
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Finally--2 New Pieces for Etsy, and About Resolutions

Well--kind  of  new.  I'm  taking  images  of  my  artwork  and  making  new  art  pieces  out  of  them.   This  is  something  that  I  just  started  in  2010  and  shared  with  all  of  you.  I  know  it's  nothing  new  to  do  this,  but  it  was  for  me! 

And  what  else  did  I  learn  in  2010?   I've  learned  that  I  actually  enjoy  writing,  and  just  like  anything  else,  the  more  you  do  it,  the better  you  get  at  it.   I  rather  enjoy  sitting  down  and  writing  about  my  everyday  happenings,  even  if  no one's  reading.  

And  I  also  learned  that  I  love  to  draw  faces  and  really  enjoy  making  whimsical  sun faces,  and  that  other  people  like  them!

So  I  took  these  2  very  popular  guys--

And  made my  new  pieces  starting  with  reversed  8 x 10 gallery  wrapped  canvases  to  make  shadowboxes (something  that  I  love  to do)

And   then  I  decreased  my  art  images  and  put  them  on  5 x 7 canvas panels--

And  made  some  embellishments  with  chipboard flowers  and  wooden  hearts--

Assembled  them,  and  added  even  more  embellishments--buttons  and  vintage  spools

These  spools just  arrived  in the  mail the  other  day from a  very  sweet  lady--a customer of mine who had the good sense to save these--thanks Cyndee!

And  you  can  find  these  2  pieces  at  my  Etsy Shop  now!!

Okay,  so  about  New  Year's  Resolutions--I  usually  don't  do these,  because  as  we  all know,  we  usually break  them,  but  I  do  have  one  for  this  year--I  am  going  to  appreciate  every  day.  I  know  this  sounds  silly,  but  I  tend  not  to  do  this.  For  instance--it's  January,  and  ALWAYS  in  January  and  February  I  complain  about  the  weather  and  can't  wait  until  Spring,  and  then  Spring  comes  and  I  wonder  what  happened  to  the  time.   So  I  WILL  appreciate  every  day,  even  if  I  have  a  dentist  appointment--I  WILL  appreciate  that  day  too.

Oh  and  one more  resolution--this  is  the  year  that  I  will organize  my  house.   Get  rid  of  the years  of  accumulation--I  was  destined  for  a  Hoarder's  episode.   As  a  matter  of  fact,  I've  already  started  a  little  bit,  and  I  love  that  feeling  of  letting  go  of  worthless objects.   What  are  you  doing  in  January   that  makes  you  happy??


  1. Diane I just love these pieces, what an amazing imagination you have!
    I always wanted to try adding small painted embellishments to my art but never thought of cutting it from chipboard, what a great idea!
    Have a great day!
    Tina xo

  2. Beautiful beautiful work !! And good resolutions too ;-) Mine ? To start and finish a daily photo project (again, did this in 2009), take care of me-time to paint (because it makes me really happy) and count my blessings everyday ;-)

  3. I love these pieces! They are wonderful!

  4. happy new year diane hope it brings everything you wish for .. x those boxes are very clever they look fantastic xx

  5. your shadowbox is delightful!

    I love what you wrote about being grateful for every day. We spend our entire lives wishing things would be different, or waiting for the time when...(fill in the blank), meanwhile, life passes us by. It's so important to be present and enjoy it all.

    In fact, you can make a nice shadow box to remind you to enjoy each day, and put it somewhere you will see it, like your craft room.
    Good luck on the organizing, I know I feel tons better once I clear things out

  6. Dianne you are so clever, they turned out so cute!

    Thank you so much for the kindness and encouragement on my blog, I'd love to just give you a big hug. :)

    This year I'm excited to be starting a painting class and I've cut my work schedule to parttime so I can spend more time with my kiddos and playing in my studio! Good Luck with the organizing, I started taking things to the good will and if feels so good to get rid of stuff we don't need.

    Much Love,

  7. LOVE these pieces! You have such and amazing style! I laughed hard at your comment about being destined for a Hoarders episode - happy cleaning. Great resolutions -especially enjoying every day and not wishing for the future to get here so fast. I am going to take that one to heart because I am guilty of the same. Time is precious.

  8. Your used again art pieces are terrific! Adorable! Cute! Whimsical. I love them.
    As for the new year I'm with you. I have been appreciating every day for some time now. My awareness of needing to do this came with age. Seeing the years flying by and knowing I had fewer to live than already lived. Yes, I am grateful for each day and for modern denistry!;-) Happy NEW Year!

  9. What cool pieces! I love the colors and all of the patterns that you've created. These have such a fun, dreamy feeling to them!

  10. oh these are wonderful! thanks so much for sharing and inspiring :)

  11. What a fun thing to do! They are just adorable!

  12. What a fantastic idea! I've never thought about repurposing my artwork to be made into anything other than prints. They turned out really cute!

  13. Diane, these pieces are AWESOME!!! I love the way you've created little shadowboxes to showcase your amazing work! Happy 2011! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  14. I love what you have done with the reversed canvas!! What a brilliant idea. I certainly agree with you about enjoying each day. My mom used to always say "Enjoy each day to the fullest.!". And I do try to embrace that.
    Happy new year.

  15. Thank you for sharing this with us! I am really ejoying your art and looking forward to seeing more of you in 2011.
    Happy new year and may all you wishes come true Diane!

