
Monday, July 11, 2011

This Week it's Brown

So  at  first,  I  thought....what  can  I  do  with  brown  for  Kristin's  Summer  of  Color??   Well,  the  first  thing  I  did  was  look  through  my  papers, and  I  have  a  lot  of  browns.    I  love  the  vintage-style  artwork  in  the  sepia  and  brown  tones,  so  this  is  where  my  design  went--

This  was  made  on  the  reverse  side  of  a  gallery-wrapped  canvas,  which  ended  up  like  this  after  I  collaged  my  papers  onto  it--

I   added  the  lace  with  the  gel  medium  and  sealed  everything  with  the  medium.   I  love  doing  this  with  these  canvases--you  have  an  instant  shadowbox!

And then I used this wood house which I purchased on Etsy--
Indian Doll Artworks--an  amazing  doll artist,  but she  also  offers  these  plain  wood  house  shapes,  which  happened  to  fit  perfectly  into  my  canvas--
I  added  just  a  little  corals  and  yellows  to  enhance  the  browns.

....and  a  few  more  embellishments....

....for  the  final  touch.
Another  fun  color  challenge  Kristin!   .....and  there's  even  more  art  to  be  seen  over  at   Kristin's  blog--go  check  it  out!
And  I  wanted  to update  everyone  on  my  nest.   The  eggs  haven't  hatched  yet....BUT....I  see  the  Mom  AND  the  Dad  there  I  think  that  it's   just  a  matter  of  a   few  more  days  before  there  are  baby  birdies---I'm  keeping   my  fingers  crossed!!


  1. Just beautiful Diane. You should do a painting on the canvas on the other side for a multi-purpose piece! Waste not want not :)

  2. Fabulous piece. Your choice of elements is excellent. Love the depth of using these canvases too, something I've thought of doing but never tried. You may just have inspired me to do so, lol!!!

  3. WOW! What beautiful and inspiring work that you do! All the elements come together so beautifully.

  4. WOW! I love it. And you've given me an inspirational hit as well! I really like what you have done with the little house. Julie

  5. this is beautiful and i am so inspired by the idea to use the reverse side of a wide stretched canvas...great

  6. Such amazing projects. I never think of using the back side of a canvas but then again I noticed that canvasas in my country don't have pretty backs. :) Love the vintage feel.

  7. Brown and you make a perfect couple. That house became the crowning touch to this piece. Of course, I especially liked the lace.

  8. Your brown piece is so multi-dimensional and multi-textual. Very clever idea using the back side of the canvas as a shadowbox effect. You have inspired me to want to create a sculpture inside one of the frames someday. This piece will be a winner at Yankee Peddler. I know you must be excited about the show and can't wait to hear about it when you return at the end of Sept.

  9. It's wonderful Diane! I love browns and sepia's, they are so romantic and nostalgic. I am always amazed at all the details you incorporate!

  10. Brilliant! Another DS masterpiece:)

  11. Such a beautiful,vintage looking piece. Love how the house fits perfectly inside.

  12. Love your designs, they are always so clever and beautiful. And YOU.

  13. Great piece Diane!! you are a natural with the rich brown shades!! very inspiring work :)

  14. I love to see what you create and when you decorated the back of that wrapped canvas and created a shadow box it just blew me away! It's so "obvious" that you can do it and yet I didn't "see" it until you pointed it out. Thank you for that!!

    If both mama and papa bird are at the nest oh yes, babies will soon be appearing!

  15. What an amazing idea turning your canvas round and using the recess. This project in Brown is simply stunning Diane.
    Lesley x
    p.s. I was just catching up with your previous posts and was sorry to hear about Leo (hug)!

  16. Such a beautiful shadow box. Love how all the pieces you have used come so well together. And such a great idea of reversing the canvas.

  17. ooooh just gorgeous!!! LOVE all the Lace! Hugs Juls

  18. LOVE-ly! Just love how you used the reverse of the canvas! Just Brilliant - and pretty, too!

  19. Love it and the house:O)Awesome idea with the canvas:O)

  20. It's beautiful, Diane! As always, your work is thought-provoking and pleasing to the eye!

  21. Totally fabulous canvas, so adore your creation. Annette x

  22. WON-DER-FUL artwork, Diane! I love all the collaged elements.

  23. You continue to amaze me with your creativity. I'm running out of adjectives! The brown tones give it a "patina" that has a richness to it. Beautiful work!

  24. As usual...AMAZING! I need more words to describe your work. :)

  25. You never cease to amaze! I LOVE that you put an altered canvas INTO a box! Who does that? You do. Clever, talented girl. You are an inspiration. It's just beautiful, xo

  26. That is a gorgeous and inspiring piece of work.

  27. Just wonderful Diane. Beautiful piece.I love brown.

  28. What can i say Diane, this piece of artwork exhibits both "greatness" and "cuteness" ;-) It's so pleasing to the eye.

