
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Did It!!---I Now Have an Etsy Store

It  only  took  me  5  days  longer  than  I  thought  it  would,  but  I  did  it  all  by  myself  with  a  little  help  from  the   most  wonderful   Theresa   from   Faerie Moon Creations.  Look  Theresa--I  did  it  and  it  was  without  my  son  telling  me  how  to  do  it.

So  right  now  it's  a  very  small shop  with  only  5  items,  but  it's  a  start....right?  I  kind  of  forgot  how  busy  this  month  can  get.  I've  been  Christmas  shopping  for  the  last  3  days  straight--I  gotta  big  list,  but  I  really  do  enjoy  this  whole  Christmas  thing.

But  I  was  able  to  make  2  new  pieces  for  my  shop  (how  cool--I  have  a  shop  now!)   They're  on  4 x 12  canvases,   and  I'm  so  happy  with  them--

I   just  had  fun  with  painting    faces  and  collaging  papers  and  combining  my  two  favorites--faces  and  houses  with  some  hearts  thrown  in  of  course.


So  to  get  to  my  Etsy  shop  all   you  have  to  do is  go to  my  sidebar  and  you'll  see  the  link.  I'm so  proud  of  that--Theresa  told  me  what  to  do  : )

Or  you  can  just  go  here.   This  is  so  fun!!

And  another  thing  that  I'm  proud  of  is  that  I  reached  my other  goal.   Last  year  I  had  2  goals--to  start  a  blog  and  to  open  up  an  Etsy  shop.   Well,  it's  been  exactly  a  year,  but  I  did  it!!


  1. good for you, that is awesome!!
    welcome fellow etsian!!

  2. I am very excited and will be buying something soon...I am planning on opening an etsy store after the holidays as well :) Good luck to you!

  3. A huge congrat's Diane!! I am so glad, and am now off to take a peek!
    You work is always awesome!

  4. Yay! I've added you to my Etsy favs!! :-)

  5. congrats on your new shop! May you see many lovely and happy sales :) and Theresa is the sweetest, I know that for a fact!~

  6. Etsy is a great way to sell..I especially like it because it lets potential customers see my work and if they are from another country, Paypal figures the conversions and makes it all so easy. Your work looks great and will show well on Etsy.

  7. Yeah for you! You should be very proud of yourself. This is going on my goals for next year. Good Luck!

  8. Congratulations......A blog and a shop all in one go girlfriend.......

    Your work is beautiful and I am sure you will have a hard time keeping things for sale in your shop........I love these first pieces you made to go in the shop....

  9. a big congratulations to you! way to meet your goals. your very brave to do it right in the middle of the holidays.

  10. Hooray! You're work is so perfect for that marketplace and I'm sure your Etsy future is successful. Many many happy sales and may all who venture by your shop appreciate the beautiful work you create. I'm right on your heels with my own soon-to-open Etsy shop :)

  11. Congratulations!! I'm going to go take a look right now. Surprises on Survivor tonight!!

  12. Congratulations Diane!! Good luck with your shop(O:

  13. Diane, you did a GREAT job! Hurray for you. I'm so happy I was able to assist you. I also just added you to my "circle." It's another new feature for you to explore. Kind of like Facebook for etsy sellers. LOL Enjoy - and I wish you worlds of success! :) Theresa

  14. oooh, that is so great that you were able to get on etsy, diane. i went to take a look and ya' did a mighty fine job! and your work shows up beautifully with your photographs. i haven't had my work on there since i got a new camera last year and can't make the pictures any smaller, or small enough to go on the dang site...well, got that one off my chest!
    so wonderful to fullfill your goals and then some!!!! xo

  15. Congrats to you Diane!! That is fantastic!!!! You and I had the same goals!!! Lets see what we can do for next year!!!! Possibilities are endless!!!!

  16. Big yippie for your wonderful accomplishments. I wish you many many sales!!!!

  17. wonderful pieces with such lovely details! congratulations, Diane! i'm excited for you! blessings!

  18. Congratulations on achieving both your goals!! WooHoo! Welcome to Etsy. I just checked out your shop and left you a heart. I looks great!

  19. Congratulations on reaching your goals! Always a good thing. Wishing you all the best for your shop.

  20. Ooooh goody!
    May your shops sell loads and loads of lovely things!

  21. Yessss ! Welcome to Etsy ! You're now in my favorite shops :o)

  22. You did it! It feels so so wonderful to accomplish something you've set out to do. I'm so excited for you!
    I'm off to check out your shop. :)

    Come by my blog if you get a chance, I'm having a giveaway too!


  23. Your store looks wonderful, congratulations !! Love the new pieces too. Must feel good reaching your goals, and I wish you lots of luck with the store.

