
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Playing With Canvases and Backgrounds

I'm  getting  busy  again--I  have  one  more  show  at  the  end  of  November,  so  lots  going  on  around  here.    This  time  I  decided  to  play  on  canvases--much  like  you would   on  a  journal  page  or  in  my  case---normally  when  I'm  painting  papers--

......just  playing  around  with  layers  of  paints  and  stencils  and  adding  texture  until  I  was  happy  with  the  results,  and  then  using  the  backgrounds  for  the  main  design  of  each  piece--
There's  lots  of  layers  on  these  pieces--which  would  have  freaked  me  out  just  a  year  ago--but  you  know  how  everyone  says--that  you  can  fix  anything  when  making  art--it  really  is  true!!  (just  keep  going  and  don't  stop  until  you  like  it)
And  a  P.S.  here--I  liked  that  last  piece so  much  that  I  went  a  little  further  with  it--
I  cropped  a  photo  of  it  and  printed  them  out  on  my  computer  to  put  on  these  really  popular  6x6  canvases  that  I  make.   
I  really  enjoy  making  art  like  this--once  I  get  through  the  "ugly"  part  of  the  canvases--I  always  end  up  liking  the  end  results--try  it!!


  1. Diane, I can't tell you how I envy the fact that you have figured out how to get past the ugly part! I just get so frustrated.
    I really like that effect you got on the border below the apple.

  2. You are always so inspiring! Every time I look at your work, I want to drop what I'm doing and go play with paint:) I've been really intrigued with your talk of moldable foam stamps over on facebook.

  3. I liked your advise about keep doing and doing until you love it. My granddaughter is 10 and she has always loved art, wants to be an artist but now she is at the age where she is criticizing her work too much. I gave her the same advice just last night. Her mother put her on the phone to talk to me because she is painting on every paper in the house but won't paint on her canvases she got for her birthday in April. Happily after talking to her granny she did paint on one of them. I think I will send her to your website to see your beautiful work with all of your beautiful layers!

  4. Wow...these creations are so nice!! Lots of creativity to see and admire Diane!!!
    Thanks for sharing with us...

    Have a nice Sunday, Alie :-)

  5. I adore your houses. They speak to me. I especially like how you carried one house around the side. Very creative and fun. I need to learn to keep going. I think I must stop too soon.

  6. I always enjoy seeing how you create Diane. Each piece is wonderful! wishing you a fabulous show!

  7. Your work is utterly inspiring! I can't seem to tire of looking at it. I think it is a brilliant plan to make the background the "foreground" of the design image and then work backward to transform the background into something else! fabulous!

  8. I picture you eating, watching tv, listening to audio books......everything, whilst still playing in your studio! You are such a busy bee...all the creating you get done is amazing :D

  9. Pushing through led to some beautiful results!

  10. Everything you do is beautiful...

  11. Love your work and I have one question.
    What kind of paper to you copy your paintings on which allows you to glue them to another surface?

  12. I really love the FREEDOM of how you paint, and the fact that you have to get past the ugly!! More power to your elbow!

  13. Hermoso... me gusta como todo queda enmarcado en negro!!!
