderful blog! Aren't cigar boxes wonderful? So many possibilities! Lovely work! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Just got here from Heavens2Betsy.
    I'm loving your cigar box and everything I've seen on this first page. We've got a good smokeshop nearby. I've been collecting the boxes when they are $1 too.
    So far they're just holding supplies. but one of these days.....


  35. This is soooo charming truly is a lovely little haven! Your art is always so enchanting...

  36. Best Survivor EVER!! Wait until you see the Tribal Council. I've watched this show since the beginning of time and I've never seen one as good as this!

  37. Absolutely stunning cigar boxes, lady ~~ LoVe them! Also love your purchases from the anitque show, too, ;). I see you've been having lots of fun, and doing some beautiful art work. You're growing so quickly in your art ~~ congrats on some awesome art! Happy create and big hugs ~~ Jeanne

  38. I love your blues in greens in this piece they are so striking and vibrant, this work justs grabs my attention. I think your process of how you work is cool. Love it!Sincerely Jonny

  39. diane! so cool! so very cool! and you know , cigar boxes seem to make for more personal finished pieces . i guess its the whole enclosure aspect. or as pammyjo says , its the haven.

  40. This is my favourite kind of art Diane.....such amazing colours and images, all beautifully put together. I adore it!!!

  41. Diane another beautiful cigar box, you are so talented, love how all the elements you use are Just Right together xxx

  42. Diane, this is a beautiful piece of art. I love how you put everything together and all the feelings that went into each element. You made the piece meaningful and lovely. What an accomplishment.

    Oh, I saw I responded to this once already. It really resonates with me.
