
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Box Design To Show You before I Leave For My "Business Trip"

So  here's  another   fun way  to  make  a  different  kind  of  box. 

I  started   with  a  wood  craft  box  and  a   candlestick  holder.

And  then  I  made my  design on  all of  the  pieces  before  I assembled  it.  The  candlestick  holder  had  a metal  insert  in  it  for  a  candle  so  I  just  pried  it out.  That  way I  just attached  it  to  the box  with  a screw from the inside  of  the box.

And  here  is  the  completed  box!

Don't  you  love  these  sunflowers?  Thank  you  K & Co.  again!

So  what  can  you  fill  this  box with?  Well,  since  it's  on  a  candlestick  holder--what  else, but candles!

So  let  me  tell  you  about  my  "business  trip".   I'm  going  to  the  Highway  127  Yard  Sale.  It's  almost  700  miles  of  non-stop  flea  markets  from  dawn  to  dusk  that ranges  from  Michigan  to  Alabama (BTW--HGTV  has  a  show  about  it  every  year).   And  for you  scoffers  of  flea  markets--don't  knock  em  until  you've   tried  one--especially this  one.  PLUS,  you  get  to  see and  meet  people  from  all walks  of  life--especially   at  this  one.  Believe  me,  this  is  a  great  place  for  people  watchers,  or  people  persons  alike!  I'm  leaving  early  tomorrow  morning  and won't  be   back  until  Monday  night,  which  brings  up  another  issue.

Can  anyone  recommend  a  good  RELIABLE  laptop  for me.  Mine  is broken!!  And  it's  only  8  months  old.  We  still  have  a  warranty  on  it, and  the computer  repair  man  came  to  our  house  to  "fix"  it  last  week.  After  replacing  almost  half  of  the  computer,  it  still  doesn't  work, and  now we're  waiting  for his return  with  more  parts.   Between  you  and  me,  I'm  not  holding  my  breath.   To  say  that  I'm  upset,  is  putting  it  mildly.  And  to  add  to that,  I  won't  have  my  laptop  to  take  with  me : (

I  do  think  that  I'll  have  access  to  the  internet  though.   Alot  of  the  motels  now offer   computer  use  to  their  guests,  so  hopefully.  I'll  take  any  suggestions  and  cost  isn't  really  a  major  issue  (I'm  a  PC,  not  a  MAC).  Just  don't  tell  me  about  a  laptop  that  rhymes  with  the  word  Bell!


  1. Love your box assemblage Diane, so awesome and unusual, those sunflowers sure do look fab!!

    Have fun on your trip :)

    Micki x

  2. Fabulous boxes!!! Well, I am a Mac and not a PC but I used to be a die- hard PC until I got my Mac book OS10. Just consider taking the plunge. I would never go back. And I agree---the reason I moved over to a Mac was because of a PC rhymed with Bell! hee hee Also, if you live near an Apple store you can go to the Genius bar (and yes, they really are geniuses) and they will help you. Or you can call AppleCare and you never have to wait and they will help you. I highly recommend it---but I understand if you are not ready to take the plunge. It's a scary one!

  3. cledlove your boxes....

    i have a HP is my second...upgraded 2 yrs ago,,never had one problem with eithr one of them...bought it at costco....but i think the next computer for me will be a mac...everyone raves about them..... good luck and have fun on your "business trip"...

  4. Well, I hope you have a wonderful time and I'm looking so forward to seeing pics of the show and to your posts about it. sorry about your computer problems. Hope that all gets worked out soon. I'm not a mac girl either, but I've seen how people just love it. by the way, I think you are a such a talent. This box is a stunner. and thank you for introducing me to Mystele. Blessings and enjoy your trip.

  5. Love what you made; I love sunflowers~
    Sorry, about the PC prob; enJOY your Business trip...I'm so jealous!!!

  6. I love Sunflowers too neat idea! Talking about computer problems thats funny Im at the library using the computer to get on your site for some reason when I click on your site at home a box comes up thats says cannot open site I have to have someone look at my computer- Your trip sounds like so much fun!!!

