
Thursday, July 15, 2010

To Sum It Up

In these last couple of posts, I've just given a general idea of what is involved  in  selling  your  art  at  shows--there's lots more, but  if  anyone  is interested in more, just  let  me know. So to sum  it  up  about  shows--you're always learning  new  things  about  them  no  matter how long you've  been  doing  this.   Anywhere from set up, what to bring, how much, and the list goes on.  So  what  have I  learned  this year so far?  Well, I found that people like mirrors!

I guess you could call this functional art--right?  People have to check themselves out before they leave the house.  (Boy, did I have a hard time taking this photo.  I ended up putting a piece of wax paper on the mirror, but it worked.)

And embossed metal is very popular--

Along  with  sun faces or a flower face--however you want  to look at it.

And, also to my surprise--Hippie art!

Everytime I take this Hippie girl with me, she never comes back--somebody always takes her home. I think that she might be getting a little tired of going alone from show to show--I think she needs another  Hippie   friend--what do you think?

And  I've  also  learned  not  to  put  my  wood  blocks  on shelves, but  hang  them all  up so  people stop trying  to  open  them!  I'm  leaving  tomorrow for just  a  one  day show on  Saturday.  It's  a tough set-up  in the morning, but it's  a  good  show.  I did  it last  year for the first time and  I  loved  it.  I  hope  to take photos, because  it's  right  on  the main  street,  and  it's  such  a cute  little  town.


  1. you know, i've not read your posts yet because i've been so busy and i'm waiting till this weekend so that i can have a "sit down" and read them and take them in. plus i'm getting wrapped up in the class thing. but yeah, anything you have to share sista' , anything and everything! much appreciated!

  2. I have learned that I don't make the right kind of art for shows, but I've sure learned a lot. I hope you have a great show this weekend and sell lots of art. And of course, pictures are always great.

    So, are you going to add a second hippie girl? Or fella? I bet they will sell, because when I had a Woodstock ATC swap last summer, it was very popular.

    Have a SAFE trip and stay cool.

  3. Well if I ever do any shows I know who to ask for advice. I hope your next show goes great too. I really love the mirror,actually I love everything you make. Thats good that the hippie chick always finds a home! So yes she needs a friend.Have fun at the show!

  4. Diane, I can see why your Mirrors, Metal Embossing, and Hippie Chic sell ~~ they are GORGEOUS! And, yes, Hippie Chic needs a friend, ;).

  5. Your advise is great and the mirror and embossed metal pieces are lovely... but the Hippie Girl box is wonderful!

  6. I can see why Hippie Girl finds new homes. She is amazing. Your art is amazing!!

  7. i am doing my first craft fair in november...your tips have been very helpful!

  8. I always recommend that artists do shows. There is just something about it...I'm getting antsy to do one and wont have one til late october! I've got a lot to get done though...
    I've been thinking about doing boxes myself! Painting on some papier mache. I've learned too that people tend to want to be smaller items. I'll pack a large painting or two to be eye catching and pack a punch, but I have never sold a large piece at a show. However, I've only done mostly indie shows so perhaps its my demographic. I'm planning on doing a very large more traditional craft show this autumn and I'm hoping people will be more willing to spend. Its a continual learning experience thats for sure!

  9. I loved reading about your sum up and about what sells. You booth looked wonderful and I bet everyone loved your art. It's fabulous!!!!!

  10. Thanks for sharing what you've learned at the shows. Hippie art: who would'a thunk it?

  11. Thanks again for the very useful advise, mirrors hah....great idea!! I love your mirror, I had to chuckle when you were describing the difficulty photographing it.

  12. I like your mirror a lot, so much to look at & lovely subtle colors. I really love your quilt blocks, the colors are gorgeous. Thanks for dropping by too!
    Happy days,

  13. Thank you sooo much for your visits and wonderful comments!! Thanx for all the great info and Great Luck at the show:O)

  14. I love your mirror!!!
    Some helpful thoughts too, thanks!

  15. I love this information...unfortunately it takes a lot of energy that I don't have to pack up the car, set up the booth and take it all down. I do have a question about you set a price and stick with it? How do you price?

    Thank you for your comments on my blog!

  16. That mirror turned out so nice!!

  17. Your work is just so amazing! I LOVE that hippie girl. I think you SHOULD definitely make her a friend! :) Although this one is quite perfect as she is - but she should definitely have a companion. :) Theresa

  18. Diane,
    so understandable, that they love your mirrors, and hippi girls, everything is beautifull,- I love them,too.
    Good luck tomorrow, dear, hope the adventure will be as great as last year.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  19. Wonderful tips...thanks! LOVE your hippie girl! Good luck at the show ~ :)

  20. Hi Diane, thank you so much, you're always so encouraging! And , Oh I love the mirror so much!!!!

  21. wow, so versatile! love the mirror (waxed paper, what a great idea - I'll have to remember that one:). Thanks for commenting on my polymer clay post! I haven't done much at all since then but clay is fairly easy to work with - too bad you don't live closer:) truthfully, what I remember most about that day is the wonderful time I had on an outing with friends - I don't many opportunities!
    take care and I'll definitely be back:)

  22. each one of your pieces are so great, and unique. I understand what you mean about art shows.
    I have never done an art show as I am a newbie, but it sound sooo right!

  23. Wow! Gorgeous stuff!!! Love it! :)

  24. Thanks again for these wonderful guides Diane. I thought of you today - I went to a flea market and actually returned with exciting art supplies! Yes, I found some old sheet music! Some great second hand picture frames that will work wonderfully with some of my art and, I nearly bought some old suitcases.... except they were rather expensive... £30 and £40 each!

  25. Hi Friend!
    Thank you for your notes on shows - it has been so much fun and interesting to read - and you are so kind to share your experiences.
    Kristin xo

  26. Hi Diane! I love finding new artists on the web. I just love your work. I'll be by often to see what's new. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Take care!

  27. Thank you for being so generous and sharing your art, wisdom, and life with us.

  28. Love it all, but I would have gone straight to that mirror, too. Yes, functional art is so fabulous.
    Love your style!

  29. Great stuff you got there!
