
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Me and My Sketchbook

A year ago  that would have sounded so funny to me, because I never sketched anything.  I've always had a sketchbook, but more for jotting down ideas, and just little scribbles of ideas that I had.  But since I took Suzi Blu's class, I discovered that I really enjoying sketching--anything.  It doesn't matter what it is--it's just very relaxing to me.  Alot of artists don't really enjoy this part of their art--they just like to get to the color part, but I love it.

And when we were driving to New York, I brought my book with me and just started sketching. I did a few pages, but I really liked this one and wanted to use it  for an art piece.

Well actually, it was the face that I liked.  So I scanned and copied  it, and then just cut out her image to put on a canvas.

For  the  background  I collaged my painted papers that I showed you on this post,  although you can't really see them--I pretty much pushed them back with an acrylic wash.  And I mostly used the Caran d'Ache soluble and non-soluble crayons mixed with a little acrylics and my new happy discovery--a woodless graphite pencil--love it!!

I'm leaving again on Thursday for a 3 day art show, and I'm starting to get a little stressed--not sure if I have enough.  This is the show that I've been looking forward to all year--I've never been in it before, but I've heard alot of good things.  It's just outside of Cleveland, Ohio in a very nice area,

And I hope  everyone  had  a  great  4th  of  July--we did--it's pretty toasty here, but no rain, so I'm not complaining!


  1. Hi Diane:
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've had a busy week with grads and parties.
    I love your journal entry and your art. Good luck at your art show. You must be very excited. I am going in one in November. First one since 1999. Things have changed so much in the art world. I too am looking forward to it and am very nervous.
    I also have black and white sketches in my journal. What a good idea to scan them and put them on canvas. I'm going to try that.
    Take lots of pictures of your show so we can see.

  2. This is gorgeous, and I KNOW it's a winner. And you know how to extend your art pieces, so I think you will do quite well. I have my fingers crossed for a very successful show. After all, you CAN take orders (grin).

  3. Hi Diane,

    thanks for visiting my blog. I like your new piece and will be following your blog. All the best!

  4. I'm one of those artists that doesn't like to sketch :)
    A couple of years ago I bought a heap of different sketchbooks, thinking that one day i'd be that cool person you see sat in a coffee house sketching away in their moleskine looking happy and confident......So not me lol!!
    In reality I am a crazy, find any old piece of paper to sratch on (I don't even call what I do sketching)kinda person, but hey it works for me right ;)

    Love your work, it's gorgeous!!

    Micki x

  5. Love what you did with your sketch! YOu are buzy! Good like with your show.

  6. Diane I forgot. :) I left an award for you on my blog. Come check it out. :)

  7. You have a great eye for design and colour, Diane...gorgeous piece!

  8. Diane,
    I love the latest work. Funny, I'm not a sketcher either. I picked up that artful journaling mag from somerset at the bookstore & so admire the art inside. I did however pick up a little notebook before my PC class just to keep track of lists & ideas. I found it was fun to sketch out ideas for art. Of course my doodles are nothing like your beautiful ones. Mine look like a 2 year old did it. But it's fun & I'm trying to get in the habit of keeping it with me. Lisa

  9. I'm just like you Diane,I love to sketch,I find it very relaxing. You should start a sketchbook journal. I love how you put her on a canvas,thats a great idea. She's just beautiful! I can't believe you have another show coming up. You are busy.Don't stress.

  10. The sketch and finished page are both amazing! Oh how I wish I could sketch like that... I've just never been any good at it.

  11. I LOVE LOVE this!! Wow Diane, your faces draw me in every time(O:

  12. WOW - this is just stunning, Diane. I think this is my favorite. :) Good luck for a great show this week! Theresa :)

  13. Came out great Diane. Thanks for sharing, have a great week.

  14. She's gorgeous!! Good luck at the show!

  15. she is wonderful, I can see why you wanted to color her. Just beautiful. I wish you a great time at the show.

  16. wonderful


  17. Love the sketch and the finished painting. Good luck at the art show. I'm sure you'll do great because all your art is beautiful.

  18. Hi Diane,
    Love all your drawings!
    You have given me inspiration to take my moleskine with me today while visiting my brother.
    The very first class I ever took was Willowings, and prior to that I truly could not draw a stick person! It is a miracle. I love her method of teaching.
    She is one talented girl.
    You will love her classes.. Just go to to sign up.
    I think she is starting up a new one as well.
    Hugs, Darlene xo

  19. So colorful, gorgeous, bravo Diane:)
    Greetings from Biljana

  20. This is beautiful. I really love your style! You will rock the art show! ♥

  21. Hi, really, really, lovely!
    The finished piece is wonderful ... I love my sketchbook ~ even to have my watercolours with me to do a quick impression. Sometimes captures more than a camera!
    Very best wishes and success with your show!

  22. Diane, I love your sketch. What a sexy girl!! I too am learning to relax and enjoy sketching. Will take my book with me on my vacation next week!

    I still haven't gotten cards in the mail to you yet! Yikes, it's on my list too...

    have a safe trip and I'll mail those to you soon!

  23. what a great sketch and love how you incorporated it into a painting. GOod luck at your upcoming show!!! I'm getting anxious for shows again ;) Have a great time!

  24. Dear Diane,
    it is gorgeus, you alwayes mix colors in a fantastic way, that I so love, and here with all the pink, it is beautifull.
    I wish you a happy trip, and a great show.

  25. So enjoyable to ocme and see what your up to and how you stretch yourself into beautiful things, you make it seem easy, yet I know you work as hard as we all do on these art pieces. I have tads of papers in a book with sketches, some how I do better on scraps then in an actual book, it is just a mind thing.

    You have a wonderful show get tired, and sell lots. I remember my eyes feeling so scratchy and a wore out feeling that seemed like a surface tired and not an inner tired. You have lovely things to take and even things that are not your favorite will be someone elses favorite.

  26. Fabulous, wish I could "sketch" like this! Enjoy your show Diane.

  27. I love every single bit of these sketch and painting, Diane! She is soooo wonderful, I love the expression in her eyes! Beautiful! And the colors are fabulous!!!
    Lots of love, Sanda xoxo

  28. Hi Diane...I love what you did with the sketch. That's what Traci Bautista calls leveraging your can make more copies and paint another or use only the doodles in another, love what you are doing with your art. Best of luck in the upcoming art show!

  29. It's toasty here too, Diane! The thermometer read 99 degrees at 11:30 a.m. today!!! Love the fact that you're sketching and incorporating it into your current work. Good luck with your show!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  30. WOW! This is amazing. I am wishing you much sucess for the show!!

  31. really lovely.

    after struggling with enjoying sketching i've discoverd that i enjoy mindful doodling instead.

  32. Kelly's been writing about Suzi too. I guess we are all such fans! I made a card for a friend's birthday tonight with two Suzi girls on. Thank you Suzi!
    HOpe the art show goes well. I have complete faith that it will be a resounding success!

  33. Beautiful work dear Diane!

  34. This turned out so gorgeous Diane! I love her and the end result!
    Hope you had a good show.
    Funny, the more I try drawing, the more I just don't think it's for I suppose we all must find our niches...keep sketching!

  35. I am enjoying looking through your blog at your beautiful art! WOW! You are SO talented! ♥