  24. Congratulations! on completing both your goals! How inspiring, I expect you're going to have a hard time keeping that store stocked :-)

  25. Thats brilliant Diane!!
    I remember when you first talked about your goals in Mysteles class, look how well you have done, I am proud of you sweetie!!

    Micki x

  26. Congrats on your new shop!!!
    Good luck to you!
    Have a nice weekend.

  27. congratulations!!!!
    & i love your
    dreaming & imagining!
    they are beautiful
    & powerful!

  28. Fab, well done you!I'm sure it'll be a great success. :)

  29. Many congrats - looking good :-)
    Ali x

  30. Good for you, Diane! Congratulations and wishes for much success with your new shop!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  31. I'm so happy for you! The store looks great...your boxes are gorgeous! I'm wishing you MUCH success! You've reached some of your goals already! KUDOS to you! ♥

  32. did it...a new adventure...good luck, diane..your work is fabulous..;-)

  33. Hooray!!!! I'm so happy for you,i love your banner and your name. I think you'll do great! Your art is beautiful.

  34. Congrats Diane!! Another goal achieved!! Doesn't it feel good?! :)

    I am sure you will do great on etsy! Your work is great! I have my own shop over there and will be sure you check yours out!! :)

  35. congratulations!
    we both opened our shops at the same time. i'm going to add you to my favorites. your work is beautiful.

  36. Congratulations on opening your etsy shop, Diane! I love the pieces you've set up in your shop. I have a goal of opening up my own shop during the early part of 2011. Best of luck to you!

  37. Oh congratulations, my dear. What an accomplishment. I am SO proud of you, and you did it on your own! Now it's good luck to you.

  38. WooHooOOOOOO! Way to Go Girl! Wishing you lots of success!

  39. Congratulations Diane! It is so exciting to set it all up and then make wonderful new things to put in it, isn't it?
    I wish you the very best of every success with your new shop! YAY!
    Tina xo

  40. That's great! I will check your Etsy out Diana. I wish you good luck in your shop, I'm sure you'll sell, sell, and sell some more. I don't have anything in my Etsy right now. Maybe next year. I'm going to your shop to have a looksee. Take care.

  41. Oh, how fun! Wishing you great Etsy success!!
    congrats on completing your goals too! Doesn't it feel great??

  42. Such awesome news!!! Best wishes to you. Congrats on both your goals.

  43. YAY an Etsy shop!!! You should do REALLY well!!!! I love that box in the shop. Darling!

  44. Congratulations, Diane!! I'm sure Etsy will keep you very busy ~ :)

  45. Hey well done, now I know I can come to you for help if I want to start up an "Etsy store"
    Great pieces here!
    Have a great weekend,

  46. Yay, congratulations on the grand store opening. I got here late and at the back of the queue - there's a lot of jostling but I'm making my way in...

  47. Congratulations! Sincerely! I will go over and take a peek.

  48. So happy for you!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I ADORE your art....the way you combine things and your beautiful faces!! I know that your shop will be a great success!

  49. Congrats! I'll definitely check it out...

  50. your shop looks wonderful! Congratulations. It is a lot of work to figure out. I did mine recently and it takes a lot of a certain type of energy and attention. Wishing you success.

  51. Wow!! That's fantastic! Congrats on opening your shop! Was it hard? I want to open one soon, but I keep putting it off!

    I love these pieces too, they're wonderful!!


  52. Dear sweet Diane,
    CONGRATULATIONS--I wish you big succes, and great sales.How exiting for you, dear friend-
    Love your two pieces added.

  53. Congrat's super! You did it;o)

  54. Yay! Congratulations on your new Etsy Shop and the best of luck to you! I've hearted your shop, too. :)

  55. Good for you...that is great, you have come a long way since last year....congratulation....=)Good luck to you....

  56. Hi again! Just wanted to tell you that YES, I think you of all people would love the Texture Town class! You seem to love and appreciate texture as much as I do, and I'm learning tons and having a blast!


  57. That is so GREAT! How exciting - I just opened up a shop too. :) I wish you tons & tons of success. It feels good to accomplish goals doesn't it!?

  58. Good for you! I finally starting stocking my store a couple weeks ago. I created it over the summer but haven't had the courage to put myself out there until now...silly.

  59. Bravo Diane, I wish you much success....

  60. Good luck for your new store. I've landed on your blog via Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog soooo glad you were in her sidebar! I love your artwork & your angels are outstanding. Hope you don't mind me following your blog!
    Best wishes & happy crafting. Gez.xx

  61. Hi Diane, I love these two new pieces! Congratulations on your etsy store!!! wishing you the best Sincerely, Jonny

  62. diane, i'm so excited for you! you will sell art, no problem. especially since you are at so many shows, people who may not buy then will go to your shop and buy! xo to you. i'm doing my first show next week. small mall, but i thought it might be a good start!
