
Monday, November 1, 2010

Jewelry Designs and Techniques From My Halloween Party

Okay  I've  been  bitten  by  the  jewelry  bug.  I'm  becoming  a  little  obsessed  with  making  these  necklaces.  All   I  really  know  what  to  do  right  now  is  linking  beads  together,  and  I'm  really  having   fun,  but  I  know  me,  and  I  know  that  I'll want to  learn  more,  because  there's  so  much  you  can  do  with  jewelry.  But  for  now I'm  just  happy  linking  beads  together.

And  I'm  also  becoming  a  bit  obsessed  with  the  beads,  like  these  very  cool  ceramic  ones,  or  these  glass ones--

                         I  really  like  these  wire  wrapped  glass  beads--
But  I  don't  want  to  purchase  them  already  wire  wrapped  like  I  did.  I  want  to  learn  how  to  do  the  wire  wrapping,  and  any  other  technique  that  you  can  do  with  jewelry  making.  So  I'm  asking  any  jewelry  designer  out  there  who's  reading  this  if  they  can  tell  me  of  any  good  sites  that  I  can  go  to.  Or  any  online  groups,  or  classes  or  instructional  DVDs,  books  or  magazines  (love those)  that  are  for  beginners,  because  I  want  to  learn,  and  I  don't  have any  idea  where  to  start.   Almost  like  when  I  just  started  learning  about  Mixed  Media--a  bit  overwhelming  at  first.  So  I'll  take  any  advice  or  help  that  you  can  give  me!!

I  also  want  to  share  with  everyone  photos  from   my  Halloween  party  last  night.  I  always  have  a  party  every  year,  and  it's  become  quite  popular  around  here.  I'll   show  you  some  of  my  guests--they  came  early  to  help  me  decorate.

Jason  Voorhees--some  of  you  might  know  him--you  don't  really  want  to  get  on  his  bad side.
And  then  there  was  Hannibal  Lecter  who  came  early.   We  had  to  keep  him  in  restraints  because he  tends  to  get  out  of  hand  at  times.

                                                                                        This  is  Jigsaw's  assistant--Jigsaw  couldn't  make  it  because  he's  not  alive  anymore.  For  those  of  you  who  aren't  familiar  with  him--he's  from  the  Saw  movies  in  which  I'm  a  BIG  fan  of. 

I  also  invited  my  son  Nick  but  he  couldn't  make  it,  and  this  is  the  main  reason  why  I'm  posting  about  my  party.  Nick  always  has  a  good  time,  and  I  didn't  want  him  to  miss  out  so  this  was  the  next  best  thing

And  then  there  was  the  Pumpkin  man--
So  let  me  explain  why  he's  called  the  Pumpkin  man.  Years  ago  when  I  first  started  having  these  parties,  nobody  ever  came  except  for  him,  but  back  then  he  always  had  a  Jack-o-Lantern  mask  on.  And  we  never  did  catch  his  name,  so  we  always  just  call   him  the  Pumpkin  man.  He's  come  every  year.   My  Halloween  party  wouldn't  be  the  same  without  him--kind  of  like  the  red  felt  stockings  with  the  glitter  names  on  them  at  Christmas  time--right  Nick?  ; )

Another  regular  is  the  lady  in  white--

She  almost  couldn't  make  it  this  year,  because  she  couldn't  find  a  sitter  for  her  kids,  but  I  told  her  just  to  bring  them  along-
Arent'  they  adorable?   They  really  make  me  wish  for  grandchildren  of  my own!
We  always  have  some  party  crashers  every  year  too--

Ricky  Bobby  and  his  wife,  but  they  didn't  stay  for  very  long.  They  didn't  fit  in--AT--ALL!

So  we  did  some  decorating--

And  carved  some   pumpkins-

Oh  yeah---and  Michael  Myers  handed  out  candy--

He  hands  out  candy  every   year---he  loves  it.

All  in  all  we  had  a  good  time--the  party  did  get  a  little  out  of  hand--
Whats  that  creepy  white  mist?--I  have  no  idea!
I  wish  you  all could  have  come--it's  always  a  fun  party--maybe  next  year!

And  BTW,  don't  forget  about  the  real  reason  for  this  post--the  jewelry.  Any  and  all  help  will  be  appreciated.  And  if  you'd  rather  email  me,  my  email  is  at  the  top  of  my  sidebar.


