
Friday, April 15, 2011

What I've Learned in Jane's Class

Okay,  so  far  I've  learned  2  things  from  Jane's  class.  The  first  thing  I've  learned  is  that  I  don't  like  sketching  with  charcoal.   I've  found  that  while  you  can  erase,  you  can't  erase  everything  completely  away,  which  is  great  to  obtain  lots  of  layers,  but  if  you  want  to  get  rid  of   something  completely (a  major  mistake)  you  really  can't,  even  with  a  kneaded  eraser.   But  I  really  like  the  look  of  charcoal  sketchings,  so  I'm  thinking  I  might  start  out  with  light  pencil  sketching  and  then  finishing  up  in  the  charcoal.

And  the  next  thing  I've  learned  is  that  I'm  not  that  crazy  about  trying  to  draw  real.  I'm  not  that  skilled  of  an  artist,  and  even  if  I  was,  I  don't  really  have  the  desire  for  it.   I've  always  been  attracted  to  art  that's  more  on  the  whimsy  side--you  know-- not  real---like  a  fun  movie,  or  a  fantasy  book,  or  a  dream.   So  no matter  how  much  I  try,  my  faces  keep  coming  back  to  what  appeals  to  me.

This  sketch  took  me  a  couple  of  hours to  do,  and  in  the  end,  I  pretty  much  ended  up  going  into  my own  style  of  sketching,  because  this  is  what  I  enjoy,  and  I  guess  that's  why  art  is  so  diverse.  What  makes  us  happy  is  what  comes  out  in  our  art,  it  can  be  anything  that  you  want  it  to  be,  and  it's  ALWAYS  right  because  it's  authentic.

So  this  next  sketch  took  me  about  15  minutes that  I  did  in  my  little  black  book,  and  it's  my  favorite--

No  measurements--not  perfect  features,  but  she  makes  me  happy!  : )

I'm  never  going  to  stop  practicing--I'm  always  drawing  faces,  but  I  want  to  move  on  in  Jane's  class  to  learn  her  face-painting  technique  and  mostly  the  collage  element  of  her  pieces  (she's  such  a  sharing  lady!)   I  have  so  little  time  right  now,  so  I'm  squeezing  in  her  class  off  and  on  when  I  can.

And  on  to  another  subject.   Now  that  the  weather  has  warmed  up,  or  at  least  trying  to,  I've  started  walking  again  (when  my  hip  allows  me--for  some  reason  I've  been  having  problems).  Well   anyway,  up  until  a  few  months  ago,  I've  used  my  trusty  CD  Walkman--I  know--time  to  get  into  the  21st  century,  so  I  bought  myself  a  Nano--I  feel  so  old.  My  son's  trying  to  show  me  all  of  the  options  and  features--he  was  trying  to  explain  to  me  about  a  Genius  list--silly  boy.   I  could  hardly  figure  out  how  to  get  to  my  downloaded  music--that  was  a  task  in  itself--just  doing  the  downloading.   It's  amazing  what  this  little  2 inch  piece  of  technology  can  do.


  1. Beautiful portrait,I really like it
    Have a nice weekend:)

  2. I love both of the portraits. I find that from every class I take, there is usually one piece of absolutely wonderful information that I can take with me and use in my own artwork. I'll bet you come up with many new ideas from this talented young lady.

  3. Well, you're more hip than I am, because I don't even know what a Nano is!! I like both of your portraits. I thought about taking her class, because I would love to learn how she does the collage on her paintings and the painting techniques--but I am like you-I like the more whimsical look. Watched survivor today--Phillip-what can I say and Boston Rob is just too funny with his little band of followers!!

  4. Diane I love both sketches but I am drawn to the second one for sure. Beautiful!! And like you said if it makes you happy that is what is important. I sketch mostly in graphite as I don't like charcoal too much either for similar reasons.

    I have been struggling with finding my own way as an artist and this post has inspired me!

    Hugs!! xo

  5. Lovely sketching, drawing, I hear your frustration...your faces have character!

  6. Diane, I just posted my picture from Jane's class, and I think its good to see what she has to offer and then find how you can work a bit of it into our own art : ) I'm like you when it comes to faces and will encourage you to continue making them your way : )

    Happy weekend to ya!

  7. Looking good! I hope to start the class drawing next weekend...just so busy that I cannot concentrate on the good stuff and give it the attention it deserves. Looks like it is going well for the rest of you !

