
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Enough With the Boxes Already....and....Wanda.....I Hope You're Reading This!

I  know--but  I  just  had  to  show  you  these  boxes!   First  of  all,  is  this  not  THEE  coolest  cigar  box?!

I've  never  seen  one  like  this  before.  It's  about  5  inches  at  the  widest  point,  but  then  it  narrows  down  to  about  3 1/2  inches,  and  it's  just  as  deep.   My  husband  found  it  at  the  tobacco  store  for  $1.00!   One  dollar  I  tell  you!   And  look  how  it  turned  out--

I  decided  to  keep  the  original  trim  on  it--it  went  great  with  the  images  that  I  used.

I  used  prints  of  my own  art  combined  with  scrapbook  paper,  and  in  case  you  missed  it,   I  talk  about  how  I  do  this  here.

And  then  when  I  was  in  Tennessee  this  summer  I  found  these--

These  porcelain  doorknobs  for  just  $2.00  each  and  a  couple  of  these  also--
These  are  also  porcelain,  and  I'm  99%  sure  that  these  are  the  bases  for  the  hot  and  cold  faucets  that  were  on  the  older  sinks.   If  I'm  wrong,  let  me  know.  Well  anyway,  when  I  saw  this,  I  immediately  thought  feet!
But  instead  of  feet,  it's  more  of  a  pedestal  stand--cool!

And  the  doorknob  was  the  perfect  match  for  it.   Wouldn't  this  be  so  cute  in  a  bathroom?   I  have  to  admit  that  I  have  a  hidden  motive  for  showing  these  boxes.  My  plan  is,  in  the  next  few  weeks,  to  open  up  an  Etsy  store,  and  if  all  goes  well,  I'd  like  to  sell  my  boxes  on  Etsy,  among  other  things.  It   doesn't  take  much  to  get  me  excited  and  these  make  me  very  happy!

P.S.   Okay,  I'm  going  to  sneak  one  more  in  here,  because  I  really  LOVE  how  this  one  turned  out.  Keeping  with  the  pedestal  stand--I  had  this  wood  finial  that  I  found  at  a  craft  store  ages  ago,  so  I  decided  to  do  it  again--

What  I  love  most  about  this  one  are  the  images  I  found  at  the  Etsy  store  Charmed  Memory Collage.  They're  all   instant  download  collage  sheets,  and  these  ones  were  ATC  size,  but  she  also  offers  inchie  sizes  and  domino sizes  plus  other  sizes.   Quite  honestly,  I  didn't  look  at  everything  in  the  shop.  I  found  these  instantly,  but  I  will be  going  back--check  out  this  store  if  you  like  vintage  shabby.   These  are  shabby roses  on  sheet  music,  and  one  of  them  was  called  "Gypsy  Love  Song".  So  I  was  looking  at  my  Garden  Girl,  and  I  thought--she  really  looks  more  like  a  gypsy  to  me  (can  gypsies  have  blonde  hair?)
I've  been  using  images  of  my  girls  so  much,  that  I  think  they're  starting  to  talk  to  me.  So  I  think  my  Garden  Girl  is  now  going  to  be  referred  to  as  my  Gypsy  Girl  with  Blonde  hair  (all natural, of  course).

Now  I  have  another  plug  here--how  I  found  out  about  this  Etsy  store.  Well,  I  joined  Zinnia's   ning  group  Roses  on  My  Table.  It's  free  to  join  and  there  are  trade  and  swap  groups  there  that  are  also  free.  I   also  joined  her  R.A.I.L  group  there.  It's  only  $35.00  for  the  year,  and  each  month  she  has  a  new  project  with  downloadable  videos.  Last  month  it  was  domino  pendant  necklaces  and  this  coming  month  is  a  Memory  Keeper's  Treasure  Box  starting  out  with  a  plain  wood  craft  box--right  up  my  alley.   And  her  style  is  my  style.  She  likes  to  use  vintage  images,  stained  lace  and  all  the  froo-froo (sp?)  that  goes  with  it.  So,  go  check  out  this  ning  group--remember,  it's  free  to  join.

P.S.  P.S.   I  almost  forgot--Wanda!--I  like  Wanda--she's  such  a  fun  lady!!   If  you're  not  familiar  with  Wanda  and  her  blog,  hop  on  over  and  pay  her  a  visit.   She   posts  the  most  beautiful  sunsets  and  sunrises  or  just  the  sky  on  her  blog,  not  to  mention  her  excellent  art.  So  it  started  me  thinking.  I  never  look  at  the  sky,  or  anything  outside  for  that  matter  when  I'm  so  busy  like  this.  Even  when  I'm  out  and  about  hurrying  and  scurrying--I  don't  even  look  up!   So  Wanda.......this  is  for  you-- 

Unfortunately?  we've  been  having  beautiful  Fall weather  here  for  the  last  couple  of  days,  and  this  is  how  our  skies  have  been  starting  and  ending.  My  point  is---Thank  you  Wanda  for  reminding  me  to  stop  and  smell  the  roses!

