
Saturday, June 4, 2011

A New Piece---Step by Step

I   haven't  done  this  in  a  while--taking  photos  of  my  work  in progress.   You  know  how  that  is--you  get  so  caught  up  in  the  process  that  you  don't  want  to  stop  with  your  camera.   But  this  time,  I  didn't  really  have  a  plan,  and  wasn't  sure  what  to  do  next,  so  I  took  my  time,  and  tried  not  to  worry  about  it  like  so  many  of  you  can  do.   So  here  it  is  one  step  at  a  time--

Started  with  dictionary  text  and  then  added  an  acrylic  color  wash.

And  then  I  stamped  on  ozo  paper  and  collaged  that  over  top---ozo  paper  is  a  transparent  paper,  but  it's  more  durable  than  tissue  paper,  so  as  you  can  see  the  other  layers  underneath  can  still be  seen.

Next  came  sewing  pattern  tissue  paper,  and  then  random  stenciling.

....added  some  more  color...and  now  what?? 
This  is  when  I  started  to  have  a  plan...

...and  started  playing  around  with  acrylics  and  my  oil  pastels--boy---I  really  love  my  oil  pastels!

And  then  this  is  when  my  little  art  piece  told  me  what  to  do  next--

......and  I  knew  that  these  2.....

....were  the  perfect  "pear"!

P.S.  Leo  update....not  going  as  well  as  I  thought  it  would  be.   For  one  thing  the  feeding  tube  isn't  working  like  it  should  be  (story  of  my  life)--back  to  the  vet's  next  week  when  he'll  be  there.   So  in  the  meantime,  it's  taking  me  FOR....EVER   to  get  the  liquid  down  the  tube,  and  I  know  that  my  daughter  who  was  going  to  watch  him  this  weekend  for  me  would  never  devote  this  much  time  to  him.   Remember--my  first  art  fair  of  the  season?--well  I  cancelled  it--I  know,  I'm  crazy--right?

P.S.  P.S.   I  have  been  visiting  everyone   but  on  certain  blogs  where  the  comment  section  is  on  the  same  page---I  still  can't  comment!!!!   Any  suggestions  on  how  to  fix  this?-- since  apparently  Blogger  doesn't  care.


  1. thanks of lot! Live your art very much!

  2. Diane...step by still couldn't keep up...smiles. Sorry bout heart goes out to u 4 your dedication. Continued blessings my friend.

  3. Hi Diane! This is the first time I've seen a step-by-step post in your blog. It's nice to learn how you are able to come up with those beautiful work of arts. :)

    I've experienced some glitches with Blogger a few weeks ago. I hope they will really fix them.

  4. Morning D:) So fun seeing your process! Learned about "ozo" paper today. Final piece is lovely and clever. Sorry Leo is not rebounding as quickly as we would all like. I hope the vet visit goes well and I'm sorry you had to cancel your first show. Good vibes to you and Leo:)

  5. You can tell you're a mom,with such dedication to Leo,only a mom would do what you did,cancel your show for a turtle well actually I don't even think most moms would do what you did. But you just have a big caring heart.I do hope he gets better. Keep us posted. I enjoyed seeing your process with the pears. Beautiful piece. Thanks for sharing. And I know blogger is getting frustrating,I still can't post on some blogs.

  6. Sorry to hear about Leo, I don't think you are silly for cancelling your art fair, I would do the same thing for my Daisy.

    I love your painting in progress, It is so fun to see the transitions.

    I was having the same problem. I had a wonderful tip from a blogger that if you uncheck the "keep me signed in" when it asked you to log in it will work and it did for me.

    Hope Leo (and you) have a good end to your weekend.

  7. I love this Diane! You are so good.

  8. Dear Diane,
    what a transformation- it is such a beautiful piece, and I loved to see the steps-to take it there- I also love the little sweet "pear"
    Have a lovely week-end, Diane

  9. I love the little birds! You are right - so perfect. I am obsessed with birds right now. :) I hope you have a beautiful weekend. xo

  10. what a blessing you are...both in your nurturing AND creativity! thank you much for sharing :)

  11. I always learn from other people's process. Like texting over your pears, that really added something special when you later added the paint. And I learned about a new kind of paper, ozo, got to see where I can buy that on line.
    Sorry to hear that things are not going well with the feeding tube for Leo. You've made quite a sacrifice to help this little guy, shows me you lead with your heart, love those heart people :-)

  12. Diane this is excellent. Beautiful work and I love how the painting told you what to do next. Did it also tell you that, it's supposed to go to Gloria? lol Tee hee. Just joshing. Great work.
    You have to uncheck the "keep me signed in" like Nelly says. Have a great weekend.

