
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Would You Like To See a Tutorial?

......on   how  to  make  this  piece?--

It  looks  like   metal  embossing,  doesn't  it?   It's not--it's  all  made  with  aluminum  foil  and  various  other  mixed  media  techniques.   And  to  find  out  more,  just  head  on  over  HERE  at The House of Art and you can see how to get this effect with plain old  foil.    I  am  the  monthly  muse  there   for  March  right  now---cool!!   It's  amazing  what  you  can  do  with  everyday  aluminum  foil.  And if this is your first time there, stay and look around.  It's a great place for artists to see videos of other techniques and insightful articles written by some very talented artists.  And also check out the very cool giveaway that's going on for the month of March.   We have Emme to thank for  the start of this wonderful community  for all of us artists to  get  together for support and any kind of  help when we need it.  Thank You Emme!!

And  I'm  still in NYC  enjoying the sites--I'll  be  back  in   a couple  of days  with  pics!


  1. Diane, what a fantastic tutorial! I've saved the instructions because you passed on such great tips and sparked lots of ideas for my abstracts.
    Thank you!

  2. Diane, loved your tutorial so well done and easy to follow. I am definitely going to try that technique. I even bookmarked it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Very cool, I will definately try this !

  4. Hmmm... guess my daughters account was open LOL Anyway, previous comment was mine ;-)

  5. Great works and tutorial dear Diane!
    Thank you!

  6. what a terrific piece! can't believe you did this with foil. i just posted a photo of something i did that looks similar, only mine is done with wood blocks.

    but i love this technique. i will try this one soon. and it looks easy, even for me!
    thanks Diane.

  7. It looks awesome. I'll have to go over there and check out the site. Thanks. Enjoy your stay in NYC. Take care.

  8. What great techniques. I definitely will give it a try. Beautiful job and the tutorial was easy and excellent and I'm going to have to bookmark it. Thank you much for sharing these techniques.

  9. wow that looks fantastic love the way you are not scared to try new techniques im off to watch the tutorial thanks Claire xx

  10. At first glance, I can't believe that part of the artwork was the everyday aluminum we use. I might consider trying this. :)

    I hope you're having a great time in your trip!

  11. You always amaze me. You need to work on a jewelry line.

  12. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is soooo beautiful! I can't believe it's foil!
    I will have to head over to check it out...

    Smiles and enjoy your trip!

  14. Fantastic and thanks for sharing. I am going to try this.

  15. Fab.U.lous! Love it! I hope you are having the best time in NY! I would love to go there some day. ♥

  16. Great tutorial! I haven't stopped by for a while...I love everything you've been creating! Have fun in NYC...I'm so jealous!


  17. Awesome! I can't wait to see the tutorial! Have fun in the Big Apple! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  18. Diane, I love it! I'm going right now to see this cool tutorial.

  19. This is ztipunning, going to see that tutorial...

  20. I love it. Off to go check out the tutorial. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  21. This is such an awesome piece!!

  22. Hi Diane! Loved your tutorial on using aluminum foil in your artwork. How clever and original! It really makes me want to try it out now! Good to see you are doing well!

  23. Hi Diane
    Thanks for the terrific tutorial. My husband works for a company that makes foil so I am definitely going to try this. It looks like so much fun and I love your finished piece.

  24. There is a comment about Bob on my blog, in reference to an old cartoon cutout (for you) I found in one of my mom's books she had slipped in there. Anyway, have always wanted to make you a copy and send you, because it reminds me of Bob....and you can save it, print it and use it in some of your art!!...somewhere, if you like!!! I LOVE the things you are producing!!! You have done an incredible amount of beautiful art....and you need to be a book, but I remember, got your own book at Christmas!! You are a treasure!

  25. Amazing tutorial!! and so, the ideas are unlimited with this!!1 Thanks Diane!...

  26. This is gorgeous! You are so talented I swear you could make something lovely out of ANYTHING. Bravo!

  27. Great tutorial! I just have one question...will other things work to color the foil besides alcohol inks?

    I love the piece you put together using all those wonderful squares!!!

  28. Thanks for directing me over to the tutorial. Great. I love what you created by using this technique!

  29. Gorgeous as always!!!! I will def stop and look around over at Emme's Thanx for sharing have a great time in NY:O)

  30. Diane you always do such amazing work! Love this piece! And you did a great job with your tutorial! Looking forward to seeing more!

    ANd glad to hear you are enjoying NYC! Can't wait to see pictures!


  31. That is incredible, tin foil, geeze.

  32. Congratulations, Diane! What a fabulous tutorial. :) Hope you are enjoying NYC! :) Theresa

  33. I have missed you and your art SO MUCH. I've hardly left my bed since I got home from California, but had to stop by and read your latest . How sweet that we were on different coasts at about the same time. I'll check out the video next, but wanted you to know I have missed reading your blog and saying hi each morning.

  34. Thank you so much for sharing those techniques with us Diane. I can't wait to get started now...

    Hope you're enjoying the sites...

    Lesley x

  35. Yeah!!! I had been waiting to see you on the 15th and here it is two days later - I will definitely check it out! Thank you - can't wait to see it and congratulations! xoxoxo

  36. Oh I can't wait to find the time to play! This looks like so much fun and I love the way it looks. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you had fun in NY.

  37. Diane, it was a great tutorial...thanks!

  38. That is beautiful, and the tutorial was excellent! Beautiful work!

  39. WOW what an uncredible fantastic unique art work! I'm speechless. The color combinations and the shimmering effect is magical.
    Have a nice weekend,
    hugs Anja

  40. Diane-what an over the top fantastic tutorial!!! I can't believe that's plain old aluminum foil!!! I especially love the sun...looks like old and faded metal! Thanks for sharing this with us...your instructions are so easy to follow too! -Soraya

  41. Diane, OHHH- thanks-
    this is fantastic- and what you made looks gorgeus, dear.
    Amazing that such a thing as normal foil, can look like that ,after being treated with a little paste-and paint--LOVE it.

    --the verification word is :drank--I did not do that..but will go down to dinner and a glas of wine :)

  42. Outstanding tutorial, Diane! Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing this technique. I can't wait to try it! :)

  43. That is gorgeous... I'd love to see the tutorial, but unfortunately the link to the House of Art at the top of the post doesn't work.

  44. hey..thats lovely art but not able to goto link provided above..its not working...please check it once...

  45. I would LOVE to have this tutorial! I hope it's not to late to make the request. Sadly, the link provided isn't working.

  46. As Becky, I'd love to get your tutorial. It doesn't come up when i click on the link. the pic is awesome!


  48. I really hope you will repost this tutorial at some point in the near future. The site you linked is dead.

  49. Wish the link to your tutorial was still good. I would love to see how this is done! It's beautiful.

  50. Is there anyway to see the tutorial referred to in this post? Please... :)
