
Friday, July 23, 2010

A New Art Piece I Made

So  I  started  out  with  this  cupboard  door  with  a  glass  insert   that  I  had.   I  originally  had  2--the  first  one  I  showed  everyone   here.  Here's  the  door  before  I  had  done  anything  to  it--


On  the glass,  I  collaged  papers  onto  it  so  I  could  have  a  painting  surface.  But   these  papers  are  so great,  that I'm  using them  as  part  of  the  design.. I  bought  a  scrapbook  paper  pad  made by
K & Co.  I  love  this  company--everything  that  they  make--I   could  represent  them!   This  pad   is   filled  with  butterflies  and birds.  Some  are  slightly  embossed  and some  of  the papers  have a  touch of metallic  in  them.  So  here's  the  background  that  I  chose--

Beautiful  paper--the wings  of  the  butterflies  are  metallic  bronze.  So  what  did  I  do  with  it?  Well,  as  promised,  I made  another  flower  child--

My   Hippie   girl  needed  a  friend!   I'm  very  happy  with her.  I used  some Lumiere paints on her,  and   also  Byzantia by Stewart Gill.   I   found  out  about  the  Byzanita  paint  from  Suzi Blu's class--it's  great  paint.  And  I  purchased  it  from  The  Artist Cellar .  This  is  a  new  online  store  started  by Lisa  at  Random   Veracity .   She's offering  some great products   and  the  service  is excellent.  I received  my  order within  a  few days  of placing my order.  So  Lisa,  if  you're  reading  this--Thank You--I'll  be  back.  This is  one  of  the  reasons  that  I'm  so  glad  that  I  started  a  blog.  I  found out   about  this  store  from  Janet--another blogging  friend  whom  I  never  would  have met  otherwise.  If  we  lived  closer  to  each  other,  we'd  be  having  play dates  together--no  question!

So  here's  the  finished  piece  in  it's  "frame". 

You  can't  see  it  in  the photo,  but  the piece  has  a soft  shimmery  look--that's  why  I   like  these 2  paints--they have a  subtle  shimmer  when dry.

I  also  made  another box  with  my  new  papers.

I   found  this  great  metal  butterfly  knob  for  the top.  I  just  painted  it  to  match  the box.  I  really  do enjoy  making  these  boxes!

And  on  another  subject,  but  still  related  to  art.  Is  anyone  watching  Bravo's  Work  of  Art?!?!  (remember   you  can  also  watch  it  on  And  if  you  are  watching  it--what  do you  think  of  Miles,  the  "tortured  artist",  or  how  about  the  tight-fitting  clad  Jacqueline,  who  complains  about   men  leering  at  her  all  the time--Love  this   show!


  1. Love your new pieces! Don't you just love the Stuart Byzantia paints!!!!! Funny that you mention the Work of Art....I just caught up with my saved episodes on my DVR....Jacqueline irritates me....this was the first episode that she wasn't shooting naked pictures of herself..LOL

  2. Love love love this hippie girl! And the box too... I haven't watched it. I keep meaning to, but always seem to miss it. Maybe I'll go to Hulu and watch it.

  3. Diane, your art is just so beautiful. Sometimes I am just speechless. :) I have one jar of Byzantia paint - a nice purple. I use it for eyes. Per Suzi...LOL I LOVE Work of Art - thank you for mentioning it in the first place. I happen to like Miles - he amuses me. I really like Abdi and Nicole. I'm not fond of Jaclyn, but she is talented. I'm always inspired after watching each episode. For the most part, I'd agreed with each artist departure - including this week's. It's going to be interesting to see who makes it to the final two (if that's how they're planning to do it). Have a great weekend! Theresa

  4. I really liked waht you did with the cupboard door. Great work. I have to check these paints you are talkinga about, thanks for sharing. Great work Diane!

  5. O.K. Diane, I am seriously freaking out over this hippie girl. Is she for sale? I'm serious, she is the most beautiful piece of art and she is so me it's not even funny. WOW!!!!! If she is for sale would you mind emailing me details because I might just have to have her. Stunning work, this is my fave for sure!!!

  6. oooh la la! i love your fantastic creations! well done, my friend!

    keep on creating!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  7. Diane I love the new piece...Hippy girl is great. The box is phenomenal!!! I didn't get to see work of art this week, my cable w went schizo with the golf channel on every other station. Strange! Didn't start working right again until the show was over. Thanks for reminding me about Hulu. I was so mad because I'm addicted to the show.

  8. I couldn't believe it when I opened your post to see that you were working on old cupboard doors...I have more than several from when we redid our kitchen and I just couldn't get rid of those doors but didn't know what to do....Well you have given me wonderful inspiration.

    I love what you did with yours; it's beautiful and I appreciate that you give the details of the steps that are involved in your work....It's really helps us who are new at this...

    By the way, I love the box as well....they are so neat....

  9. I love your latest hippie girl and don't you love the Stewart Gill paints!1\ Yummy!! Of course, you must guess that I watch work of art. I am actually rooting for Abdi or the girl that is having the flirtation with Miles. I think they are both good artists.