  8. Diane...if it ain't broke, don't fix it...I like the faces you have been doing...just go with it. Use the bits from Jane's class that you can use. I'm taking the class too and I haven't gotten up the nerve to try charcoal yet. I like both faces here...the second one shows a lot of character.

  9. Hi Diane. Glad to hear you are walking. Half hour is good. That's what I'm trying to do. I love your sketch, it's great. Actually everythng you try or do comes out really good. You are every inch an artist. great job.

  10. I love all of these portraits, Diane- you have a definite style and I think it's great that you keep learning new things! You keep finding joy in what you do, in acquiring new skills, and in exploring and that is what art is all about.
    Your art always makes me happy! :)

  11. I'm right there with you, I prefer a whimsical face. Love your sketches Diane, just lovely. I haven't had time to check out Jane's videos yet, hopefully this weekend. Hope your hip feels better soon. You'll have the nano figured out in no time!
    your friend,

  12. I love your faces! LOL about your Nano. I finally broke down and got me an Ipod touch and I swear it took my 3 months to learn how to download my music. Genius - you gotta be kidding. OK, Survivor - once again eagle feather is into Stealth R us. Hysterical. And, Matt, was such a survivor "innocent" - he deserved to be sent back to the "farm" LOL. Have a great weekend. Oliver is visiting and we are getting ready to watch the Crazy Boys over on Ghost Adventures.

  13. The portrait is so pretty Diane! But I am with you...I prefer a more whimsical style when I paint or draw. I think there is beauty in all styles of art. Keep growing and have a beautiful weekend. :)

  14. Doing portraits is extremely difficult unless you are one of those rare individuals who have a natural talent for it. And so, the rest of us can do an abstract version and leave the realism to those who have the gift.

  15. Oh Diane - both of these are SO lovely! I like that you are managing to keep your style intact. That is what I try to do as well. Glad you are having fun with the class. That is so good that you are walking again. Take it nice and slow. This is such a great time of year to take walks. Theresa

  16. I so appreciated your post, finding our own way to adapt ideas and techniques is the only way to go. Knowing your own heart when it comes to art enlivens and enriches it all the more.
    You're ladies are beautiful,

  17. Какие красивые дамы!!! Особенно первая ОЧЕНЬ понравилась!!!ЗдОрово!

  18. I think your portrait is lovely but I must agree with you about the charcoal - I find it very difficult to work with and don't like the 'mess' lol! Her features are really pretty - I like her. Your second sketch is much more 'you' and is gorgeous.
    I love walking and now that the spring is here I'm getting to know the outdoors again. Ain't life grand!!
    Lesley x

  19. I love both of your sketches! For me when I take a class and find out something that is not for me I think thats a good thing because it brings me a step closer to finding my true authentic self and that sounds like what you did!

  20. Beautiful sketches, Diane! I'm too chicken to try faces...they're so intimidating, but you carry them out flawlessly! Great Job!

  21. Dear Diane- I love your OWN new faces- the first one is so ,so beautiful, she looks fairi and angel in one :)
    I think you are so right about, us making what lies in our soul- I try sometimes other faces on my dolls, too- but ends up with my original drawing--
    Hugs, to you-

  22. Loved the sketches you did. Fabulous. I'd have to agree with you about the charcoal. It's best used for grilling season! Cheers - Kathy

  23. I love both sketches. I am like you with art, I like the more whimsical also.

    You got a Nano? Wow are you brave! I am really entering the electronic gadget age kicking and screaming. My boys just laugh at me! And if I get one (tell me how it works out for you) I know I will have to have them teach me how to use it. I still need them when the remote control messes up.

  24. Diane I know what you mean about liking whimsical faces..Me too..Yours have a very unique style that make them so you...and I love this latest one with the heart necklace and long neck...beautiful.

  25. I truly love both of those faces!! There is always something to be learned from others, even if their style isn't exactly ours. I've learned that lesson over and over and over!

  26. the portraits are beautiful, diane! i agree...definitely let your own style shine through. although i haven't sketched using charcoal for ages, i do like working with it. i do find it very messy tho.

    poor you! i sure hope your hip feels better very soon. have you had an Xray or scan?

    btw, enjoy your music! while all my kids have an iPod in one form or another, i have no interest in getting one. my trusty mp3 player does everything i need it to do.

    have a lovely weekend,
    serena xo

  27. Great pieces - I agree with you about charcoal - use a no 2 pencil for my sketching, very lightly, and then move on with my pens and colored pencils. charcoal is tough unless you intend the finished piece to be in charcoal.

    I love you style and congrats on your Nano!