  1. Beautiful jewelry!!!

  2. I forwarded you a newsletter.
    Bye, Kitty

  3. Your jewellery is so lovely. Are you going to open your shop soon and put them there??

    And your halloween ....creepy...! ☺☺

  4. Your jewelry looks great....I love your style...and the party....well it looks like you had all the "kool" crowd..what fun..!

  5. Beautiful jewelry - good luck finding a class.

    Your Halloween party is TOO SCARY for me!!

  6. No tips for me, I made jewelry for a while and learned a lot from a Dutch site, but that won't be a lot of help for you ;-) I love your jewelry, I am already saving some money ! And the creepy party, brrrr .... Looks like you all had a great ehhh scary time !

  7. Guess I should have left the comment on this blog about the jewelry, because it's on the wrong post.

    I wanted to say how much fun it looked like you had last night. All your guests were so well behaved. My friend Scott came by and we did the "trick or treat" thing. It was the first year I've had more than about 5 kids come by. It was a fun night and I didn't take a single photo because my back was still not doing all that well. Hope you and Michael Moore survived the night (grin).

  8. Diane, I love your jewelry already! These are so fabulous! I would love to know how you made these! I make some beaded jewerly but have never linked chain together with them.

    I don't have any resources for you though...wish I could help. I dabbled in it a bit a couple of years ago but this post is making me want to get back into it! Yes, there is so much you can do with jewelry!

  9. Your necklaces are amazing,love the wire wrapped glass. Sorry I don't know anything about jewelry! Your party looks like it was a blast!

  10. I love your art made into jewelry. Looks like you go all out for Halloween! Wowee!

  11. Love your new necklaces and the party looked like so much fun! Too bad we couldn't combine our two parties! Yours wins on the decorations and costumes and mine probably does on the food!

  12. Your necklaces are looking good! And that's some scary looking people at your halloween party!!

  13. Diane, I haven't read the previous comments so if I am repeating what someone else said...sorry. I find that Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine really helps and gives many many different techniques for just about everything. Also Art Jewelry and Wire Jewelry magazines are wonderful. has many things that might interest you if you don't already know about them. Google Deryn Mentock, her blog is she is talking about a future online class on putting a necklace together. She has many articles in Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine. I hope this helps. Your jewelry is beautiful!

  14. What a fun party! I'm sure the children ~~ young and old ~~ love visiting your house.

    Your necklaces are beautiful. There are several great beading magazines that can be found at Barnes & Nobles, and several even at Walmart. One of my favorites is Beading Style, ( They share some helpful tips for beginners and beyond in the magazine, and even on their website. Fire Mountain Gems is a great source for the difficult-to-find items, but I found their shipping costs a bit too high. However, they will send you a HUGE free catalog that has some unique ideas within it. Have fun!

  15. Great costumes...must have been TONS of fun! And I love your new jewelry! I think it's the perfect way to show off your art! Just what I LOVE! ♥

  16. The jewelry is awesome, you do lovely work. A good site (in my opinion) is:

    They have wonderful jewelry making supplies and they have a section with instructions for projects and how to's.

    Sorry I missed what looks like a fabulous party.

  17. okay, your pumpkin party is way to scary for me!!!! lol

    love the necklaces!!

  18. That was so cool! Do you have a spirit store close to you too? Those babies freak me out, lol. Your party looks like it was a ton of fun! Nice and spooky :) I think the Hannibal costume is my favorite because I've never seen it before. I mean, I've seen the movie, just not the costume. Love your jewelry too! I want to make some of my own someday :)

  19. oh the jewelry is wonderful and your Halloween party looks amazing!!! what fun!!!

  20. So sorry to have missed your party, miss creative...LOVED seeing all these pics and as always, listening to your wonderful wonderful humor. it still doesn't look like you need any help with your jewelry, it's too darn beautiful! xo

  21. Hi Diane I was going to suggest Sharon and Deryn's workshop to you but by your comment on my post I see you already know about them. Making my Bezel was great fun. I believe Deryn is going to run another online course concentrating on the chain part this time. I am not sure how long the current class is still open but if they run it again it is well worth the money!!
    Wishing I was at that party!
    Manon X

  22. UUUHHHHH Diane, you realy had a very scary kind of guests- I`m almost happy to be thankfull I was not invited :)
    Love your necklaces, dear, they are gorgeys.

