
Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer of Color 2012

It's  here   again--the  Summer  of  Color  hosted by  Kristin  of  Twinkle  Twinkle.   I  had  so  much  fun  with  this  weekly  color  prompt  challenge  last  year,  and  I'm  so  glad  that  she  decided  to  do  it  again.   And  this  year  it's  all  about  ice  cream--like  for   instance,  the  color  this  week  is  rainbow  sherbet---the  flavors  of  raspberry  and  orange  with  a  little  lemon  thrown  into  the  mix--very  very  yummy!

And  I  knew  that  I  wanted  to  work  with  papers  for  this  one,  but  I  didn't  have  a  lot  in  these  colors,  so  I  just  had  to  paint  some.....

....if  you've  never  done  this  before--try  it--it's  a  great  way  to  try  different  techniques,  and  if  you  really  don't  like  what  you've  done,  toss  it  (but  don't,  because  any  painted paper  cut  up  for  collage  always  looks  cool).

Okay,  I  decided  to  use  these  for  the  same  type  of  project  that  I  started  out  with  last  year--a  box  of  course.

If  you've  never  been  here  before---this  is  one  of  my  loves--boxes,  and  if  you  have  been  here  before,  then  you  already  know  this.   My  favorite  part  is  adding  all  of  the  details..

I  always  think  of  the  lid  as  a  separate  piece  of  art,  like  a  canvas--you  know,  something  that  could  be  hung  on  a  wall.    And  I  never  forget  about  the  inside  of  it  either....

But  this  year,  I  thought,  Hey--why  stop  at  just  one  box---I'll  make  another  one!

I   really  love  this  color  combo,  and  one  that  I  rarely  use,  but  thanks  to  Kristin,  I  will.   This  is  why  I  like  these  weekly  color  prompts--you'll  discover  so  much  more  when  you  restrict  yourself  to  colors  that  sometimes  you  never  would  have  considered,  which  usually  end  up  being  part  of  your  permanent  color  palette.

And  it's  not  too  late  for  you  to  join  in.   Just  visit  Kristin's   blog  HERE  where  she  explains  everything.   And  while  you're  there,  check  out  all  of  the  different  art  from  all  of   the  other    artists  that  are  joining  in.   And  oh  yeah,  if  you  do  participate,  Kristin  always  has  a  VERY  impressive  giveaway  each  week  too.   

Thank  you  Kristin  for  adding  more  color  to  my  summer!

And  since  you're  here,  I  have  one  more  sweet  treat  to  show  you...  grandaughter  Zoie!   She  just  turned  2  months  old   and  I  could  just  eat  her  up!!  (she  smells  good  too  : )


  1. What a gorgeous baby Diane!!!! I have been to visit you so many times but still love to see your love boxes. Great colour combination isn't it? I had lots of fun with this one too.

  2. I love practicle art the most. Who says boxes have to be boring!!!
    Gorgous grandbaby as well
    x x x

  3. have achieved so much ...those boxes are gorgeous...oh...and your granddaughter is

  4. WOW you have gone bonkers creating stuff - well done you. BJ

  5. Of course your grand daughter 'steals the show' ~ She is beautiful! ^_^

    Your boxes are exquisite creations ~ ~ enjoy the day ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. you did some awesome work with the colors...and your Granddaughter is gorgeous!

  7. You are right. Zoie looks like the yummiest little morsel in the world! Bet you love cuddling her.

    Your ice cream palette is yummy looking too. Love how you use them in your wonderful boxes!

  8. she would look cute in a pixie outfit. She is so cute.

  9. Gorgeous Boxes and adorable grandson!!

  10. Love the color combo!! and what a sweet baby!!

  11. Love your little boxes...and your grandbaby is an angel...glad to have found your blog!

  12. Those boxes are lovely - but not so beautiful as the baby!!! LOL

  13. Your papers are so rich and vibrant! I love them - then what you used them for blows my mind- those boxes are phenomenal!!!

  14. She is adorable!!!!:O) Too cute. Love the color combo my fav colors, just love how you make your papers, so talented:O)

  15. I just LOVE your collage papers - they have turned out beautifully and I also love your boxes - they are just stunning - I've had to join your blog so I can pop back often and see what you're up to!

  16. Ever since I was little I have LOVED boxes, and yours are beautiful!! Zoie is so precious :)

  17. oooo fisrt box ive seen in sherbet colours! lovely!!! and so is your grand daughter!!