  7. first..... put your patchouli oil on! get in the trippy mode that has served you so well with your past trips..... then take that ball off the top and replace it with a doll head! put some doll arms on the sides and go loco with the paint! oh and make it black light friendly! and then you've crossed on over to the over side my friend!
    blog on!

  8. Hi Diane!
    I love sunflowers, such beautiful box assemblage, absolutely gorgeous:))
    Hugs, Biljana

  9. Diane, what a bad problem for you , can`t be that a PC only 8 months old don`t work ,I would be so angry, too--I hope you at least get some refund ,if they can`t make it work !!!
    I hope you`l have a great tour ,anyway, and that you will have acces to the net, for us to see all the great things you find.
    Love your box Diane, such a great way to do a special one, -it is wonderfull.
    Hugs, Dorthe---take care!!

  10. Great box and I hope you have a great and fruitful trip...

    I just went and bought the "bell"...against my children's advice...they kept saying you need an'll love it....but no I went for the bargain.....I told my DH yesterday, I am buying an apple...i'll just have to give this "bell" away......I can't put up with the lags and untyped letters and the sudden stops anymore....Hey girl, let's go it.......we use them so much we need a workhorse...

    I hope you will visit me here at my new blog......

    Hugs and blessings,

  11. Gorgeous sunflowers, love your totally cool box ! About the Bell, geez I would flip totally and insist to get a refund or a brand new computer. I always thought Bell had great customer care, but obviously that's not true ... Cannot help you on the laptop issue, only laptop I have is a Samsung mini, just for internet and checking my mail when I am not at home. Can't do much more with it LOL But, if I wanted to get me a real laptop, I would def go for the Mac ! It's a bit of a struggle at first, but all I hear is that if you get used to it, it is the best ;-) Anyway, good luck !

  12. I'm lovin' the boxes you are creating lately, Diane!

    Enjoy your trip!

  13. Love this new box and please post what you find out about laptops. I want to buy one and have no idea where to start!!

  14. Hi Diane,
    Oh gosh, you are one talented, creative lady.
    You really think outside the
    Hm, I'm not a computer expert, just use one everyday and panic when something goes wrong.
    Good luck with the fixed*new one.

  15. You lucky dog you! I absolutely love flea markets for materials for my work. We have one in town called, Happys, which makes me happy thinking of it.

    One would never know your beautiful sunflower creations came from those pieces of wood! Great job!

    Have fun!

  16. What a gorgeous piece!!! Love it!!! sorry to hear about your laptop....that stinks!!!

  17. Clever! Love the pedestal idea... delightful work!

  18. I'm really loving the boxes you have been creating Diana. This one here is over the top! It's beautiful. Have fun on your
    "business" trip, and take care.

  19. Diane, your boxes are always wonderful, but THIS one is spectacular! So sorry to hear about your PC. Both of my sons have Dells and they love them to pieces. If you've only had your pc for 8 months, isn't it under warranty? I'd be screaming bloody murder. Have fun on the road! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  20. This is an adorable assemblage. So colorful and really clever. I've always wanted to go on that trip. One of these days, I'm going because I've drooled over this ultimate garage sale ever since I first saw it on HGTV back in either 2003 or 2004. I hear it gets bigger each year, too. Have a wonderful time. I'm so envious. Buy lots of great junk, er I mean deals.

  21. Diane, I hope you have a great trip! I love these boxes! The before and after photos are fantastic, you sure can transform a wooden box into a beautiful artistic treasure!

  22. I asked my techie hubby for you - and he says the companies that get the best customer satisfaction ratings for laptops are Toshiba, Asus, and Lenovo. Much good luck to you on your journey toward a new laptop.
    These sunflower goodies are SO beautiful - I'll take one of each, please. :) They are just perfect. Theresa

  23. Wonderfulset with an amazing design.I love sunflowers too.Enjoy your trip, I'm happy if you'll back to see new photos.
    Hugs Anja

  24. Good luck on your trip, it sounds amazing!!!!
    your boxes are beautiful!!!

  25. Diane, your box is total wonderfulness!!! Love the assemblage of it and the sunflowers. Wishing you total bliss during your "business trip," girl! I can't wait to see what you find . . . and to hear if your feet and calves get as dirty as mine did, ;). (I didn't bring any tennies or closed shoes, duh me!) Happy and safe travels!!!

