
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Funky Village for 2017--Step by Step

Not  quite  the  new  year  yet--but  almost.  Had  a  great  Christmas  with  all  of  my  family--really  fun  with  everyone  being  together  all  at  once--that  doesn't  happen  much  as  they  get  older--so  it  was  the  best  Christmas  gift.  In  between  all  of  this  celebrating,  I've  been  sneaking  away  to  my  art  room  and  playing.  My  favorite  way  to  relax (and  you  know  this  if  you're  a  frequent  visitor)  is  painting  papers.   This  time  I  got  out  my  alcohol  inks  and  yupo  paper  

I  found  this  tutorial  on  you tube  by  Mary Beth Shaw for  Stencil Girl Products--really  fun  and  very  easy  to  do.  

 Here's  the  link:

I  also  played  with  my  new  Gel Press plate
and  110lb cardstock  paper


Next--made  some  textured  papers--

...with  gel  medium  and  stencils (and the  110lb  cardstock  paper  again)

So this was  my  color  palette  that  I  ended  up  with--

...and  I  decided  to  use  a  9 x 12 deep-edge  birch  cradle  board--my  favorite  substrate  to  work  on

Next  step  for  me  is  just  as  much  fun  as  the  first  one--  first  layer  of  papers (my  background)--mosaic  style.  I  like  to  leave spaces  in  between  the  different  papers, so  I  can  fill it  in  later  with  my  black  pitt  pen
 (like grout in between mosaic tiles)

My  next  layer  is  when  I  added  my  main  theme,  houses  in  this  case--

.....and  then  my  'grouting'  with  my  pitt  pen--along  with  some  stamped  words  here  and  there

After I  sealed  it  with  gloss  varnish,  I  added  some  embellishments  for  further  dimension--

All  finished--

and  now  in  my  Etsy shop.   I  really  enjoy  making  this  mosaic-type  of  art  and  hope  this  funky  little  village  finds  a  new  home.  You  can  find  it  HERE  in  my  shop.

I  hope  you  all have  a  very  happy  2017!!


  1. Love it. So nice of you to share your process with us 'want-to-do-this-some-day' types!

  2. It's really beautiful. I love how the combination of play and strategy, since in art I get overwhelmed both by too many rules and too much liberty.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the vibrant colours! Happy New Year! :)

  4. Wow what an amazing technique and a stunning finished page - fabulous colours

    Its great to be back in the blogging world

    A very Happy and Healthy New year to you

    xx Hilda