  18. I love the colors and your boxes turned out so lovely! What a cutie little Zoie is!

  19. first: kisses to you and zoie, precious!
    second: i am munching on your papers...they are FUNDERFUL and HAPPILICIOUS! lOVE IT ALL DIANE, and the little bird sets my heart aloft! xo

  20. The boxes are gorgeous! I am stunned! :)

  21. I love creating journal bachgrounds, it's so therapeutic. Your pages are really cool, love the colours, and the boxes, well, they are just awesome, and Zoie is the cutest! Michelle x

  22. Oh. My. Goodness!! Your boxes are beautiful - you had me with the painted backgrounds!!

    Zoie is super cute :o)

  23. You are an unbelievable artist and I love all you do!

  24. Beautiful boxes- I like your style!

  25. What a beautiful granddaughter! You almost make me want to quit watching TV and get busy !

  26. Love your boxes and your adventure into a new color palet. It is always so inspiring to see your work.
    Wasn't it WC Fields who said something about never working with cute babies or animals because they would upstage you every time - LOL! She is adorable!

  27. your granddaughter is just gorgeous... they are delicious at that age aren't they and those pages are fab... I want to steal them all and have a play... loved looking at those boxes and am soooo glad to have found you through Summer of Colour...excited about what you will be making next..xx

  28. She has to be the PRETTIEST baby I've ever seen! Just gorgeous, and so are your boxes - I've only recently learned to love pink and orange, and now can't imagine why I didn't like the combination before???

  29. I would love to play along this year. I watched in delight as you showed each color last year. My only problem is, I have nothing concrete to show after I make a background. I've had no initiative to make art for over a month and when I try, everything falls flat. I love your boxes, but I mostly LOVE your papers. They are simply adorable.

    BTW, you have a delightful grandie.

  30. Oh my cuteness!! Your Zoie is pure sweetness. I could just stare at babies all day long. :) Your boxes are beautiful. I love the way these colors compliment your creative artwork. LOVE it! Looking forward to mint chocolate chip!!

  31. Love the boxes! What a fun substrate to work with, so many possibilities...

  32. Gorgeous boxes, love your painted pages too but my favorite is your beautiful granddaughter. Grandkids are definitely grand.

  33. I adore your boxes - and your granddaughter!

  34. Well. That's me completely turned to mush at the end of your post! What a gorgeous photo and a cheeky smile :)

    Your boxes are amazing - even more so for the totally unique papers. Fabulous stuff!

  35. Love those papers! Very yummy! :) Great box!

  36. What an adorable babyyyy!!
    I love your boxes, Diane, and the way you use those beautiful papers!

  37. You are so lucky to have Zoie in your life now Diane!
    Your boxes are fantastic, and I think I love that color combo too, and how you do the insides!

  38. Loving your gorgeous box for the SOC and your grand-daughter is so gorgeous, x

  39. Love the boxes and that baby is oh so cute!!

  40. these are gorgeous. such amazing attention to detail both inside and out. i am definitely going to give this a try. thanks for the inspiration!

  41. wow what wonderful boxes you have created with week 1 of the SOC 2 prompt.
    I love these boxes and the detailing is incredible. Do you keep them all or do you give them away. You have a great eye for colour detain.
    Take care, Lesley♥

  42. Diane, so much I have been so out of blog, that darling Zoie, so cute and huggable. The tower site, the best photo I have seen to get a real good look. YOur finds how much I like to see that, love those tin jello molds and how you use them so clever. and of course your work is just right to draw the eye. thanks for such a good time. I know you're thinking shows.

  43. I just knew you were going to blow me away again this year. did!

  44. What a cutie and what beautiful artwork.

  45. Box is gorgeous and so is baby. Can I have her? ;)

  46. Oh Wow! Your rainbow sherbert boxes are fabulous!!... looking forward to your week 2 now!!
    Jan x

  47. your granddaughter is so dear!
    + your boxes, treasure!
    you are rich, friend. xo

  48. Gorgeous boxes, as always, and an even more gorgeous granddaughter. You must be so proud.

  49. What a sweetie pie! Visions of you and her playing with paint someday:)
    Love the color combo and your yummy creations! Wonderful touches throughout.

  50. Aww she is adorable... the boxes are beautiful.. love them...

  51. ahhhhh, Zoie is a sweet beauty indeed, you made me want to smell her ;-)
    i remember, my son smelled good too, that amazing baby scent

    your boxes are beautiful Diane, beautiful.

  52. Beaatiful work and what a gorgeous grand daughter;o)

  53. Beautiful boxes you have made and I love these colors. So sunny and bright. Beautiful work on your blog. Fantastic.
    Lovely greet

  54. Wow, wow, wow Diana! These are some of my favorite colors and you've made gorgeous papers and boxes! Boy do I covet these, tee hee.
    Jessi xox

  55. Oh Diane, what a special little sweet treasure- isen`t it the best to be grandmother ?
    And your boxes are so wonderful- you used such a wonderful palette of beautiful colours,dear.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  56. Your grand daughter is so cute.... please resist eating!!!!

    I love your boxes.... I love this colour combination ... it makes me feel happy :)

  57. O wow! these boxes are absolutely gorgeous!