  16. You have such a great imagination Diane to create so many things from one piece. Great work. Good luck with that clearing out... but you do realise that the very day after you throw something out you'll find a use for it....!!

  17. Happy New Year Diane! These pieces are so cute!!! I love them!! I am going to sit down tonight and write all my resolutions. If only one resolutions is accomplished it will be a good year!!!!

  18. Diane, I love these! Thanks for sharing your process, creativity & talent. I need to work on enjoying the small moments too. Happy 2011!

  19. Oh, two new pretties! Diane, these are so beautiful - definitely makes you look forward to sunny days. What am I doing this January? Taking some online art classes, of course! Theresa

  20. love them, beautiful and clever....

  21. love your shadow box idea. that was very clever! i agree with your new year's resolution to appreciate every day. we are all guilty of not doing that. the older i get the more i realize how important each moment is.

  22. Love,Love those sun pieces. I always love looking at all the embellishments you add on to things. Especially the vintage stuff. I agree with you about making new years resolutions,I never make them,my husband ask me yesterday what mine was(you would think he would know by now Men)but I did think about getting rid of stuff today so between you and me thats my new years resolution to declutter just don't let my husband know.LOL I like yours just to appreciate everyday. Good one!

  23. These are fantastic, Diane...sure to sell quickly! I must try the reverse canvas frames....I've seen a few different ways of doing them and they are such a great idea!

  24. Certainly important to be thankful everyday, and I certainly had another long lesson in how important the samll things are that we do without a second thought.

    Those spoolsof thread and your charming birds add such fun and creativity to your boxes.

    I want you to have great success on Etsy. Does it seem that your time off seemed to just fly and now it is time to work on the ideas again?I feel like I had time off also but now I am more mobile and can do a lot more and I have to plan so I do a share.

    Winter here has been rather serious, so it does give one a home bound feeling.

    The best in every direction to you Diane.

  25. How wonderfully wonderfully whimsical these are. how could someone not be happy in a room with one of these in place? which also reminds me, every single time i show up here, i see the pic of your face and smile inside and out, yep, everytime, i feel a warm glow like i just stepped into my own house. love your resolution...i've been whining the last two day because it's rained for 7 days in a row. i need to change my attitude. thanks and a blessed new year to you! xo

  26. I love these pieces too! I am longing for some sunshine:-) and I also loved your comment about hoarders. I watch that show just because it inspires me to clean up! Happy New Year!

  27. well i think these are great resolutions! And what great art pieces. you're so inovative! love it!~

  28. your pieces are so pretty! I wish you all the best in the new year!

  29. Oooolalalala!
    those are wonderful!
    I loooove a lot!

  30. Hoarders is one of the things I watched on Netflix...and I kept saying, "And I thought I was bad..."

    I love those creations. You a really an inspiration to me in trying new things!

  31. thanks for stopping by! love your work and blog!

  32. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for visiting me.
    I love your newest work..there is a warmth to your faces, love the wooden cotton reels too.
    I have this old large plastic jar full of my Mother-in-laws old sewing threads, so I will search and see whether there are any oldies in it?...Happy New Ywear...xx.julia

  33. Fantastic new pieces Diane...they are the top loaded with things that make me smile!

    I have begun purging feels good...then we can buy more stuff!!

  34. I just love those shadow boxes made from the canvases. Such a clever idea, but then you never seem to be short on the clever ideas for sure!
    My resolution last year was similar to yours. I vowed to REMOVE something from my house every day. I can't claim I was 100% successful but I did make enough progress to realize how liberating it is and plan to continue.

  35. This is so creative, I love it!! I've just started to discover and have been wanting to try reusing some of my own images to make them into something new, so this is such fantastic inspiration!!! Thank you!! And such great timing too!! So pretty!!

    And good for you for wanting to clear out the clutter in your house!! Wow! You said in your comment to me that I was inspiring you to do this...but wow, you weren't kidding!! YAY!! I love it! And yes, it feels so good!! And it's very addictive...I just planned on doing my studio but it's spreading throughout our whole house!! And my husband has caught the bug now too!! And Goodwill is now very well stocked!! Enjoy the process.


  36. As I look out the window at yet more snow coming down, I'm thinking, "I will try very hard to appreciate this!"

  37. I love your reverse canvas idea, I'd never heard of that, thank you! I love to draw faces and suns, too. I think there is a whole bunch of us attracted to that, good thing ;)

    I too am a TLC Hoarding case waiting to happen. I am trying to do better, but think maybe I just need more space for all my treasures! haha

    Happy New Year!

  38. I love how you use everything! The gallery wrapped canvases backward are still leaving me awestruck...tres cool.
    For the new year I am going to try to enter something in my art journal daily. Go back to painting my flying people series and stay away from what other people want and stick with my heart...easy enough to say...the artist's dilemma.
    AND get better about commenting on the blogs I enjoy, like this one. Thanks Dianne.

  39. These two pieces are wonderful and SO you. I really like how you incorporated the thread spools. Very clever. And I like how much you have learned this year. Good for you.

    As for your resolutions, I think these are the best I've heard so far this year. I love the philosophy and think I'll try it, too.

    Good for you for letting go of worthless items. If you can't use it, it's really no good to you. Keep up the good work and your resolutions, too. Happy belated New Year.

  40. These are awesome! What a wonderful way to use your art!