  26. Beautiful, beautiful box, I love the pedestal idea :)

    I have been using the same HP laptop for 6 years and never had to have anything fixed, I can't imagine it waaaaa, but all we use in our house is HPackard and I would never have anything else unless I go with a Mac some day.

    Hope you are having a great trip at those flea markets.

  27. How awesome that you are going to do the 127. My husband and I have talked about doing that for years, but we never seem to be able to schedule our life around it. Drat! Hope you find lots of wunnerful stuff.

  28. Hi Diane! Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday! Love your boxes! I need to tell you that you inspired me to take All Norah's faces class! I saw your post about it and headed on over there! It is fun! I am such a beginner so I have lots to learn!

  29. I have to tell you the way my mind worked as I looked at your post. First I saw the plain wooden box and candle holder then it was if you had waved a magic wand and poouft suddenly a wonderful creation was there!

    Now that flea market sounds like something else. I bet you'll be sharing all manner of lovely bargains with us next week. I shall try to keep the green-eyed monster at bay!

    BTW, I've got one of 'those' laptops too! Say no more...

  30. OMG, Diane, this is sooo GORGEOUS!!! Simply awesome! Love, love, LOVE it! Great job!
    Lots of love, Sanda xoxo

  31. Awwwww sorry about your computer,that stinks! I love ,love,love your candle box. So cool and I love all the stuff in the post below too. I'm on vacation so sorry I did'nt leave you a comment below,not too much time on the internet. Have tons of fun on your business trip! Huh who are you kidding business trip,its all fun,fun,fun and alittle hot!

  32. Lovely, beautiful, amazing, ha! I love everything you do, don't you know??

    So sad about your laptop issues, hope you find a good one. I love my mac...but I think the sony's are good quality also. yes, the one that you speak of has about an 8 month life and then it "blows' up on you!

    Have fun, your trip sounds like a blast!

  33. You make the most delightful art! Wish I were a fly and could travel along with you!

  34. ya' got talent in every bone of your body and thank over and over for sharing!!! xo

  35. Terrific boxes!! Have fun on your trip!! : )

  36. Diane I love the box and candlestick! You know I'm in love with those Happy Flowers Now...
    Sorry to hear about your computer issues...and even sadder to here no MAC's. I use to be a PC primarily, but now I'm a MAC forever. I do use my PC occasionally but my it! I've had issues with HP...and the Bell Rhymer...Oh NO! Never them again! Cows are out...Hmm..??? MAC!!!

    Have fun on your trip!! Would love that one!! Smiles...Lovey

  37. I love this design idea! I would neve think to put these two together. Beautiful!

  38. very KOOL Diane. thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments. i have been away on vacation for almost 3 weeks and am 'itching' to get back in the studio.

    About laptops: I just got a MAC book Pro. i love it you can run windows or apple applications, it's light and fast.
    good luck

  39. Beatiful!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Hi Diane,
    What a lovely Sunflower box! Your trip sounds like a blast!

    I awarded you with The Versatile Blogger Award :) Hop over to my blog to get it.

    Debbie, a Mac girl!

  41. Gorgeous boxes! You are so good at making things beautiful! Ahhh computer problems.. never fun. I haven't had sound since I tried to replace old speakers with new ones.. I've tried everything, Googled everything... nothing is working. Looks like people have recommended some good laptops for you. :)
    Have a nice business trip.

  42. Great job on these! they are so pretty! And ohhh....that flea market sounds amazing! Wish it meandered to oklahoma! I love a good flea market and am raising my girl to feel the same ;) she begs to go, haha.

  43. Very cute boxes!
    Will you be at the Christmas in the Woods at Shakerwoods in Columbiana Ohio this October?

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