
Thursday, December 8, 2011

ETSY Sale!!

Now  that  my  shows  are  finished  for  the  year,  I've  been  able  to  put  some  items  in  my  much-neglected  Etsy  shop,  and  just  in  time  for  Christmas!   I'm  having  a  sale  from  now  until  the  end  of  the  year.   Everything  is  15%  off--just  remember  to  enter  the  code:  WINTERTIME

Everything  that  you  see  here  is  now  in  my  shop--

And  if  you  live  in  the  U.S.,  I'll  make  sure  to  ship  priority  before  Christmas.   I  sold  all  of  my  boxes,  but  I'm  going  to  try  to  squeeze  a  couple  in  by  next  week.   They're  great  Christmas  gifts.

And  also.....don't  forget  about  my  giveaway.  It's  right  below  this  post.  I'll  draw  the  winner  on  December  13.


  1. Hope you have time to enjoy the Holidays and all the fun. Beautiful pieces. Can see why your boxes go so fast, they're beautiful and can hold treasures :-)

  2. Enjoy the holidays Diane. Tomorrow I may be taking some time off after my PPF post. In case I don't see you, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. ::hugs:: Take care.

  3. congrats diane! i took a quick peek at your work on etsy and it is all terrific!
    love the circus doll piece.

  4. So much artsy goodness! I see the sun was scooped up already...heehee!

    I'll keep checking back in to see what you add :)

  5. I bet you're releived that your shows are over and now you can get on with the holidays. Good luck with your etsy sale!Looks like alot of great stuff you added.

  6. Wishing you a wonderful holiday. These are beautiful!

  7. each piece is wonderful Diane. so generous of you to offer a sale. Lovely Sunday to you.

  8. I'm SO excited to finally be able to own one of your pieces, Diane. I've always adored this Hippie Girl image. :) xoxo

  9. Beautiful items Diane! Good luck with your sale! I don't think I entered your giveaway...Have a great week!:)

  10. Gorgeous pieces! I'm sure you're sell out in no time. :) Wish you well!

  11. Hi dear, seems you are as bussy as I have been :) love your Etsy offerings. Much luck- and take care.I`m finished with the shows for this year, now!
    Congratulations to the winner of your fantastic giveaway.

  12. Wow...all of your pieces are so beautiful Diane as always! Thank you for your sweet visit...I would love to see your art collection! ; )
