
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Whimsy Houses

I've  been  Super  Busy  these last  couple  of  weeks  with  my  art  show.   It's  going  into  it's  3  weekend--wow!  that  went  fast--it  takes  months  to  get  ready  for  these  types  of  shows,  and  before  you  know  it,  it's  almost  over.  I'll  be  sad  to  see  this  weekend  come  to  an  end--it's  such  a  fun  show,  and  it's  been  good  to  me--almost  too  good.   I'm  running  out  of  art,  and  this  is  when  I  get  a  little  nervous.   So  I've  been  making  lots,  and  this  week  I  got  an  idea.  My  husband  had  these  pieces  of  wood  in  the  garage,  and  asked  if  I  wanted  to  use  them,  and  of  course  I  said  yes,  but  I  had  him  cut  them  into  house  shapes....
...and  then  I  started  to  get  my  ideas...
.....and  one  idea  always  leads  to  another....
...a  very  fun  way  to  use  up  those  old  wood  pieces  that  you  have (or  even  the  new  ones).
I'll  be  taking  these  with  me  this  weekend--maybe  they'll  find  their  home,  but  it  won't  bother  me  if  they  don't--I  like  looking  at  them--they  inspire  me  to  make  even  more!
And  this  is  such  a  fun  and  unique  show--for  instance--a  sight  in  the  field  right  across  from  my  booth....
They  inflate  it  each  day  of  the  festival  at  5:00  sharp,  and  then  someone  gets  to  go  for  a  ride--very  fun!


  1. Diane this is great. What a beautiful houses you have made fron the wood of your husband. Marvelous work, love it.
    Lovely greet

  2. Diane, your little houses are just plain COOL! You have such a way with wood. These would make really cute Christmas gifts.

  3. One of my dear friends, gave me your link...(hello Marja :-)) and I'm so glad with that...your artwork is amazing Diane! So many amazing creations, you're very talented...and I love to follow your blog from now on!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  4. I absolutely love those little houses. so creative.

  5. Okay now that's a way to wrap up art fairs, with little art left! You are the Queen of great ideas and your little houses add to the list of fun, unique creations.

  6. Oh wow Diane!! How very ingenious of you. My goodness, now you have me thinking and wanting to make little house too, little crooked houses would be fun. Nicely done, I applaud you. ::clap::clap:: :) Have a great rest of the week Diane and sell, sell, sell!

  7. I love how your inspirations works, so creative of you! For some reason i think these would make gorgeous clocks too...wishing you a wonderful time at the show!

  8. Ohhh, I just love those whimsy houses. So cute. I am thinking that they will find new homes this weekend !! Have fun! :)

  9. I'll bet you sell everyone of those little houses! You know how they say some people wear their heart on their sleeve? Well dear thats where you wear your imagination! Hugs! deb

  10. these are gorgeous little hourses, Diane, love them

  11. I just love these little houses. I was wondering what paint you used. Is it acrylic?

  12. I love what you've done with your little houses Diane! The owls are very precious indeed. Glad to hear you're having fun at the show, and that balloon is just the greatest idea.

  13. It's no wonder why your art is selling out. It's so pretty and so fun and to top it off useful for hanging things too!

  14. Love the houses! The one with the owls and rulers is my fave!

  15. Adorable Houses. Safe Travels and Terrific Sales...

  16. Love love the eyes on those hootie owls! Sounds like you are making money and having lots of fun at the same time - doesn't get any better that that!

  17. Love your houses. What a great mixed media piece. Those owls are a HOOT!
    Good luck with your show, yes all that work then it comes to an end really fast. Happy Fall,

  18. I'm really into houses, and these assemblages are truly adorable. I especially like the Coffee House, since I'm a huge coffee fan. I have some of that same lumber. I really, really must try something, although I can't draw, so I'll have to figure out a way to make something more my style. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Went to the Yankee Peddler web site. Looks like a fun show. I can see why you do so well there. Your art is fabulous for this event. Good luck with this final weekend. At least you don't have to bring back too much product.

  19. Hi Diane! Always love your beautiful artwork. I have some wood pieces cut up from a moving crate we had that I plan to paint, collage or whatever. I have to admit, when I'm ready I will be looking again at your work for inspiration!

  20. I'm so glad to hear you are having a great show!! Not a bad reason to need to create more pieces...haha!

    These houses are adorable! Love the hooks, too....makes them practical and beautiful at the same time :)

    Hope they all find new homes this weekend!

  21. These really caught my eye, so much so that I shared it on Google+ so hopefully lots of other people will see how beautiful they are.

    Especially love the owls and the coffee house (and I hate coffee!) Maybe you could make a tea house next time!

  22. So glad to hear you are having great success. Those wood houses are beautiful. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  23. I adore your little houses!!!! I just bought some blank wooden houses off Etsy. You have totally inspired me, now I can't wait for them to come. Gorgeous!

  24. Love the house shapes Diane - can see why you're eager to make more! Isn't it wonderful how something so simple can spark inspiration?

  25. Love these houses. My husband's cousin is a carpenter and he stopped in the other day and guess what, he has extra pieces of wood perfect size for me to make some of these. Mine will not be as professional looking as yours, but I think my daughters will enjoy having one made by mom! Thanks for the inspiration, once again!

  26. I tried to send you an email asking you to check out my blog with a house I made which was inspired by your houses....totally different then yours of course. So, thank you for the inspiration and to see what I made, feel free to go to by blog:

  27. Diane,
    your houses are such little magic pieces, I love them all, but mostly the one with the butterfly- in rosa tones :-)
    I`m sure they will very quickly run away from your booth.

  28. Oh Diane, your houses are fabulous creations. All your art works are inspiring every time!
    Hugs Anja
