
Friday, October 28, 2011

Inspired Again....

And  this  time,  of  all things--the circus.   I  have  to  admit  that  I'm  not  that  big  of  a  circus  fan.   For  one  thing,  I'm  afraid  of  clowns--isn't  everyone??   But  Graphic  45  got  me  again  with  their  Le Cirque  papers--

I'm  such  a  big  fan  of  Graphic 45.    Everything  they  come  out  with  I  love.   And  in  the  meantime,  this  summer,  I  kept  finding  circusy-type  items  at  garage  sales  that  I  kept  picking  up--just  because---not  really  having  a  plan  for  them.

So  the  first  thing  I  did  was  take  a  regular  wood  shadowbox,  and  flip  it  over,  because  I  knew  that  it  wasn't  going  to  be  deep  enough  for  what  I  wanted  to  put  inside  of  it.

The  back  of  it  is  actually  the  glass  part.   I  just  covered  it  with  the  Graphic 45  paper.   And  then  I  added  the  knobs  on  top.   And  you  see  that  teeny-tiny  canvas (flipped  over).    My  plans  for  that  was  to  take  a  clown  that  I  found  this  summer  and  make  a  new  one!

The  canvas  is  her  "body".

And  then  my  little  assemblage  just  seemed  to  come  together  on  its  own--

It  was  easy  with  the  help  of  these  papers.  

And  then  I  took  one  of  my  cigar  boxes--

I  have  to  say--this  time  of  year  (for  Christmas  gifts),  I  can't  make  enough  of  these  boxes.   I'm  glad  that  people  like  them  as  much  as  I  like  to  make  them.

And  one  more  thing  that  I  wanted  to  mention.   I  want  to  thank  Ali  for  taking  the  time  to  put  this  e-book  together.   I'm  very  happy  to  be  a  part  of  this--
It's  free  and  downloadable  when  you  sign  up  for  her  newsletter  HERE.   Thanks  so  much  Ali! more thing--I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween .   This is a  BIG  day for us around here.  

Last year Michael Meyers came to our party!--hoping  he  can  come again!


  1. Beautiful art! And LOL on the clowns, yes, they are pretty scary ;-)

  2. Oh that's right. I remember seeing your scary party last year. The costumes were amazing.

    I love the circus box you created as well as the doll assemblage. You have an endless supply energy.

  3. create such brite & beautiful art! thank you much for sharing :)

  4. Oh beautifully done, that assemblage is wonderful and you know I love the boxes you create. I'm thinking circus is working for you as a new theme!
    The ebook is very insightful.
    Enjoy your halloween fun!

  5. Love the art boxes your creating, so magical, just want to look inside for that circus :)
    The man sure looks spooky for halloween,lol! We're not quite as creative in the uk.
    Have an awesome weekend :)

  6. I'm not a big circus fan myself,yes also afraid of clowns but these are fantastic,love the clown! Yours is not scary,lol.

  7. Diane, I love your creations! So beautiful. Thanks for the tip on the paper company, I have liked them on facebook, so I can remember to check them out next time I need paper. A major scrapbook store went out of business this year and I was wondering where to find cool paper besides Hobby Lobby and Michaels.

    And funny you should mention Michael Myers...we just watched Halloween while we were on vacation in Jackson Hole. Best Halloween movie ever.

  8. You are so effing good, Diane : )

  9. Diane i love circus clowns, and your clown assemblage is perfect! this could be a new avenue for you.

    congrats on the e-book. i'll check it out next.

  10. I love these boxes too. I know you sell them at shows, but do you sell them online? I would love to purchase one.

  11. Your clown canvas is so great! It really feels like I am at the circus when I look at her. I love your imagination!

  12. What an amazing circus piece! Love the box too! Happy Halloween!

  13. Diane I don't know how your head doesn't explode with all the wonderful ideas you have. I do not like the circus or clowns, either, but you took that and turned it into something wonderful. Wowza!

  14. I can understand why your boxes are so popular! They're beautiful, they're functional...they allow people to justify an art purchase by saying they can "use" it, too...

    Of course, all your creations are have such a wonderful imagination :)

    Happy Halloween to you, too!

  15. That is so cute! I love the cigar boy the most. :) I don't like regular circus either but not because of the clowns. Why would you be afraid of clowns?? :)))

  16. Diane,
    these are wonderful. i love how you try so many things. love that halloween door photo!
    I like Cirque de Souile (SP?), they are so talented and they don't use and abuse animals and they perform to live music - you might love them!

  17. I love Graphic 45 too, and you really made that circus stuff look so cool! I do enjoy the vintage feel to the images. That last photo looks too scary! I'm staying away from your house Monday night! LOL

  18. Both of these pieces are SO fun, Diane!!!! You did a lovely job!!!! :) Thanks for the e-book link and CONGRATS on being part of it!!!! That's really awesome. :) I KNOW you are looking forward to this weekend - Happy Halloween to you and yours!

  19. A group of girlfriends were talking about our disdain for clowns. Then I come to this post...freaky. Your redo is much prettier. Love the whimsical box. They will make amazing Christmas gifts!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Love the boxes and the paper:O) Scary pic of Mike standing in the door!!!!!!

  21. I just love all your work! You're so talented and inspiring.

  22. Oh! Congratulations on your interview! That's awesome! AND I LOVE your new pieces - that paper is great, but only this beautiful in your hands. Love the doll!
    Happy Halloween, xoxo

  23. your circus looking art looks great Diane! I like the circus ok, just not the crowds. The circus is always here for Thanksgiving holiday.

    I love the Michael Meyers! so creepy :) I hope you had a great Halloween!

    xx Jaime

  24. These are fantastic and so festive! Awesome job!~

  25. I love the (not so scary but pretty) clown shadowbox assemblage.. very cool!


  26. Gorgeous boxes and congrats on the ebook, I will check it out when time permits. Wish you busy times and lots of sales :)xxoxo

  27. I like the nostalgia of your circus piece, bringing the paper to life. Your boxes are amazing, I can see why people like them,so unique and detailed. Your Christmas recipients are very lucky!

  28. Diane, OH the doll box, is so fantastic- I can imagine they are sold at once- and your circus box- is wonderful and exploding with colours-you are gorgeous doing everything you think of .
