
Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Games People Play

That's the theme this week over at Mixed Media Monday.  So you've heard the familiar phrase "house of cards"--well for this art challenge, I created a kindgom of cards--

This is where the King and Queen of Hearts live--click on the photo for a closer view.

This is the King's place, and

here is the Queen's--that must be their son Prince Jack up on the second floor.  Also, you'll notice that what's growing there are Club, Heart, Spade, and Diamond flowers, and the trees are Spade trees.

Growing up, that was what my brothers and I did for entertainment--we played alot of cards.  When we were young, our favorite card game was War.  Does anyone remember that game?  It's basically a never ending game--we would play with a double deck and we'd play that same game for days.  And then as we got older, our favorite was Pinochle--we loved  that game.  As much as I love now and modern technology--I still like the "olden" days before Play Station 3 and computers.  I don't think my kids growing up ever even heard of the word Pinochle.

When I started out with this piece, I knew that I was going to make the houses out of the deck of cards that I had.  I loved the round playing deck that I used for the trees.  I like putting houses in my artwork,  but I didn't know how they would turn out.  I made the houses, and then my muse just took over and they came to life.  When I finished, I looked at it  and realized that it was the King and Queen's kingdom!

 And when I'm in my art room, I talk to myself ALOT.  What scares me though, is that I tend to have a conversation with myself.  But I had an "aha" moment.  I was at Sharon's site --All Norah's Art--the class doesn't start until Feb. 5, but the site is open now. Well anyway Sharon (she's a cool lady :) was telling us that she talks to herself  also, and sometimes things just come out of her, and she told us that it's her muse, Norah talking to her.  How cool is that?   Her muse has a name.  And then that's when I realized--there's nothing wrong with me--it's MY MUSE talking back to me!!  Thanks Sharon, for giving me that insight--I feel better now.  Sometimes my muse (I don't know her name....yet) can be a bit irritating, but I always listen to her, because she's usually right.

I also wanted to tell you that I went to our mall a couple of days ago to get some things, and of course I had to stop in at Michaels and Borders to treat myself to a latte (my drink of choice).    And when I was there, I picked up the latest issue of this--

I haven't had a chance to even open it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.  The main reason is that I am loving all of these beautiful journal pages that I'm finding on alot of your blogs.  I really want to start an art journal.  My first step was starting this blog, but I want to start a real life one.( well I actually kind of started one with my upside down Suzi faces)  I found Jo Reimer's blog One a Day, and on it she encourages everyone to keep a journal, whether it's art or just writing--just basically to record your life.  She tells of her mother and father being married during the Depression and the tough times that fell on them, and she wished that they would have kept  some kind of journal--anything just to know how they felt   during this time of their life.  And don't you wish that you could read things from your relatives that are no longer with you --even if it were just beautiful artwork in a beautiful journal. After I read her post, I felt guilty for not recording anything of what I do.

And also on her blog, she had a very  interesting  utube video of a man who discusses his journaling, and you guessed it--I'm putting up another VERY interesting video for you to enjoy (Thanks Jo)--I LOVED this video!!


  1. Such magical, whimsical art! BRAVO! - Kris

  2. Fantastic entry for this theme- so beautifully made and designed Diane! Love this idea! And, don't worry I totally talk to myself as well- it actually helps in the creative process I think!

  3. Wow, Diane - this is amazing! Love it! (the other) Diane

  4. Diane...First, your CardKingdom is very thoughtful with the card playing as a youth, but without knowing that, it is also quite comtemporary in interpretation for the viewer. Great job! So many of us started our blogs as a Journal. I know I did and most of my Posts are with that in mind. Anyday, the First Edition of 'CollectInTexas Gal' should be arriving in the mail. Yes, it is a published book of my blog from August through December 2009. I will post about it when I get back from doing a 'TwoWeek 9to5 J O B'. The UTube was great...what a legacy! Enjoyed this post so very much. You're 'Journaling', Gal!

  5. I love your house of cards, and your journaling. I'm on my 14th art journal, and I hope one day some one of my descendents picks one up and comes to know who I am, whst I think, and how I passed my days. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  6. The video was wonderful. It must be amazing to start one early on in life and then have all of it to look at... later.
    The house of cards you made is beautiful!!! Great layout and colors flow so well. Are you going to keep it?

  7. Hi Diane! This is just wonderful: your creativity, color choice, just plain talent - all evident here. I feel better too BTW, now I can use my Muse as an excuse for talking to myself. Now, we need to find their names . . . Have a good week, Kristin xo

  8. This is such a fun piece. The round cards are great. And thank you so much for that video! He is so cute showing his journals. I love his ideas.