Okay....that's  it,  I'm  done  now,  or  like  I  say  to  my  daughter  when  I'm   finished  talking  to  her  on  the  phone---Okay, I'm  gonna  hang  up  now....Bye.


  1. I love these boxes with the unique feet you have given them. I like the way you left the trim on the first box and embellished around it. I've been on a cigar box kick lately too. I love seeing the drastic changes that can be made. You have done a super job with all of yours.

  2. I would love to spend a day shopping with you Diane - you seem to have this talent for finding the best bargains! So glad you left that trim on the box - when I saw the first image it immediately struck my eye. Clever lady!

  3. Beautiful and very interesting work!!!


  4. OMG I love what you have done with the boxes. I am loving the rosters. Too very cool!

  5. So when I saw the first box I said this is gorgeous,then I saw the second box and thought no this is gorgeous then the third came up and well this one is my favorite I thought until I saw the next one. Lets just say I can't pick a favorite. I love them all. Good luck with your etsy shop. I'm sure you'll do great.Going to check out the new sites you joined now. Thanks for the links.

  6. I love it that you can look at objects and instantly see beauty and art! And I love it hat you share with us your talent ans give us hope of our own creativity! So, thank you and I will go to the sites you reccommended :-)

  7. What a great find in that first box; I love that you preserved the borders. All of your boxes are so unique. Love them all!

  8. I absolutely love the boxes. Your Etsy shop is going to be a complete success, how can it not be with this beautiful art. Your style is awesome.....

  9. Diane these boxes are great! And I love your girls!! Beautiful work as always!

    Thanks for sharing the link to Wanda's blog! I will be sure to check it out! You know how I love photography! :)

  10. Diane-love those boxes!! Roses is a great ning group, isn't it!!

  11. fantastic boxes! I can't believe the great finds at great prices. I have a feeling your boxes are going to do well in your new shoppe.

  12. Love the boxes and that cigar box is awesome and the size just perfect!!!Good luck on Etsy and I will be stopping by:O) Glad you stopped to smell the roses:O) Have a great day:O) Isabel

  13. First I have to say that cigar box is beautiful but what you did with it is amazing! Now I have to go back and see and read the read of your post. I LOVE THAT BOX!

  14. The boxes are great. I love decorated boxes to hold all my stuff and make it look pretty. You have great ideas for using old items.

  15. I want to come makes boxes with you!

  16. More gorgeous work! Good luck on the Etsy store! I was thinking of you as I cleaned out my closet and found a bunch of cigar boxes:)

  17. Amazing finds! Yes!!! Makes me want to visit the two tabacco shops here in town and see if they have boxes to sell cheaply???
    Wonder if they even know they have an artists treasure trove in store?
    Your boxes are simply devine and am sure will sell well in your new ETSY. Wishing you well.

  18. We have a tobacco shop in town & I have never found any boxes that cheap. Maybe because we are a tourist town~The boxes here start @$3-5 and go up for the wood$$! Love how yours turned out!! Now you have my wanting to do some more altering of boxes. lol Thanks for inspiring~
    Can't wait to see your shop! Going to go look at your pretty boxes again and swoon a bit longer~ Theresa

  19. Wow! My father smoked cigars for years, and I've NEVER seen a box like this! What a great find, Diane!!!

    You've worked magic with these boxes, and I'm sure they'll fly right off the Etsy shelves!!! Best of luck!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  20. Love your pieces and the way you think outside the box (groan) and reimagine uses for old objects. The best kind of recycling!

  21. Oh my gosh, what a talent you are, they are all just awesome and beautiful and....I could go on and on. Thanks for the links will have to go and check them out.

  22. WOW Diane! These boxes are stunning! Love what you have done with them and the feet look great. Beautiful work!

  23. You are amazing with these boxes Diane, and thanks for sharing all those links!
    Do you ever get tired?! LOL

  24. have i told you lately, that i love you...first i laughed, then i felt so touched that you used my name at the top of your blog...and then i cried, happy grateful tears, touching tears, loving tears, healing tears (some of that lots of heavy stuff goin' down in our family). how can we be so close like this, on the internet, i just told my brother how i really love and feel for some of my blogging ladies. that's how it is, that's what it is..we are women...we know HOW to show our feelings, true feelings for one another! when it's safe...i'm safe with you. i think my blog is just not the schnazziest often, but always want to share and share and gab with the girls, and try to be meaningful and fill all the gaps...i don't even know how to work my own blog properly and make cool changes diane, ya' reminded me that it's not so important all the time, we don't all have to be STARS!..annnnd now i need to come over and follow you and your husband on all these wonderful treks...i'm hookin' up my studio, flippin' the reins and ridin' over, i'll be there before your sun sets. (i don't think richard will cotton to THAT idea, hee hee) i have much more to say, but before i run out. thank you...thank you diane, you're the salt of the earth and dear to me!
    i've gotta' get to that regular paying job now. warm xoxoxo

  25. annnd. now your boxes...they are unbelievable..seriously and etsy is a grand idea...i'll give a mention for that when you hook up..(as if you need it :})!
    They are just the coolest, prettiest, inventivest, ever. and i love how original your work is always, diane! and then JUST what that sweet BUFFY said, ditto for me!
    we all thank you for teaching us, and sharing so many of your finds and gifts with all of us.
    and to top it all off, you make me laugh, EVERY doesn't get any better than to come over here often. xoxoxo

  26. Wonderful thought that your ladies are talking to you now--I bet they keep you good company! That's fantastic you are taking the plunge to open an etsy store . . . can't wait to see what's there. Well done!

