
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Branching Out

Back   in  June  Kelly (Kelly Berkey  Designs  blog)  had  sent  me  a  pendant  necklace  as  a  gift  to  me.   She  wanted  to  thank  me  for  helping  her  with  some   mixed   media  techniques  that  she  wanted  to try.   She  sent  me  2  actually,  and  they were  of  my  art.  I  was  so  impressed  by  the  workmanship  of  them,  that  I  decided  to  order  some  more  from  her  so  I  could  try  my  hand  at  jewelry.  I  want  to  make  necklaces  with  them  and  offer  them  for  sale  at  my  last  show  in  November.

I  ordered  3  different  sets--by that  I  mean  they're  double-sided,  so  I  emailed  her  6  different  images  for  3  different  pendants  (4  of  each  set).   I  was  so  happy   with  these  when  I  got  them--

They're  really  much  better  in  person.  This  photo  just  doesn't  do  them  justice!  She  offers these  pendants  to  anyone--she  has  ones  with  her  ladies  or  you  can   personalize  them  with  your  own  art  or  personal  photos  or  even  tiny  snippets  of  personal  items  that  have  sentimental  meaning  to  you.   You  can  go  to  her  Etsy  shop  and  get  all  the  details.

Now  I   know  nothing  about  jewelry  making--nothing!   But  my  daughter  Jen  (the   marathon   runner)  does.  In  her  spare  time  she  likes  making  jewelry  for  herself.  She's  very  good  at  it,  but  never  has  much  time--she  has  a  very  demanding  job,  but  she  did  say  that  she  would  help  me.  So  this  weekend  was  my  first  lesson--the  very  basics--and  I  mean  1st  grade  basic--just  to  get  me  started.  She  didn't  have  much  time  as  she  was  getting  ready to  go   out  of  town  this  week  for  her  work.  So  on  Monday  I  made  my  first  necklace--it  took  me  all  night  long!   As  a  matter  of  fact  when  my  husband  came  home  from  work  at  11:15  at  night  (I'm  usually  in  bed  by  9:30  or  10),  I  was  still  working  away  at  it,  and  I  told  him  that  I  didn't  care  how  long  it  took,  I  was  going  to  finish  that  damn  necklace.  It  was  after  midnight  when  I  finished.   The  next  day  I  felt  like  I  was  partying  all  night---just  can't  bounce   back  like   I  use  to!

So  you're  probably  thinking  I've  made  these  intricate  amazing  necklaces--well,  not  quite,  but  I  think  they  can  pass  as  jewelry.

Do  you  think  these  will   pass  as  legitimate  jewelry--will  I  fool  the  shoppers  into  thinking  that  I  know  what  I'm  doing,  because  I'm  kind  of  just  figuring  this  out  along  the  way.  I  need  other  people's  input--I'm  at  the  stage  right  now  where  I've   been  looking  at   them  so  much  that  I  don't  even  know  anymore.  I  just  want  to  say,  that  I am  in  awe  of  all  you  jewelry  artists  out  there--there  really  is  a  lot  of  work  involved.

So  I  have  10  more  to  go,  and  Jen  is  coming  over  next  week  for  my  2nd  lesson,  and  she's  going  to  show  me  some  of  her  more  intricate  necklaces  that  she's  made---hopefully  I  can  catch  on.

And  speaking  of  Jen,  a  lot  of  you  who  have  been  reading  my  blog  knows  about  her   little  boy,  my  grandson,  but  for  the  new  readers--yes  I  have  a  grandson.  His  name  is  Bob.

Don't   let  his  looks  fool  you--he's  my  grandson!  He  came  over  with  Jen  for  a  visit.  I  don't  get  to  see  him  that often,  so  this  was  a  treat.  See  that  worried  look  on  his  face?  Whenever  he  comes  over,  I  think  he  thinks  that's  he's  not  going  back  home.  He  loves  us,  but  after  a  few  hours,  he  wants  to  leave.

