
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Some More French Country

I'll  call  this  post  part 2  of  my  French  Country  art--all  thanks  to  these  papers  from  Graphic 45.
How could  you  not  love  these?!   These  are  what  inspired  me  to  make  some  more  canvases--
started  out  by  painting  some  more  sunflowers,  and  then  'framed'  them  in  these  very  cool  papers--
Next--a  new  sunface--
...shining  down  on  some  more  sunflowers  and  a  rooster...
And  I  did  what  I  always  do  when  I  love  what  I'm  making--

A new box!
And  here's  another  little  sunny  face  for  you--


Zoie!--enjoying  her  summer.   She's  going  to  be  meeting  her  little  cousin  in  less  than  2  months--we're  all  very  excited  here!


  1. I really like the results from your inspirational papers and little one is a cuttie Dxx

  2. Very great painting. Love the sunflowers and the way you used the paper as a frame. Your art is so beautiful and colourful. Super! And the little smiling face is so cute!
    xxx Marianne

  3. Oh my gosh, what a little hug bug!!

  4. Gosh....look how big she is now! They grow so fast! What a cutie :)

    Love the new pieces, too. Your boxes are always special.