  13. Another master piece you have created! Wondered if you are going to be at any Rochester NY shows this summer ~ I am really hoping to add another one of your pieces to my collection!!! LOVE your work Diane!!

  14. Poor little Leo...sorry about your art fair, but I'm sure there will be plenty more of those, but there's only ONE Leo did the right thing.
    I love how you showed us this step by step of your art piece, it was really helpful. It turned out so lovely. Thank you for sharing it this way Diane! :-)

  15. I'm bookmarking this post so I can come back and look when I can see better!! It looks interesting!

  16. so sorry to hear about Leo. you are doing the right thing.

    your work is amazing as always. thanks for sharing the step by step. i think i may use the acrylic wash to color some of my text next time. do you use water or medium to make the wash?
    about the blogger problem . . . not sure what's going on, i have experienced the same thing . . . just hope that whatever they are doing, it will make it better in the end.
    take care of yourself (and Leo)

  17. This is wonderful! Love the step by step process. :) Sorry about your Leo. Hope you get him back to his health.

  18. Hi Diane,
    Step by Step.... is simply just beautiful....I love it,you are so talented.

    About blog comments, I can not post a comment on my blog and I have problem when signing in, they say "blog does not exist".It is very anoying at times.

  19. WOW Diane!!! Love this piece! Thank you for step-by-step post!

  20. So sorry to hear about little Leo. And, as the Mommy of a fur baby, I totally understand your canceling the show. There will be more shows, but there's only one Leo, and he needs his Mom right now.

    Thanks for showing all of the steps in your pretty piece, Diane. It's beautiful!!! And thanks for explaining the ozo paper -- I'd never heard of it before, but will be on the lookout.

    I'm sending lots of good vibes Leo's way and lots of Hugs to you. Terri xoxo

  21. Fantabulous step-by-step, Diane!

    Poor Leo...he is obviously a fighter so I pray he pulls through. I don't think it crazy to cancel the art fair at all....I would have done the same.

  22. I like how you stepped out this project. It is lovely. I DO like those oil pastels. They (the pears) were a great compliment to the piece. And like you, I still cannot post to a lot of blogs, either. It's apparently the same ones you are having trouble with.

    Sorry to hear about Leo. I believe we do whatever it takes for our family, regardless of anything else, including a paycheck.

  23. Hello Diane
    I only found you web site yesterday & I must say I am very inspired by all of your work. I quite like this new piece step by step. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Your Friend Elizabeth

  24. Such a beautiful piece! I love watching your process. I have never heard of ozo paper... but often wished that tissue paper were more durable. I will have to look for this ozo paper! Poor Leo. I sure hope the vet can help him!

  25. Diane, you have the most generous heart, not only for your dedication to nursing little Leo but also for sharing your process. I loved seeing how you built up the layers and wish I had more play time!
    I agree with Nelly and Gloria. I have better luck when I do not check the "keep me signed in" box. SO hoping Blogger get their act together pretty soon!

  26. Hello, this is my first visit to your blog, I am just thrilled to have found you. your work is beautiful. I love all those boxes you do. I am going to go check out your etsy shop,
    thank you for sharing your talent.

  27. Beautiful pear. I love the way you've used colour on this lovely piece. I'm having the same trouble commenting - its driving me nuts! pen x

  28. Great step by step! And a lovely result.
    I find that I can comment in Opera, but not in IE or FeedReader. Chrome works as well, I hear.
    Bye, Kitty

  29. Wonderful!
    Thank you so much for progress pics, love it:)

  30. Wow, Diane, your work is so astounding and I love this step by step--and I know it's a pain to do it! lol But, it was wonderful to see the process!

    I can't imagine having to use that feeding tube...You are an angel for doing all that and I hope Leo will be better soon!

  31. Hi Diane,
    Re the commenting on Blogger - I had the same problem then someone suggested I download Google Chrome as my browser and Hey Presto! everything hunky dory.
    Still thinking of you and LEo. Bless him! Such a shame you had to cancel your craft fair...I hope the vet has some more ideas next week.