  28. Diane, pu-leeze do not try to bend yourself into a new style that doesn't feel authentic. Your own style is SO lovely and you are so talented to have that coming from inside you. It is lovely and fun to try on new things and learn new techniques but be true to yourself and do what you love!

  29. hello Diane,
    thank you for sharing about your class, if I was not taking 21 secrets I would be taking it. Seems perfect for where I am at right now. But one class at at a time for me. Still I love hearing about your experience. I love both of these ladies... I have been drawing with an ink brush. Same thing, no erasing. I kind of like it... i have to let it be and i have to see before I mark.
    Have fun walking.

  30. I can totally see you in both, but the second looked like it did come so much easier...flowed right out...

    Now that I'm taking online courses for the first time, I can see why you like to take strengthens bonds in our wonderful Art community, it is having a much needed laugh at ourselves...and is just an overall great excuse to play in a way you might not have tried before!

    If you ever offered classes, Diane...I'd be first in line to sprinkle some of your magic on my life for a while :)

    Can't wait to see more :D

  31. I am so interested in what you had to say, you said what I feel so well and have said it that way outloud. I need to talk to myself more and express things in a concrete way like you just did.
    I want that look that is somplace near to real,but not quite, mystical face, mystical places. All my life I have like things like that detail and not so detailed in the same work.

    Enjoyed this post of course and your work, yes your second face has a different look, so much fun for us to see when we work hard to have different looks.

  32. Very pretty Diane, I love the strong neck and the look on her face :o)

  33. These are both beautiful pieces. I love them both. I am with you. I know I can do real but to me it bores me. I would rather do something fun and whimsical. My parents where both artist. Talk about pressure. My father for the longest time did not GET my art. He now has learned to appreciate my quirkiness. My mother always encouraged me to do what make my heart sign. (And it was not realisium(???) Love your style girley. Keep doing what makes your heart sing!!

  34. Both of your sketches are beautiful Diane! I really like the heart on the 2nd one. I hope your hip feels better! xoxo

  35. You need to try it to find out if you like it or not. :) I'm with you on the real life sketches. I know I can do it beacuse I've tried it but it's just too damn irritating and not worth my nerves. :) I like the whimsy. It's relaxing and enjoyable. Keep true to yourself. And the ones you spend the least time working on it are usualy the best ones. :)

  36. Oh wow, Diane, I love these!!! Amazing!!!

  37. Both are beautiful Diane! I never liked charcoal myself, but you've done a great job with it!! love your style :)

  38. Two stunning pieces of art ;-) I want to be able to drew faces well and need to make time to practise.
    Anne xx

  39. These prtraits are WONDERFUL, Diane, LOVE them both! The first is delicate like a lovely china porcelain, the second, dreamy but strong and vibrant! Beautiful!
    Lots of love, Sanda xoxo

  40. I like both of these, but I really wish I had the gal's neck in the second image. I have NO neck, so hers would be perfect for me. And of course, I can understand why you prefer to do things the way you prefer, with the whimsy. It really IS you. I can't draw, but I sure admire what you make. And don't even suggest that it's all in my mind, because it's more that hand/eye coordination thing. That's why I'll admire what you make and appreciate anything and everything you do.

  41. I'm doing the charcoal portrait, too. While I am more realistic with my art, my portrait looks like something I did in 6th grade. I did buy a mirror this week and hope this will help a little. I don't know if I'll post it...arrggh.

  42. Your faces are wonderful, but I especially like the second one! You could tell you were lovely! And I'm like you... I need to move on into this century and get rid of my walkman, LOL!!! Hopefully soon!


  43. Beautiful portraits....both of them. Like you I like the fantasy ,whimsical look. I love drawing faces and I have learn a few things from every classes I have taken online.I am trying to do my own thing and not copy exactly what they are teaching.Not so easy to do = ).
    I know one thing for sure. I love drawing and painting and wish I had more time to devote to it and I am also grateful for all the online teachers nice enough to share their knowledges with us.

  44. Hi Diana, I don't know if you will even see this comment, as it might get lost among the huge number of them you got on this post! I am curious as to whether you were drawing from a model or photograph, or drawing a theoretical ideal face? The drawings look beautiful. THanks.

  45. You are way ahead of me in Jane's class. It's so hard to find time! I really like your sketches! I'm like you, I prefer whimsy, but it's great to learn different techniques and apply them to our style. And, I do love Jane's work! I'm so glad she's teaching this class!

  46. great the look in their for the nano I have that problem too it takes me ages to download anything..that is why I have still got a record player for all my battered LP records!
