
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Collaging and Assembling

That's  what  I've  been  up  to  this  past  week  with  a  couple  of  art  shows  thrown  in.   I've  been  in  2  so  far--both  good  (this  last  weekend  we  had  a  small  'issue'  with  the  weather,  but  it  didn't  stop  us  or  the  people  from  coming  out!)
So  just  a  quick  post  to  show  you  my  latest  work--
using  some  of  my  sketched  faces  for  these  collages--
And  having  some  fun  with  these  cupboard  doors  that  I  recently  found  at  a  garage  sale--
And  look  what  I  did  in  this  sewing  machine  table  drawer!
VERY  fun  to  do!
And  now  back  to  work--I  have  2  more  shows  (this  weekend  and  the  next),  and  then  I  have  a  little  break--I  was  prepared though--I've  been  making  art  all  winter,  and  it's  great  getting  out with  my  art  and  talking  (and  getting  feedback)  with  people--no  matter  what  Mother  Nature  decides  to  bring  us!


  1. wow Diane, they are all totally stunning pieces, oooh yes, love them all, Annette x

  2. Very lovely all of them!! I love your art! xxx Marianne

  3. I just love those angels in the cupboard doors. Wow! You keep coming up with fabulous ideas Diane. Glad shows are doing well..that's a good sign.

  4. Love the sewing machine draw...they are all wonderful

  5. Busy restocking those shelves! Glad you are having fun and success with the art shows. More beautiful works for people to snap up!

  6. Love, love, love all of these. If I had the talent to makes these I think I would find it hard to part with them! They are awesome.

  7. I am totally impressed by your works. You are a great artist!

  8. Wow! Amazing, Diane!
    You have such an eye for this!

  9. is it any wonder your doing shows these are beautiful. Dxx