    Thanks for sharing the process of this piece of art with us. I just love to see how people create! All those lovely layers. I haven't heard of ozo paper before - so off to investigate!

  32. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I really like this one...did you ever see my "perfect pears?"

  33. Just beautiful Diane! how are your shows doing?

  34. Hi Diane,
    Lovely seeing your step by step process of how you came to such a gorgeous piece. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, sending healing hugs to Leo~

    Ahhh, oh why did you cancel? I'm sure you have you're reasons. Blah

    Grrh, blogger is frustrating and I'm sick of signing in when I want to comment as well.
    I think they're hoping we get sick of it and leave them alone LOL
    Creative hugs,

  35. LOVE you art work, Diane, it is always so fun to watch your creation! Sorry Leo isn't doing better. Still will say a prayer and so sorry you had to cancel your first art festival venture. Hang in there.

  36. Diane, thank you for step-by-step pictures and explanaion! I tried to find information about ozo paper - no luck!
    Sorry to hear about Leo - wish him to get well soon? I am also crazy about my cats, can understand your cancelation!

  37. Love love love this, Diane! Thank you for sharing the process step-by-step. I am sorry that Leo isn't doing well, but he is truly a fighter. What a kind soul you are to cancel a show to care for him. That shows so much love in your heart and wasn't a crazy thing at all to do. I wish I could help you with Blogger. I haven't experienced any problems lately - wish I knew how to help!

  38. the steps are so fun to watch
    & you bare such beautiful fruit.
    (& how frustrating about the blogger comment thing! i'm not very techy & don't know about this..hugs to you!)

  39. Stunning piece Diane :-)
    No you're not crazy! Hope the visit to the vet is positive.
    Anne xx

  40. This is an amazing beautiful piece. I love the colors, the birds, the pear... everything!
    Hugs and blessings

  41. this is beautiful,, just stunning, I'm so glad I follow your blog,, very helpfu tutorial as well,, I've never done this ,, still don't know I can but sure love seeing you do it,,I love the richness of color,, the pears are beautiful,, you sound like you have so much fun doing this,I enjoy making my art as well ,,

  42. diane, of course your blog is the queen of all blogs!... this is true! you are destined for some good things!

    but also, oh lord.... what about bob? isnt bob just a young fella? omg diane! and leo, what an unusual revelation to discover about you. i pray for both of them. i surround them with love. forever may they love and play.

  43. Thanks for the step by step pics! I have old encyclopedias that our local thrift store has to throw away. I have been wondering what to do with you have given me some wonderful ideas! You are SO talented!

  44. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for popping in and I will be waiting for your arrival with a plate of scones in hand! :D
    Have no idea how to fix that problem either - been having that issue of not being able to leave a comment on certain mine one you have trouble with? Oh dear, I hope not - 2 big blog hops coming up soon... and no, Blogger doesn't care - they may have good products but customer service is non-existant!!!
    Beth P

  45. Oops, I love the new tutorial - your artwork is growin leaps and bounds my friend...:D

  46. nice to see this in stages..I just have to get mine done as fast as possible before the idea goes. thanks for your comment on my recent photos..hope Leo is slightly better today..looks like a long process..dont know how to help with blogger as both blogger and facebook have been acting daft lately!!!!

  47. Acrylic color wash is something new to me. Maybe I will try this out and play with some art!

  48. How to fix it. Sign yourself out of blogger. When you sign back in, remove the check mark from the "keep me signed in" box. You can now comment, but you must sign in each time and keep the check mark cleared.

  49. Love this!!! Those pears are just amazing!!

    I also would like to say thank you for sharing your page at each stage! I Love your style of art, I have occasionally attempted an art journal style Its hard to see the finished page when you just have an inky paper infront of you, expecially when you lack expierence like I do ...... so its lovely to see just how you have built it up! Hugs Juls

  50. Love the process!!!:O) Thanks for sharing:O) And poor Leo!!! saying prayers:O)

  51. How did I miss this!? I LOVE seeing your step-by-steps - I have learned so much from you this way. I still look at tin foil in a whole new way ;). Thanks for sharing your beautiful work! xoxo

  52. I love what you did with this project. Thanks for sharing your step by step process. So many times I look at something and wonder how it was created. Hope your little Leo gets recovers quickly. We have geckos, collared lizards and six redfoot tortoises. So I know how important our animals are to us.

  53. WOW! This is amazing; I so love wip's, and to see all your layers is so wonderful!

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