  10. Hi Diane,
    I LOVE your new piece. I know those paints very well and yes... they add such luster and shimmer... I am sure the artwork is even more beautiful in person.

    I am watching Work of Art!! I am loving it and it bugs me a little bit too... lol! Jacqueline is growing on me. She can be a little "much" but I do think she is a very good artist. I find the show very comical sometimes with all that drama!

    Have a great weekend.

  11. LOVE your new work! I haven't seen the show. Which station is it on? I'm not much of a TV watcher and usually just flip on The History Channel or PBS. I never surf around to see what I'm missing out on so appreciate the suggestion.

  12. GORGEOUS pieces!!! I LOVE EM!!! and love work of art...never miss an episode....don't care for miles...just irritates me and Jacqueline can't stand...I think she may be the next one out!!!

  13. Diane!! I looooove these!~ The girl is beautiful, and what you did with the frame is so perfect!
    And the box!! All I can say is I looooove it so much! Really!

  14. You have been having great fun with wonderful results. Fun to see it all. Not familiar with the show you mentioned.

  15. Such a beautiful hippie girl. Thank you for explaining the creative process - the paints sound good. Another gorgeous box too, xx

  16. Woo gorgeous! I just love these girls you paint, they have such soul!
    I have been hearing you folks all talking about this tv prog. I'll check out this website and see if I can watch too - thanks :)

  17. Hi Diane! I love your hippie girl and the box. Your art is absolutely beautiful:)) Hugs, Biljana

  18. Your hippie girl has stolen my heart! She is fabulous!!!
    As always, I just love your artwork - so beautiful!!!

  19. Beautiful works!!!
    Kisses dear:)

  20. Diane, your art work is a real inspiration. You are making me think of how to use old objects like an old mirror and making a great piece out of it!! It just hadn't crossed my mind, my parents had one and may have thrown it away! Such a pity, I really have to start opening my mind!

  21. I LOVE what you have done it is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are soooooooooo creative!!! I love what you have done!!! I just LOVE what your art!!! It is alwase a great peace of art when you do it!!

  22. AMAZING wonders!!! i appreciate that you show from start to finish, it inspires me and sparks amazing creativity for me diane, even though our work is different! i adore your hippie girl! peace, love, dove, wanda. xo
    p.s. i'm trying to figure out how to watch that show, i'm intrigued!

  23. Wow, these pieces are just gorgeous! Love the flower child!

  24. EEEEK! These are great girls you are making! I hope someday when finances are flush I can get one! These really seem to reflect the sweet joy I feel when I come to visit and when you come by! You are sooo talented! Joy to see! Blessings.

  25. Hi Diane,
    Thank you for your visit.
    I am looking at all of your wonderful art.. it is amazing.. loving your hippie chick.. looks like me when I was younger! lol
    Very clever..
    hugs, Darlene

  26. Diane, your new hippy girl is beautiful! I love everything about her! I sketched three "island girls" while on my trip and can't wait to paint them.

    So nice to be back home and inspired again. LOVE everything you do sweet lady!

  27. I'm in love with your creations on 3-D surfaces! They have such a wonderful, glamorous look to them; I know you'll be selling these like hotcakes!

  28. Beautiful work Diane! Your art is always so inspiring to me, I love it! :)

  29. Your hippie girl is adorable. You paint so well. She looks so serene. I like the internet because I've never even heard of Stuart Byzantia paints.

    And of course, I've never even heard of Work of Art. I must live in a cave. Might have to go to Hulu and watch it. Not sure I've even heard of Bravo channel. What can I say? I live in Kansas, therefore I am backward (grin).

  30. Hippie Girl is so beautiful, Diane!

  31. Love, love your hippie chick!! She is awesome! I've worked on old windows before but never a cupboard door.

  32. Gorgeous work Diane~ love the hippy girl!

  33. This Hippie Girl is beyond words! She is fantastic!
    Queen Bee Studio

  34. I' enjoyed reading about your new pieces. I always love wood and these are all wonderful.

  35. Gorgeous!!! I love them both,especially the colors of them. You should really teach an online class for the boxes. I would sign up.And I forgot to mention your drawing on my blog in my last post. If I post again before thursday,which I don't think I will,I'll post about it. Sorry.

  36. Diane! I love her - what a stunning piece of are so awesome :D

  37. You always find such great ways to make art. Beautiful piece and the box is wonderful too.

  38. This is just exquisitely delicious for the eye! and I loved that you sent us off on some wonderful rabbit trails.

  39. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for the birthday wishes :-)
    2 fabulous pieces here, I adore them both, love the colours too.
    Anne x

  40. What amazing art you create - it's awesome

    Have been following your blog unofficially - but am now going 'official' and entering your giveaway --I would so dearly love own a piece of your art work.

  41. LOVE that painting and box! I adore how you've painted the edges of the frame to match! and the butterfly on top of the box is so perfect!

    best wishes!

  42. This was so fun to see the progression of your work! thank you. I like both pieces, but I LOVE the box (as you know, I'm kind of into boxes) I feel so inspired, I wish I was at my studio right now.

  43. Love your new hippi girl awesome piece . I missed it being off of computor- I love it- you have completely incorporated everything about that era !!!Sincerely, Jonny