This  is  what  Jen  calls  his  sad  pouty  face--

And  one  more  thing--I'm  glad  that  these  necklaces  are  keeping  me  up  at  night.  I  need  that  right  now,  because  I'm  afraid  to  go  to  bed  before  my  husband  gets  home.  I  went  to  see  Paranormal  Activity  2  yesterday,  and  I  knew, like  the  first  movie,  that  it  was  going  to  scare  me,  which  it  did.  However,  it  wasn't   quite  as  scary,   and  it  ties into  the  first  movie--so  now there's  more  of  a  storyline  and  explanation  of  why  this  paranormal  activity   is  happening  to  these  people.  But  they  both  still scared  the heck  out  of  me!


  1. Beautiful works and cute dog!!!
    I lake it, you ar big artist!!!


  2. Hi Diane..long time no see..How are you..! these necklaces are just beautiful...I also have one of Kelly's and it is perfection...I love your beautiful ladyies...and also the way you used your prints for a collage...Bob looks adorable..! Take care..!

  3. Morning D! The necklaces are fantastic! You sure your new to jewelry making? You must be a natural. Bob is absolutely adorable! ACK on paranormal!

  4. I think these are wonderful- they should do very well for you! BTW, I think they'd be beautiful mixed into charm bracelets if you were'nt already stressed enough ;)

  5. Love how Kelly turned your paintings into pendants, but you really make them glow incorporating them into necklaces. They look awesome and should sell instantly. You really should do more of those. It will take less and less time to finish one.

  6. These more than pass! I love that first one with the ruby stones and beading. Well done.

  7. diane, you did an amazing job with these! you look like you know what you are doing and that is all that matters!!
    i love them, now i need more time to bead some of mine!
    thanks for the shout-out too. i'm always inspired by your creativity!

  8. and your grandson is adorable! mine's name is titus;-)

  9. Diane, are you sure you don't want to call Bob your "granddog" I have 2 granddogs and love them.

    The necklaces are smart and upbeat and right in line with this years chunky necklaces. I make them too and will start showing them again..mine are waaaay different but chunky.

    Kelly really started you on a good path but I guess it was a mutual admiration society. Hope you sell a bunch in November.

  10. Hi Diane!
    Your necklaces are awesome! You get a big thumbs up from me to continue. The late night to finish that first one was all worth it. Doesn't look like you had no idea of how to make these because they look so professional! Well done! They are funky funky funky! :)

  11. You're so funny about the movie,my daughter went to see it,she said it wasnt as bad as the first one. Love your necklaces and yes they look great. I would buy one.And Bob looks as adorable as ever.

  12. Bob is adorable..congrats on your "Grand" - I have 6 granddogs and 2 great grand dogs!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your necklaces! Real jewlery? Oh my YES!

  13. Bob is adorable..congrats on your "Grand" - I have 6 granddogs and 2 great grand dogs!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your necklaces! Real jewlery? Oh my YES!

  14. Your necklaces are great. Pro looking to me. They will do well at the show. I too have a Kelly Berkey that she custom made me for my son. Your grandson is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  15. I really like your necklaces! I wish you had an etsy shop!! HInt Hint. Good to see little Bob again. He is quite serious isn't he!!

  16. I can see you know more than I do, I know just enough to make things that I might wear, my daughter has showed me some things, and I have spurts of beading and pendants, and I have to have eveything not have nickel or it causes a rash so I make chains from tiny beads with a loop and larger bead as a clasp.
    I have some bezels now and some daimond glaze, but I keep painting as I like that best.

    Your work looks professional and is going to attract buyers, as I see sales of these kinds of items people want things with a face.
    I heard people asking in a shop the other day. Also bead stores have ready made bezels for your art, and people like to put them on their own chains.

    I know how long it takes and your work as always is impecable.

    There are so many directions to go, you go into a great variety and that is good for a show, also you have continuity to your work.

  17. Awww, Bob looks a little worried, he's so cute!
    Oh my, the neclaces are great! You just keep "branching out" are so talented!

  18. Yikes..paranormal activity..just the name scares me!!!
    Many years ago I read a book called "Communion" which was an account of alien abductions that scared me so bad that even with my husband in the bed I was terrifie for weeks.. So that is to say...most everything scares me!
    Your jewelry is fabulous!! You did a great job. Making jewelry and soldering is on my bucket list!