  27. I'm excited as ever! Your boxes are absolutly fantastic eye catcher.
    Love them and your talent.
    Hugs Anja

  28. What a wonderful box! Your hubby was sweet to find it for you! Love your beautiful art! Your boxes are all works of art! ♥

  29. Oh my goodness! BEAUTIFUL boxes - and everything really, you have been busy! I love this textural work and, as always, you are such an inspiration.
    Did you know that MMM Monthly challenge is boxes for November?
    Kristin xoxo

  30. Diane, so wonderfull- I wish you all the best of luck, with your Etsy.
    Your boxes are fantastic,and I love the use of old porzelain knots, for feets and pedestals-looks so gorgeus.
    Hugs, and happy evening.

  31. Oh I love the boxes! You are sooooo clever! My favorite is the cigar box. So cool! I loved how you incorporated the trim colors in your art work.

    Go for the Etsy Shop!!!! Yeah!!!
    Can't wait to see it!

  32. Your boxes are beyond beautiful, Diane. I look forward to you opening up your etsy shop - I know you will do well. Glad you discovered Charmed Memory Collage - I know Josie and she offers such lovely designs to work with. :) Theresa

  33. Well of course I thought of you again today, I was thrifting most of the day, and I buy earings tht I can cut off the back and use on things I make. Then I thought I wonder how these world work on Diane's boxes. Then I found these
    metal coppery butterflies that I can use for stencils as they are an open design and very flat.

    Your boes are so beautiful I hardly see how you can stop making them, your husband found a gr eat box, it is so nice they think of us when they find stuff it shows a good understanding. You did fabulous on that box. Life can be quite fun can't it.

    And yes, Wanda reminds me of a lot of things and to have a life with more joy and attention.

    It is late I hope your sleeping.

  34. beautiful1. love what you did.

    ps: who's wanda?

  35. i would love to find a $1 cigar box! and you have such wonderful projects to show us today! fantastic!

  36. Gorgeous work D! Am looking forward to your Etsy opening!

  37. Hi Diane! Love those altered boxes. The pedestals you added are fabulous additions. Can't wait to see your Etsy shop set up. Your creations will surely fly off the shelves. :)

  38. Hi Diane,
    Wow, what wonderful, creative, pretty pieces you've made here with a few very good finds!
    Soooo out there lady-in a good way!

  39. Hello DIane,
    Thanks for visiting my latest post! gave me the gift of visiting yours back, and what do I find!!!...yummy box art...I looove the cigar box what a find!!!, and what you have done to it, even leaving the borders as they were, just gorgeous....xx..julia

  40. I LOVE what you did with the cigar box. I keep a bunch of my pens in almost the exact same one and you have inspired me. I hope you won't mind if I borrow your muse and art-up my storage box a bit!

  41. you are such a treasure finder/
    maker/sunshiner! love your boxes!

  42. oh sweetie! yes, you definitely should open up an Etsy shop of your own! these are scrumptious..I love them all...every corner...every side...every embellishment!

    well done! two cigars up to you!

    ciao bella

    and happy business adventuring! You'll love it!

    creative carmelina

  43. think I created a little are addicting aren't they? Your's are just stunning!!!Thank you for sharing them!!!!Just awesome!!

  44. Wow - fantastic stuff as always, Diane!

    Thank you for you lovely comment on my blog - it means so much!

  45. Thank you for comments on my blog. Your texture and findings are stunning and something I will be definitively following.

  46. I love the way you always incorporate your beautiful art into such beautiful, cool creations! That box is so pretty and unusual, love what you did to it, and how lucky it was for your husband to find it!!

  47. Beautiful boxes and oh so clever.. you did a fantastic job..
    Thanks for your visit and your nice comments..
    Hugs, Darlene

  48. Never can have enough boxes...I love what you did with the tall cigar box. You are so talented! I keep saying I'm going to try Etsy...I have had my name reserved for over two years...maybe someday...anyway...good luck with yours!

  49. OMG..that cigar box came our beautiful....!!You designed it perfectly...and the trim really goes wonderfully..!

  50. I LOVE that cigar box and what you did with it, Diane....the original border fitted in perfectly with your artwork!

  51. Oh my, if anyone knows and loves cigar boxes it's me! But, I have to say that yours are so incredible! I love, love, love what you've done and know you'll have a fantastic Etsy shop.

  52. are so prolific! (I've probably said that before :-) You always amaze me with your talent and energy.
    I'd love to meet you (maybe some of it would rub off on me!)

  53. Not only are these boxes gorgeous, they are so cleverly decorated and embellished. I'm not sure I could have had the courage to cover that one box, but you did an amazing job. I would love to join you in your studio one day and just watch you work. You must be a ball of fire!
