
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making Time For Play

I really do enjoy preparing for the Christmas season-you know decorating, wrapping presents, baking, and most definitely Christmas shopping. But I still like to make time to go up to my little art room (as I like to call it--I'll go into more detail about this room in my next blog post) and just play.

As I mentioned here I have many treasures  in my house.  I have alot of these cheese boxes--

Does anyone remember these?   I actually don't, and I'm not that young.  Does anyone know when they stopped making these?  I  love using these kind of  items for my art, , but I'm  not very
knowledgeable of their history.  I also have alot of the old bottles--not sure what was in them either--probably medicine, but I'm sure they were used for other purposes?--anyone?

Well I just know that I'm always on the lookout for these two things.  I usually find them at flea markets.  I like to alter the bottles--

And then I altered the box, added the bottle, and I've made a whole new piece of art--it's always good to make time for play!


  1. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for visiting me and I have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your vintage treasures and the awesome artwork that you do.
    It's FREEZING here...
    Deb :)

  2. Oh that turned out so pretty.Love it. I really don't know too much about the cheese boxes but I have a few of them in my store.

  3. Hi Diane, this is so very cool! I cannot believe the piece of art you made of a cheese box and an old bottle! You inspire me!! Hugs, Silke

  4. i can't find it anywhere, but i know i was once told that those cheese boxes were given out as part of a welfare/food stamps program during the great depression. i can't find it on the internet, though, but i'm pretty sure that's it!

  5. Hello have a great blog; full of interesting art and treasures. Thanks for finding me; its lovely to meet you.
    You asked about the Goddess and Poet class? Well, its fantastic - you'll love it. I learnt so much....I just wish I had more time to put it into practice!!
    Linda x

  6. Such a beautiful blog here! I'm following you now too! Happy holidays!

  7. Hey Diane, Thanks for stopping by my neglected blog : ) so that I could follow you here to yours. Love your stuff! I do myself enjoy taking old and giving it a new life.
    Have a great day : )

  8. Hi Diane,
    I love preparing for Christmas too!!!
    Neat about your cheese boxes...and your art piece turned out so cool!
    Love it!

  9. I love those old cheese boxes but don't know anything about them. T
    Many of the bottles were used for medicines. We like those too! Love your art piece! Twyla

  10. Great work on your Blog, thanks for stopping by on mine. Love your helper;o)