  9. What an amazing piece and the story that goes along with it, Diane!

  10. great colorful piece & cool story

  11. Hi Diane!!!

    This piece just took my breath away...what a clever and creative piece...I just love it!!! wonderful work!!!

  12. Love this piece Diane!! It is inspiring how you set goals for yourself and go after them.

  13. How clever you are! That piece is so cute and so is the little guy on the video. You may want to consider joining the ning group:
    I only found it last week...I found some new journalers there.

  14. Great entry Diane! I use my poodle to talk to myself!! people must think I'm weird!! btw, love reading your blog.

  15. This is really creative and clever! Just lovely! :)

  16. Love your latest card art, fabulous!
    What an awesome idea. Playing cards is great fun.
    Have an awesome day!



  17. I just love this Diane - there's always so much clever thought involved in your artwork, I always wonder what you are going to come up with next!
    I'm so enjoying the Suzi Blu class and have been drawing faces all weekend! Starting on the coloured pencils tonight :)

  18. Hi Diane, great piece.
    My husband and I love to play cards.
    We have a running game of Kings in the Corner!!

    I love that video, what an amazing legacy to his children.

  19. This piece is wonderful, whimsical and so colorful. I LOVE it! The most important thing about an art journal is to have fun, and I KNOW you will! BTW - good luck in my drawing! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  20. What you've created is wonderful and so original! You must be SO very pleased with it!
    I'm off to watch the video, thanks for the link!

  21. Hi and thanks for the wonderfull comments you posted on my blog. I love your art as well and the video was great - thanks for sharing.

  22. Over the top!!!
    Great idea and design and color!!!
    You got it all!!!

  23. You amaze me,how you put something so beautiful together so quickly! This is just gorgeous,perfect for the theme.

  24. Diane - love your creation! I love playing cards - all sorts. I especially love the unique "back" some have. Your creation is marvelous, my dear. . and I'm sure Oliver agrees.

  25. Diane, Diane, are just amazing and I love visiting you!!
    I absolutely love your card is just so so neat! And do you know I LOVED playing War as a kid? My grandfather and I played over and over AND my other favorite card game was PINOCLE!!!! I played that with my grandparents all day whenever they babysat me...those are the BEST memories EVER!!! AND I just saw that magazine and thought I HAVE TO BUY THAT...AND I LOVE LATTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, you are way ahead of me with your drawing, but you know...I dont' think I'm meant to do it I'll just download Suzi's videos. I'm so into fabric collage at the moment...BUT I also want to do a journal...xoxoxox

  26. P.S. I talk to myself ALL DAY LONG(as long as no one's around...LOL)

  27. This piece screams color. I love it. I talk to myself, too, but I don't think it's my muse (grin).

  28. Your creation is fantastic! Once again you have done a wonderful job with color and texture.
    Loved that video as well. Gaby xo

  29. Hi Diane! This is amazing! You did a magical job! Perfect entry for the challenge! I loved playing the war card game too. It just went on and on. And my muse is contantly talking up a storm all the time.

    Thanks also for your sweet visit as always! I appreciate your update on the banner. I'll be happy to create it for you. Just email me with the other details whenever you're ready.

    Lisa :)

  30. Hi, Dianne, what an amazing piece you've created, loving every bit of it. I hope you have a perfect spot for it in your house!

    Can't say i talk to myself when i'm doing art (i'm usually cursing my unusually slow computer) but i do get vivid dreams and visions at night...gotta get my night light working so i can quickly note them because by the morning they're gone!

  31. love the kingdom of cards! I talk to myself too and not just while I'm painting! (cooking, cleaning, driving, you name it.) Loved your other artwork too!

  32. Your piece for MMM is absolutely wonderful!! I'm so glad to have found your blog. I'll be back to visit!!

  33. Your kindgom of cards is fantastic, love all the houses and trees.

  34. I loved to play war as a kid, though we never used a double deck. I forgot all about that game. Fantastic piece for the theme. I love the houses.

  35. Wow you get a lot of comments - Lucky girl! thanks for commenting about my son -glad we have 'Nicks' in common. I love this art -especially the trees - they look so happy. And I love that you are willing to experiment and know that your style will change -sometimes that is hard to do.

  36. Oh my heavens this is such a beautiful post from beginning to end. Your art piece is so heartfelt and whimsical at the same time. We played rummy, blackjack, and canasta when I was a kid. Cards are a big part of my history, too. I love hearing about your creative process and that sweet man sharing his journaling style.

  37. Oh Diane, I too loved this video! It brought tears to my eyes. It makes me want to start journaling!
    Love your piece. Great composition.

  38. Wow! I love that house of cards! I love all the textures! So beautiful! I'll have to watch that video, too...I've been wanting to start art journaling for a little while now, but haven't known where to start (even though I'm always perusing books at Chapters on the subject! lol
