
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Off Again (& another giveaway to tell you about)

....for  my  2nd  weekend  at   Christmas  in  the  Woods.   This  is  hard!  I'm  working  on  pure  adrenaline  right  now,  but  even  that  is  running  low!  Some  of  these  exhibitors  at  this  time  of  the  year  do  this  week  after  week.  I  don't  know  how  they  do  it.  Aside  from  keeping  up  with  your  inventory,  you  only  have  4  days  to  regroup,  and  then  you're  off  again--it's  tough! 

So  most  of  my  furniture  is  gone  now--that's  a  good  thing,  but  I  needed  to  make  at  least  one  new  piece  to  take  with  me--so  I  did   a  table  that  I  found  this  summer  at  the  Highway  127  sale.

This  table  isn't  really  that  old.  Whoever  had  it  before  had  painted  it  this  aqua-green color  and  sanded  it  down  to  give  it  that  shabby  look,  which  I  really  like.  Half  of  the  work  was  done  for  me,  and  all  I  had  to  do  was  my  favorite  part--painting  the  design  on,  and  it  really  didn't  take  that  long. 

I   really  like  how  this  vase  of  flowers  turned  out,  so  I'm  planning  to  use  this  in  a  piece  of  artwork  before  I  go.

And  the  one  piece  that  didn't  sell  was  this  one--

which  I  didn't  think  would,  and  I'm  really  glad  it  didn't,  because  I  have  no  idea  how  I  would  have  filled  up  the big  empty  space  it  would  have  left.  It's  always  good  to  have  your  booth  pretty  full  especially  at  the  start  of  the  show.  Now  this  weekend,  if  it  sells,  I'll  be  glad.  I  did  have  a  lot  of  lookers,  but  no  takers--so  we'll  see.....

But  now,  I  have  something  that  I  can  set  on  top  of  it--

This  was  one  of  the   pieces  that  I  was  demonstrating  with  last  week  there.  They're pretty  strict  about  this  aspect.  For  the  most  part  of  the  show,  you  have  to  be  demonstrating  your  art--they  even  go  around  to  check  that  you  are.   And  that's  regardless of  the  weather.  Last  weekend  was  fine,  and  so  far  this  weekend  doesn't  look  too bad  either  but  definitely  cooler,  and  in   the  morning--cold!!   But  this  year,  I'll  be  a  little  more  prepared.  I  purchased  these-

from Theresa's  (Faerie  Moon Creations)   Etsy shop--these  very soft  and  warm  fingerless gloves.  I  needed  them  in  black so  I  contacted  her  and  within   2  days,  they  were  finished!  And  I  LOVE  them!   If  you  have  a  chance,  check  out  her  store--along  with  being  a  very  talented  jewelry artist,  she  also  has  mixed  media  pieces ( a  fellow  Suzi  Blu  classmate  of  mine)

So  after  you  visit  Theresa's  store,  you  can  go  over  to  Cathy's  blog  Artsy  Butterfly  for  her  very  first  giveaway.   On  of  her  many  artistic  talents  is  photography  and  she's  giving  away  two  5 x 7  photos  matted  on  an  8 x 10  glossy  photo  paper  of  these  very  cool  photos  that  were  taken  at  night.  You'll  just  have  to  go  over  to  her  blog  to  see  what  I  mean.

So  I'll  be  leaving  tomorrow  morning  again,  and  I'm  hoping  for  another  great  weekend--keep  your  fingers  crossed!   And  hey,  if  any  of  you  bloggers  out  there  want  to  visit  me  again,  you'll  know  where  to  find  me!


  1. Love the new table, the vase of flowers is beutiful. So glad the show is going well. Oh how I wished I lived closer. You will need some much deserved rest after tis weekend.

  2. Congrats on all the sales! :) Your work is amazing. I love this new flowers in the vase.

  3. I can't believe you painted that vase of flowers in less than a week. It would have taken me a lifetime. I'm hoping for another good weekend for you with good weather, too. Have fun, too. Wish I liked closer. I'd be there, for sure.

  4. I was one of the artists who had 4 days between a show and had them stacked up every weekend. It's the adrenaline that gets you through it. I hope this week show goes well. Those gloves are perfect for taking in all the money you will accumulating soon!

    Table is really cool.

  5. Love the table with the flowers. The flowers are gorgeous! I think when people do shows every weekend,they just gotta have alot of inventory so they don't have to do more in between show. Well good luck and stay warm,love those mittens.

  6. amazing work,bravoo!!!

    Big kisses.

