
Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Etsy Shop is Open (and some other ramblings)

It's  not  like  I've  closed  my  Etsy  shop  or  anything,  but  it's  been  pretty  much  neglected  since  July.   But  now  that  my show  season  is  over  with,  I  can   take  time  to  do  other  things  like  actually  clean  my  house,  maybe  cook  a  meal,  and  list  items  in  my  Etsy  store. 
My  show  from  last  weekend  wasn't  the  most  profitable,  but  it  was  very  enjoyable,  and  I  love  being  a  part  of  it--a  very  good  quality  art  show---I'm  hoping  to  go  back  next  year.  But  in  the  end,  I  did  have  art  pieces  left,  and  if  you  want  to  take  a  look,  you  can  find  them  HERE.....and  here  they  are  all  together....
These  are  all  listed  in  my  Etsy  shop.
So  this  week  I'm  still  in  the  art-making  mode  for  customers---I  have  a  fairly  large order  from  2  lady  friends  that  ordered  some  pieces  from  me  a  couple  of  months  ago--and  that's  what  I've  been  doing  this  week--
.....need  to  be  shipped  by  next  Monday----I  met  these  2  ladies  this  year,  and  they  have  been  some  of  my  best  customers---and  I  appreciate  how  much  they  appreciate  my  art--I  make  them  smile,  and  they  make  me  smile.   This  is  one  of  the  reasons  that  I  like  getting  out  and  doing  these  shows--the  great  people  that  I  meet,  along  with  exceptional  fellow  artists!
But  I'm  also  taking  time  for  my  gift.   I  read  Pam  Carriker's  post  at  the  Sketchbook  Challenge  all  about  gift  giving  and  what  you  can  do  for  yourself  during  this  hectic  time  of  year---taking  time  to  do  whatever  you  enjoy  most--even  if  it's  just  for  10  minutes  a  day.   And  what  relaxes  me   is  sketching  faces--
I  love  sketching  just  for  the  sake  of  sketching.   You  can  read  Pam's  full  article  HERE. 
And  one  more  thing---I  have  lots  more  time  for  this  little  sweetie--
Zoie!!    She  turned  8  months  old  this  week,  and  every  time  I  see  her,  she  seems  to  have  grown  even  more.   It's  fun  being  a  Grandma!!


  1. Diane this is fantastic,I love it all. And your portrait is fantastic, so much expressions in her face. And than your little one, so sweet eand lovely. Indeed it is great to be a grandma!.
    Lovely greet

  2. wonderful art, as usual and that grandbaby is adorable.....such squeeze-able cheeks..... ;)

  3. Your Etsy shop will be brimming full of great gift items. The sketch is great. Hope you paint her. Also, baby Zoie is precious...Sorry not to have been here for so long. Missed seeing your artwork and hearing about your life. I've been busy trying to sell from my own blog. If you put time in, sometimes it happens!

  4. Glad to see you Diane-darling baby!

  5. Adorable baby girl and that is such a FUN age!

  6. Fabulous art ... right up my alley. And, what a cutie and love her name.
    Happy to have found your blog and have favorited you at etsy.

    Happiness always,

  7. Your artwork looks great Diane!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  8. What a little sweetie your Zoe is, being a Grandparent is the best! Still sounds like your a still a busy lady! Take Care!

  9. Love the sketches and I agree take time for you and enjoy that adorable grandbaby:O) Too cute

  10. Beautiful work and what a great grandchild;o)