  29. Just gorgeous! This would be lovely in my office/bedroom done in browns and robins eqq blue, ha!
    Can't wait to hear updates about the eggs and birdies!!!
    Jessi xox

  30. oh i absolutely LOVE this piece! my cuppa tea ... so romantic and i always think shadow boxes are way cool!

  31. Perfection. You are always coming up with some great new creative idea(s)
    Beautiful as always

  32. Oh wow, Diane,
    you are fantastic- I so love this, your little house is gorgeus, inside the canvas back -and I love the brown-and all you did.

  33. Wow, Diane, this is totally gorgeous!! And how amazing to use the other side of the canvas...It's brilliant!!!

  34. Wow!! Your brown is fabulous!!! I'm glad you posted this today...I'm looking for some color inspiration and will go check out the link!!!


  36. it is perfect Diane, marvelous work of collage and have the touch for vintage creation.!!! thanks for the news of the baby birdies to come...hope you will have opportunity to take a photo safely...see you for your next red

  37. What a gorgeous piece!!! I never knew that 'brown' could be so amazing. You make it sound so easy, Diane!!! Betcha it will find a 'new home' very quickly!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  38. Diane it is so nice to meet you. I love your altered canvas. There are so many beautiful layers and elements here to see. Only would be better if I could touch! I love it.

  39. what a great way to use a canvas - I also love brown tones - so rich.
    fabulous piece!

  40. totally amazing piece of art!!!

  41. love visiting your blog as everything is fantastic on all this embossed metal and that vintage brown piece is superb..lovely little birds nest too and cute little out for those horrible magpies though

  42. Hi Diane! They are both so beautiful and creative! Thanks for stopping by my blog I've been so bad about blogging lately (and painting). I need to come back here and see all I've missed! I love your work and your blog:)

  43. Wonderful project! I just adore it.

  44. A wonderful creation, love the colours :-)
    Anne x

  45. This is so beautiful, thank you for sharing your process too. I would love to be able to make things like this. x

  46. Oooh, i love brown. it is seriously one of my favorite colors, and it rarely gets enough love. From pale vanilla creamy brown to dark bitter choclate brown...hmmm, maybe I like it because it reminds me of food? lol...

  47. This is Gorgeous! So Creative. Yes this piece inspires! Everything about this is beautiful. Tee

  48. Just the browns with lace...oh favorites!

  49. Hi Diane

    It's amazing to see how you have incorporated the wooden houses into your work! Very cool!!
    It inspires me to try something new other than dolls!

  50. Isn't it fun working on the reverse side of a canvas? I just love what you came up with...and all with brown! Love, love, love it :D
    Beth P

  51. I absolutely love this...your work is so much fun to look at and find all the details...TFS how you did this! :) nan

  52. I had to come by and say when I see your work in Somerset Studio I feel like I know you and admire your work always.

    The borwns are wonderful, theyhave the feel of sepia from vintage.
    That is a stupid sentance, but I like it.

    I hope your well and feeling fine.
    Now so hot and humid.

    This is not an insult...I always think of you when I see doorknobs, door knobs that arae beautiful.

  53. wonderful Diane, I love seeing what you are creating. It turned out wonderful.

  54. wow Diane this is gorgeous! I really like the back of the canvas too! You are so creative well done!!!

  55. Oh My Gosh Diane! What A Neat Idea To Use Your Gallery Wraps As Shadow Boxes! Would You Mind If I Tried Something Similar? I Have A Stack Of Canvases..some of which I Started And Never Finished..some of which started out with good intention But Never Made The Cut, If You Know What I Mean? I Would Love To Try This Technique..It's Fabulous! Now I'm Glad To Have Held On To These Old Ones..Just Never Know When You Can Use Them.

    Hey..And Thanks So Much For Poppin' Over To Pay Tribute To My New Rooster Creations. I think You're Right About them Being Popular Because So Many Folks Are Showing An Interest In Them. Sending You Some Love And Warm Georgia Sunshine Today, Terri

  56. diane, you really need to visit with kathleen at the gallery off broadway and teach a class there when things slow down for you. i know i'd want to be there. your creations are always darling. glad to hear your shows are doing so well.


  57. More amazing work Diane - thanks for being such an inspiration to us wannabe's xx Hilda

  58. Wow Diane, I can't believe how many comments you have on your blogpost girl.I am totally blown away by how much you achieve and how far you have come! Well done!!
    I love your art and thank you for your lovely comment on my post!!!!
    I am hopefully back blogging a bit more. I hope you sold out at the art fair.
    Love ManonXx

  59. This is so beautiful. :) I love the warm earthy color palette. I am hoping you see baby birds soon - and that you're able to take lots of photos! :)

  60. Your creation is fantastic as usual. Hope all is well with Bob and your new turtle bud. Hugs, ps - do you like Ghost Adventures new show - Paranormal Challenge. I have watched it three times and just can't get into it. oh well, guess i am missing my boys. LOL