  7. Your box is going to look gorgeous on that table I love that handle i would never sell it either--love your vase of flowers on the little round table -Hope you have a lot of fun!!!! Sincerely, Jonny

  8. Love the new table too! Best of luck at the newest show! Hang in there D!

  9. Have a great show! I bet you'll sell that table this time! and I love the flowers in the vase!

  10. Thanks for the shout out Diane!! Love your new piece! Good luck this weekend! I am sure you will do great once again! Have fun! :)

  11. Beautiful new table, Diane, and the box to match your other table ~~ I love it! What a great piece to demonstrate with. Now you've got me wondering what you will be demo'ing this weekend, :). When time allows, I've love to hear how you create the "copies" of your art work to use on other, coordinating pieces. Wishing you much success with this weekend's show!

  12. Your painting on that newest table is stunning. It won't last long.
    Hope you get a second wind of energy. Enjoy

  13. The little round table is adorable and I really love that piece that didn't sell. It is fabulous. I bet you will sell it this time. Good luck this weekend. Let us know and take pictures. I love seeing your adventures and the people you meet.

  14. That table turned out so beautiful. Yes, a painting of that vase of flowers would be great. Good luck at the show!

  15. Good luck at the show! The flower vase is beautiful! I'm sure someone will snatch that right up!

  16. Your new table is so incredibly gorgeous Diane! I really love flowers, it is amazing!
    Wishing you the best of luck this weekend again!

  17. Hi Diane! :) You've been a very busy girl! Glad to see that you're doing so well with your work. Those tables are cute! Also, thanks for visiting my blog. I thought the image was creepy too, lol. I'm a big ghost show fan too. My favorite is Paranormal State :) Anyway, best of luck during your show! Take care

  18. It is really very beautiful this table with the flowers.. and I hope you have a lot of success in your event.
    God blesses you!
    yasmin :)

  19. I hope your weekend is a huge success and I am sure it will be as your work is beautiful....Love the new table you did with the flowers.....

  20. Hi Diane. Good luck at the show. I love that table, hope it sells. have a great weekend.

  21. Diane, I LOVE your new "shabby chic" table, Diane! How serendipitous that half the work was done for you!!! I can't believe the other table didn't sell!!!! I'd have bet that it would've found a new home last week. Wishing you a safe trip and an 'empty booth'!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  22. Hi dear Diane,-maybe your buquet did not take you long to paint-- but ooohhh it is so beautifull-the flowers looks so real.
    I know how hard it is ,going to shows every week-end,as I`m doing that november,and december, very often,and the other week-ends I`m here in my shop, making christmas with hot wine-and cookies!!!
    January is alwayes a feast, of nothing doing!!!
    I wish you a wonderfull, and great selling week-end, dear.

  23. Hi Diane,
    Sounds like you're having a wonderful time~showing, telling, demonstrating!
    That table witht the vase of flowers is gorgeous.
    Have fun,

  24. Good luck this weekend Diane! I hope sales are great! The table w/the vase of flowers turned out really nice!

  25. Hi Diane!
    I am so happy to have found you when you found me,..:)
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and the nice comment you left and for becoming a friend! I am following your blog and art journey now also!
    I love your colors and the work your doing. I am looking forward to getting to know you better....
    Tina xo

  26. Busy Lady you are! Thanks for finding the time to keep us all posted : )


  27. All your work is just so pretty. I adore the table with the flowers in the center and the little yellow stripes around the edge. It's just so darling. I'm glad you're having fun!

  28. Diane you are such an inspiration to me with your beautiful art. Try to get some rest so you can get your energy back! Hugs and have fun.

  29. Diane, you are so sweet to compliment my turned out a little pinker than intended but hey, I liked it....I have always admired anyone who could do arrangements...I have never been comfortable in it but love what other's do!! I LOVE your new table!!! Because of you I am keeping two old square end tables and will try my hand at painting I need them for display!! That show sounds awesome!!! Praying you sell out!!! Completely!! I love all your things!!!

  30. I wish you the very best on your next sale...such a labor of love! i just went crazy seeing your new work, it leaves me fill with color and joy and wanting to know you even more! xo

  31. Good luck this weekend! I hope you have a great many sales. And I hope your little fingerless gloves will keep your hands nice and toasty. Thanks so much for the lovely mention! :) Theresa

  32. I love your new table too! The flowers really are pretty.

    Good luck with the show!

  33. Congratulations on your sales!So fun + validating. Love this cute little table + seeing all of the pictures of your booth. I don't know how you keep up with it, but it is fun to read about!