  19. Diane, the necklaces are beautiful! You are just so talented! I love your blog, you show us so many ways to use our art- now if only I could be more productive! lol

  20. Diane your pendants are wonderful! Your dog is cute!

  21. they are incredible!! While I was reading I had no idea what the finished pieces were going to look like until I reached the end pictures. Much more detailed then I was imagining at first! What a fantastic way to use your art. I've made some resin pendants with my art recently but not this fancy!

  22. It looks like you did a great job on the necklaces and from what I hear jewelry is the way to go! I love your angel below! She's so sweet. Jennifer:)

  23. I love the necklaces you much detail in the chains! And your art is perfect for this type of jewelry! I went to the Etsy store, too...all of her things are lovely! I hope you'll make more necklaces...stay up late and keep working! heehee! We watched an old 'scary' movie last night with Audrey Hepburn...that's more my style! lol ♥

  24. Diane, I had to laugh when I read about your adventure into jewelry making!! I know just what you mean. Last year I got involved in a charm swap. You'd never ever believe how long it took to do one charm. I can't imagine trying to do a necklace!!! Bravo!!!! Your results are amazing!!!!! Hugs,Terri xoxox

    PS Bob's a real cutie pie!!!

  25. Hi Diane. I've been wanting to make jewelery as well. I need to get lessons first. You have done a great job and yes they could sell. I love your grandbaby, he is awesome. They are beautiful pups. Congrats on learning a new hobby, you'll have a lot of fun, and perhaps it will turn into a business of sorts.

  26. Great necklaces Diane. Grandson looks bored to me. Ho hum, art again. This scenario watching scary movies - I can totally relate!

  27. How sweet was Kelly to inspire you to make these necklaces. They look great! Bob is adorable.

  28. OMG Your necklaces are fabulous ! I am in love with the red one ;-) I don't have anything to add, in my eyes they look pretty professional! If I had any money to spend (on other things besides paint and canvasses LOL) I would buy the red one instantly, so keep up the good work !

  29. In all my excitement I forgot to tell you that you have an adorable grandson .... and scary movies not my thing because ... o well, they scare me LOL

  30. Diane;
    Wow! These can definitely pass as some very fine wonderful jewelery! I LOVE the red one! I think your art looks fabulous as a necklace - well done! I know they are ALOT of work. People don't realize how much work they are! I love your grandson! He is a true cutie-pie!

  31. Hi Diane
    They Look Beautiful!!! I'm The Same Way About The Jewlery I've Made,I Have Tried Making Them And I Wanted To See If I Could Do It And Enjoy Making Them.I Guess I'm My Worst Own Critic.Keep Up The Wonderful Work!!! XOXO DeeDee

  32. Your necklaces are beautiful and I totally agree with how it looks easy enough and how hard it really is! Bend that little wire into a perfectly round circle that stays closed - easy for them to say!!!!
    I got a good laugh about your grandson and loved his worried picture. I, too, have one of those only I call mine my "grand dog".
    Seriously, your necklaces are beautiful and you should have no worries about them!

  33. Hi dear,
    This is certainly beautifull jewlery, I love the one with red tones,and they are great with your lovely ladies hanging from them.You just go on- making such wonderfull things, Diane.

  34. They look great as jewellery - another string to your bow!!

  35. Diane this jewelry is lovely! You sure are one talented lady! I love them, the colors and design are great!

    I used to make beaded jewelry and you may have inspired me to get back to it!

    Thanks for your comment on my sketch this week! :)

  36. Diane your necklaces are stunning... and they look very much like you know what you are doing. I especially like the top one... with the red coral(?) beads. Just gorgeous!

  37. Your necklaces are FABULOUS, Diane! I love them. They really showcase your art beautifully. I wanna give Bob a get big kiss! What a cutie!!!! :)

  38. Diane! You KNOW you can do anything you want to...look at you! These necklaces are WAAAAAY more than I ever did initially in jewelry! Are you kidding, you pass with flying colors and beyond, and now start to worry, because you have started a new addiction! What a great place to put your paintings! I am blown away by your talent! These are fantastic!

