
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another One For My Journal and For My Etsy

So  last  week  I  was  reading  my  latest  issue  of  Somerset  Studio,  and  I  saw  this  ad (Paper  Whimsy)  with  an  image  of  a lady  that  I  Really  liked.   And  I  wanted  to  draw  her!   So,  I  got  out  the  fearless  journal  (because  there's  no  such  thing  as  messing  up  in  a  journal!)  and  I  did! 

I  remembered  what  I've  read  and  been  told  by  different  online  artists.   Don't  think  of  what  you're  actually  drawing--just  look  at  the  individual  shapes,  sizes,  and  angles,  and  it  seemed  to  help.  I  struggle  with  the  3/4  view,  and  I  was  pretty  happy  with  how  this  lady  turned  out  (my  "model"  is  on  page  19  of  the  Somerset magazine  if  you  have  it)

And  sticking  with  my  plan  of  using  different  art  supplies--I  finished  her  with  Conte  Crayons,  and  Derwent  inktense  pencils.   The  conte  crayons  are  really very  hard  chalk--easy  to  work  with--but  a  bit  messy--you  have  to  spray  a  fixative  over  it  when  you're finished  because  it  smears  onto  the  rest  of  your  work  and  pages.

I've  been   really  liking  my  journal  girls--so  much  so,  that  I  decided  to  turn  THIS ONE  into  an  art  piece!

I'm  really  happy  with  her  and  she's  now  in  my  Etsy  shop  HERE.  

I'm  really  beginning  to  like  this--this  journal  thing--I  think  I  have  a  bit  of  a  theme  going  on  with  my  journal  girls!


  1. I love them both. I don't think I've seen you mess up anything. :) It's good you're using up your supplies. :)

  2. Beautiful work with your girls. Hats off to you for experimenting and working with various mediums.

  3. I love your journal girl,shes beautiful and her hand is perfect. Also love your new piece for your etsy store!

  4. Oh, the first one really speaks to me...she's so wistful! I love these beautiful girls! Enjoy your week, my friend! ♥

  5. Really beautiful work Diane! The colors just tug at my heart...
    Tina xo

  6. This girl is really beautiful and you did a great job with her arm and hand!

  7. Loving these ladies:O) Love all the colors, you are doing awesome as always:O)

  8. WOW!! Very impressive, especially the 3/4 view. I have none of those supplies, so I'm very impressed with what you have to work with. You make it all look so easy and fun.

  9. She is beautiful Diane. I love them both. I also love your vivid color and like the fact that you are learning new things. Great job Diane. Enjoy the week, take care.

  10. I really love your journal girls!!! Wow and your 3/4 girl is marvelous! You have the drawing down very well and your background....gorgeous too! Is there anything you can't do? Love it, love it, love it!

  11. I love her Diane! I struggle with the 3/4 too. Your portrait turned out so gorgeous. I need more fearless practice! :) Looking forward to seeing more of your journal girls. :)

  12. Your Etsy girl is fabolous, dear Diane- and I so love how you uses laces, and tulle with pearls, --also the journal girl is lovely- and so beautiful looking-
    Hugs and happy rest of the week.

  13. If this is the result then your journaling is deffinately working out. Beautiful!

  14. Me too Diane. It's so easy to take a journal page and revamp it into something wonderful, such as your lovely girl you posted on Etsy. Also, using those unused art materials on a journal can bring surprises.

  15. Beautiful job! They're both great! Jennifer

  16. She is very pretty, actually they both are. I'm thinking you don't have any problems with the angles. You capture beauty and emotion. Very beautiful.

  17. I love your Girls! Great color! The 3/4 view is difficult for me, too. You've got it mastered! Looks great!

  18. very pretty! Love the rich jewel tones. A journal is a great idea~~

  19. they are both wonderful Diane.
    I also try to look at shapes, but it is not coming naturally for me. yours are both beautiful.

  20. She's beautiful...I love the color of her hair!

  21. Really both super gorgeous and pretty Diane! You are so excellent at drawing faces....each is so gorgeous and has such character!

  22. A young acrylics instructor once told us that in a community art class I took break it down into shapes and then paint (or draw). It really does help.

    Your journal girls have such a dreamy gaze in their eyes. I really like it.

  23. These are awesome Diane!! Love your girls! Your style is always amazing. I am not much for journaling but I do agree, you are on to something here with this theme! :)

  24. and what a beautiful art piece she turned into! Lovely lovely!!!


  25. Oh wow! Your new journal girl is just gorgeous!! And I love the new art piece too! You paint such beautiful faces.


  26. dreamy, diane.
    + the measurements made
    by your heart are
    just right. xo

  27. GASP!!!! WOW, they are SO pretty! I will definitely check out that page (oh, it's right here!) and LOVE LOVE LOVE your latest piece with the bold color. Bravo, xoxo

  28. your journal girls are all so beautiful and this new one just joins in with the other beauties. congrats on getting back in the groove with your etsy shop :)

  29. I'm impressed! Both are awesome! You have done a great job!

    Have a lovely week!
