
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Heart My Printer

I  really  do!   I've  talked  about  it  before--how  to  me,  it's  become  an  invaluable  art  supply  that  I  can't  do  without,  and  of  course  it's  companion  piece--my  computer.   (Well,  I  guess you  really  couldn't  use  a  printer  without  a  computer  :)   So  this  is  what  I  did  with  it  this  time--I  had  a  couple  of  sketched  faces  in  my  sketchbook  that  I  really  liked  and  wanted  to  use  in  my  art  somehow--

So  I  decided  to  print  them  out  on  some  vintage  book  pages--

.....added  some  paint  and  some  stamping--really  love  how  the  text  shows  through...

(and  I  love  the  serendipity  moments--if  you  look  under  the  word  beauty  and  above  the  bird  to  the  right,  you'll  see  the  word  artist : )

So  then  I  just  finished  them  up  on the  canvases  that  I  put  them  on  to  for  2  new  art  pieces--

And  then  I  used  some  more  images  of  my  art    from  my  previous  post--decreasing  their  size  on  my  computer  (something  I  didn't  have  a  clue  about  doing  just  5  years  ago) and  put  them  on  to  my newest  mirror--

And  aside  from  using  my  art  images,  I  also  used  various  scrapbook  papers  and ephemera.   So  here's  another  serendipity  moment--

I  used  an  old  ledger  page  too,  and  I  noticed  this  after  I  was all  finished--the  heading  on  the  top  reads  observations.   I  had  already  stamped  those  words  on  there  and  didn't  even  pay  attention  to  what  was  actually  on  the  paper--but  it's  perfect!


  1. They are stunning ,dear Diane, like old glass-paintings, with the black frames around every image - and the printing on old papers and you painting it after, gives a fantastic effect. I love my printer also, and have a lacer printer now,too- GREAT to have both ...
    Love what you have done here.

  2. Sometimes we get the most out of serendipity. The most surprises, the most enjoyment, and the most fun in sharing. Just like these wonderful surprises you found in your art today!

  3. Beautiful,all of them! Love your sketches!

  4. Diane these are beautiful! love the mirror idea too.

  5. Love it, Diane! I love your pretty girls with serene expression on their faces and I love how you make new art with your old art. :)

  6. i have begun to use prints of my faces in some of my art...i just printed a bunch and pasted them on canvas board and am going to paint them next weekend when i go on my "girls weekend at the lake" easy and fun.....yours are beautiful....i love doing faces.....

  7. This is awesome! I have never thought of that before! BUT I will scan the current sketches I have now before I paint them so that I can try it out! What a cool thing, thanks for sharing! xoxo

  8. Love them!!! Im glad you Love your printer we have not gotten there yet:( You do wonders with youres:O) Love the art:O)

  9. These all came together so perfectly. Such beautiful sketches to begin with but from there you really made the most of them. Love em

  10. I do just love that look of the text,I have not run that paper throught the printer, I hae fabric attatched to paper. I am so protective of the printer and the computer because as you say how does one get along without them.
    I love to make those headers I use for blog and FB.
    Your pieces are so pretty ad so right. I know how good this makes the artist feel.

  11. I love how you did this! Great idea! Love your creativity Diane!

  12. I don't like my printer and want a new one...but, I think I need to try this! :) I was just drawing and painting directly into an old book today. But, I always like trying something different.

  13. Your bottomless well of inspiration never fails to astound me, as well as your genorosity in sharing your ideas. I can't tell you how often I go to your blog looking for inspiration. What I make never looks like yours but it always starts the ideas bouncing around in my head. Thank you!

  14. Hi, Love your illustrations, are beautiful and very original, :)

  15. Beautiful work Diane! Now what kind of printer is it?

  16. Hi Diane! I'm without a printer right now and can't stand it! I love what you did with your beautiful faces:)
    Can I ask, what kind of printer do you have? I'm shopping for a new one.

  17. I think that must be your Muse's name, make a great team...haha!

    These are fabulous!
    I've never tried printing any of my work've inspired me!

    Of course, you always do :D

  18. I really love this idea and your examples are wonderful. Your sketches are great and the colours of your finished pieces look super.

  19. Beautiful! Can I ask, What do you use to attach the paper to the canvas so it doesn't buckle?

  20. GORGEOUS NEW DIRECTIONS that i am LOVING diane! xo

  21. Great idea printing straight from your sketch book onto different surfaces (I may have to try that...)I love your finished effect.

  22. Really very nice work Diane! Love how you used different photos of your work. Very creative. I'm learning how to do this, slowly but surely. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work as always. Have a great weekend.

  23. Thank you Diane! For your sweet comment and for letting me know about the other! xoxo

  24. Diane!! Wow!! I just love how every piece of your creativity is so original because you incorporate all your own artwork, and then make new artwork out of the old artwork! It's fascinating and wonderful!

  25. how wonderful that you are getting to use your art over and over.
    I have begun doing things with my older sketches as well, so fun and time saving. lovely Sunday to you~

  26. Love these! I love those serendipity moments!

  27. Diane your pieces are so beautiful as always, love them!

  28. Love this idea. How do you keep the ink from bleeding when adding paint? Thanks for sharing your talents.

  29. Great pieces! Reminds me I need to get my printer hooked up to my new computer.

  30. Wow, those really look amazing! The printed sketches came out really clear! Your printer is definitely working its magic on your art. Two thumbs up! Oh, and I don’t know if you’ll find any use for this, but I thought it’d be fun to let you know that there ARE printers that don’t need a computer! What they actually need are cameras. They connect to the cameras via cable or Bluetooth and print the pictures you take with a single press of a button! If you find one you like, you might be able to use it in your art as well!

  31. Your sketch looks so alive with colors! Like what Clinton said, your printer definitely did a good job in adding more life to your sketch! I hope to see more of your work.

  32. What you do with your printer are striking works of art, Diane! What printer are you using? You see, I’m having troubles with mine lately. I’m noticing reduced printing quality. It’s either faded or blurry. Sometimes it’s even slow. And we know it can eat up more ink.