  23. Hi Diane,
    Wow, these necklaces are fantastic!
    Love the colours in both of them.
    Um, sorry I can't give any advice on wrapping the gems {that's one thing I haven't tried}
    Oh, your Halloween pictures are very scary.

  24. Love the jewelry!!
    Halloween looked like a blast at your place!!

  25. Hi Diane, gorgeous jewelry!!! The party looks fabulous!!

  26. I am sure you hae searched for free videos, there are free ones on just about anything. I have watched some on using resin, solding, diamond glaze this sort of thing. Face book might have some, A woman told me thre were a lot of recycling things into other things, she has a thrift store. I was telling her about using used clothing for quilts.

    Yes the bead store is a tempting place to go, we have a good one close by and it is something to see all those things. I am only and not hardly kindergarden level.
    I do have a lot of beads tho, and do some beading and jewelry, it gets to be a lot of stuff as I am a quilter and a rug maker also.

    Your work look professional and beautiful and I know the face pendant will be an added attraction to the sales, even little croppings of your flowers,
    houses, hearts, birds. So much fun it makes one's head spin.

  27. You seemed to enjoy your halloween~ and the necklace is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! You should make more :)

  28. Wow, I'm impressed with your jewelry. I can't help you there, but enjoy your party pics. Looks like a lot of fun.

  29. Here is another new resources that Interweave has with a newsletter if you like. Hope this link works.

  30. beware, diane, jewelry can consume you... these are beautiful...

  31. wonderful jewelery pieces...but there's NO way I would have gone to the door on Halloween (I haven't even seen the movie - ha!)

  32. What a fun party. Looks like you had a great time decorating too. I am just starting to explore the jewelry world also. I love your pendants. Are those frames/blanks you fill with your artwork? I am searching for silver bands to wrap around leather to form a simple tassel. I may have to make them, like the silver wrapped beads, they are beautiful.

  33. Love your necklace and especially how you have attached a picture of one of your way to use your work,........
    Wish I could help, but I don't know anything about jewelry making...

  34. Yes, I can see why you liked my costume...CREEPY! Great jewlery, I haven't been bitten by the jewelry bug myself so I'm not sure where to direct your for resources but i just google everything and find what I'm looking for :)

  35. Hi,
    Very beautiful jewelry! It is easy to get bitten by the bug, and wire-working is one of those things that can grab hold. Your pieces look great with your work!
    Best wishes,

  36. well that looks like one amazing and spooky party!~! happy halloween!

    A few years ago I worked as a jewelry designer, true story! ;) experimenting is the key, and make things that you yourself would love to find and wear. Chances are someone else will too!~

  37. What a fun Halloween!

    Jewelry - Step by Step Wire is a magazine by Interweave - great because the expense is less - also join the WWJ - Wire Wrapped Jewelry Yahoo Group (lots of free tutorials). Oh one more Magpie has great free tutorials (and great beads)

    Have FUN!

    Robyn Hawk

  38. Love the jewelry, you're doing an amazing job! Is there nothing on you tube? Did you do a google search, the most popular blogs come up first.

    You are the queen of Halloween by far! Looks like great fun at your house. But what happened to troll babies adult daughter would be horrified!! lol It was her favorite doll of all time!

  39. Your necklaces are so lovely, Diane. You've really made them so stunning. :) And Happy Belated Halloween - those are some scaries there. Glad you had fun! Theresa

  40. Your jewelry is already beautiful!But I do understand how it can be even more fun when you learn even more! One of THE best books I found is "Bead on a wire" by Sharilyn Miller. It's full of wonderful basics and then there's a huge section on how to take those basics and make them into AMAZING complete pieces...step by step. And look up her website/blog, she also has videos. I was lucky enough to take some classes from her a few years back and she is an amazing teacher. I hope this helps.


  41. Wow! You really go all out for Halloween! Patsy from

  42. Hey i can get you started on learning jewelry. I have all kinds of places you can go for tutorials and dvd and I can even teach you wire wrap. email me at and I will send you a message with all the info. I will compile all the stuff i used when I got started. :):):)
    Oh and I feature any artist once a month on my blog so if you are interested follow my blog and you can be featured on my blog.

  43. the jewelry is beautiful and i would like to do some jewelry too.

  44. I'm new to jewelry making myself so I can't really give much advice. I can't wait until i get settled so I can start creating again. You are such an inspiration Diane! I love all your angels!