    And now, can Bob come over my house? hehe...he is just so adorable!

  39. These are great! Love the idea of doing this with art! :)

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  41. You may not know anything about making jewelry but you managed to make some fantastic pieces! I also love the angel- so pretty and so many things to see. Sometimes i do that too, leave my work and do something else. It gives a whole new perspective. Congratulations to your kids- good job! Patsy from

  42. Well Diane, I came over to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog and ended up reading... lol. Your necklaces are fabulous! I would never know they are from a newbie. And those images are great. So you sent her images and she put them in the frame? Are they soldered together? Very cool.

    About the Roses group, IF you're a member of R.A.I.L. be sure to download the videos before they're gone so you can go back and look at them/do them later. When Zinnia puts the new projects up, she takes the old vids down. The accordion book vids are down, I think she offers a paid workshop though (worth it!) The dominoes one will stay up till the 14-15th of Nov I think. See you there! P.S. Your granddog is adorable!

  43. Your new jewelry is great!I love that idea for prints- would even make neat keychains- Love Bobs pouty look! Sincerely Jonny

  44. WOW you are busy, and the necklaces are all really beautiful. I admire your fantastic creativity.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs Anja

  45. YES IT COUNTS as REAL Jewelry!!! They are just stunning (I now remember seeing them on your blog a while back :) and NO ONE can replicate your beautiful paintings that grace them . . .
    And YES soooo addicting . . . Fun though, I am making more of mine for a charity action and really look forward to hearing the feedback.
    Yours are just beautiful, Kristin xoxo

  46. your necklaces are gorgeous! what a fine job you did. How very exciting.

  47. Love love your necklaces...Heck yes they would sell like crazy in the right setting...As for your grandson, you are a loony as me....I always talk like that!! So funny! I love grandchildren like yours, and Bob is adorable, even if he does have a few insecurity issues, poor baby!! lol
    Seriously though your necklaces are beautiful!

    Hugs Giggles

  48. Kelly did a wonderful job with your art pendants. Love the necklaces you created with them. They look boutique chic to me! They will surely fly off the shelves at your next show. Have a lovely weekend! :)

  49. gosh, i hope you see this...first, thank you sweet woman.
    next...OMG...what a wonderful first time, it does not appear that way, sincerely...looks like you've always done this.
    the red is reminiscent of a rosary in all "good ways" to me personally, and if i wore necklaces i would buy it in a heart beat, it is exquisite! now you are going to be running in circles some days, ya' know...should i bead, should i paint, should i put one into the other, should i paint, should i make an exquisite necklace...i see a passionate woman....very very busy doing things she loves! xo

  50. Awesome necklaces, Diane, WOW!!! Simply looove them! You are such a talented artist! Bob is really ADORABLE!!!
    Lots of love,
    Sanda xoxo

  51. These are great Diane! You are really multi-talented!

  52. Hi Diane, thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog :) I too am in awe, these necklaces are lovely! xx

  53. Hello Diane
    So happy to have found your blog....your art is beautiful and there are so many inspirational things to see and read here. I am truly impressed by your jewelry-making skills and determination! Once you get started, it's hard to stop until your project is completed! :-)
    Congrats on your new Grandson, Bob. He is really adorable and has such as expressive face!

  54. Diane, you don't have to FOOL anyone. These are simply stunning. They are wonderful. I know it's hard to learn to wrap wire. Some people say it's not something you "learn," but something you just "know" how to do. They let the stones or beads dictate the wrap. I tried it once for a swap of 25 players and I know I spent more time unwrapping than wrapping. The secret is partly in the tools. You need several different pliers because each one does something different.

    You probably already found this site, but you might enjoy taking a "quick" look around to see if any of the tutorials interest you. They are a lot cheaper (since they are free) than a class when you are just beginning:

    Hope this helps. Again, I think what you made is stunning, and I'm not just saying that.

  55. So you did go see the movie :) I'm still too scared to watch it..but I have a feeling that I will watch it anyway. Maybe I will watch it during the weekend so that my fiance can babysit my imagination afterwards, lol. It looks really good
