
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Of My Favorite Quotes

The theme this week at The Three Muses is to use one of your favorite quotes in your art work and here is mine:

This was done on a gallery wrapped canvas, and it measures about 8 x 17, so I'll show you a couple close ups.  Here's  where I put the quote--

The quote is a Chinese  Proverb, and it's "A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song"

I love using birds, like alot of artists, in my artwork. To me, they represent freedom to go anywhere, and to just sing just for the sake of singing.  They also  represent a sign of renewal.  The first sign of Spring for us is to see a Robin. I love birds.  I'm not a bird expert or watcher--I just love birds.  Right now, it's so cold and  QUIET, but in the warmer seasons I just love waking up to the chirping of all the birds.

And this was one of those pieces where everything came into place.  I just sat back and listened to her (my muse--still don't know her name). I found this sheet music in a children's book I had which was perfect for what I  was looking for:

"The Birdies' Ball"--how cute!

Then I used this scrapbook paper for the border--

The flowers in it went so well with the birds, so I just cut some out and collaged them onto the canvas  to mix in.

I usually don't paint these colors--the baby blues and pinks, and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but when I was finished--I love it!


  1. A lovely quote with beautiful art to match- wonderful folk art feeling to this!

  2. What a great quote! Do what you love to do and don't worry about justifying it. Wisdom to heed. Your birds are just the kind of birds we have here in Florida! I hear (but rarely see) them singing everyday when I go for my morning walk. Great color combo, as you always do...

  3. Yes, a wonderful quote and a most exquisite piece of art to go with it. Your work is absolutely beautiful. It makes me sit back and say "ahhhhhhhh". Your birds and their setting are gorgeous. A standing ovation from me!

  4. This is so fun and happy. I love that Chinese quote. Sweet.

  5. Diane,
    I think this piece turned out great. I also love birds- they are beautiful and so much fun to paint. I am trying to wait patiently for spring so I can watch the birds from my porch and relax in the sunshine. :)

  6. Diane, this is so so sweet...I love your colors and if it were for sale, I would buy it. xoxo

  7. Love it. love it, love it! It's perfect and adorable!

  8. Oh Diane...this is GORGEOUS!! I love it!

  9. Hi Diane!!! this is beautiful!!! what a wonderful quote too...I need to sing more often....

    I love everything about it....

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  10. Love those long legs on your birds and the quote written on them!!

  11. How clever the way you presented your quote! This is such a light-hearted page, and the bordering is perfect as well. The birds just exude joy. Good work!!

  12. Enjoyed reading your write-up as much as seeing your art!I"m not usually a "pastelly"-type person either; but this winsome piece appeals!The children's music sheet peeking through is very apt!

  13. Oh wow this is delightful.
    Absolutely gorgeous. Love the birds.

  14. This is freaking gorgeous! I love, love, love it, all the way down to the music in the background!

  15. i always loved that quote and you made a fantastic piece of art with it!

  16. This is absolutely wonderful, I love it!!

  17. Lovely work Diane! I love the quote too.

  18. Fabulous! Luv how you have incorporated the quotation on your piece, which is a lovely quotation too.

  19. Really cute birds Diane and love the quote you chose!

  20. I just love the birdies!... lovely!

  21. Another lovely piece. I was really disappointed not to have time to do a piece for this as I had so many ideas... time (paid work!) got the better of me, but there's nothing to stop me doing a late entry I suppose and I can still enjoy looking at everyone else's!

  22. Beautiful piece,love that quote and I love the colors. Very soft.

  23. Really cute! I love that the sheet music was named the birdies' ball.
    I really like that quote too. Great piece.

  24. This is just beautiful, Diane! It really DID come together perfectly. You used one of my favorite quotes, and I love where you place the words. I think the sun, though, is my favorite element. she has such a beatific expression on her face.

    Thank you, too, for placing my link to Have a HeART in your sidebar. You are truly a beautiful and compassionate soul.


  25. Lovely warm feel to this great creation and I love this chinese quotes!!!

  26. Oh it's just so beautiful and whimsical! I love the colors and those dots are just so sweet.

  27. Beautiful, and I love the quote. Birds are such wonderful little creatures. There's nothing I like better than waking to the sound of birds singing outside my window.

  28. Such sweet birds! And that is a wonderful quote.

    I think I need to come up with a name for my muse too. Perhaps "St. Tammy"? ;)

  29. Your work is beautiful to look at ..I just love it so much

  30. First, I love that quote, new to me!!!
    Now what can I say about your piece?
    Just beautifully made, whimsical, but sophisticated, love the colors, awesome artwork!!!!

  31. I adore the blues and the pinks! What a nice change of pace. Lovely work, Diane! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  32. Diane,
    Would you send me your e-mail address, so I can add you to my address book?


  33. This is such a gorgeous whimsical piece and that quote is one of my all time favourites. I have a lovely stamp with that quote. Your piece is beautifully put together, great work!

  34. I'm loving the soft colors, and the way the music shows through the white wash. Very lovely!

  35. Oh my gosh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this :-) You need to teach us all - maybe a tutorial? Or classes? Oh, please !!

  36. Stunning piece, Diane, lovely quote!

  37. Oh Diane, this is amazing and so lovely. Love the quote and whrere you have placed it, love the colours and all the details. It must have taken you ages. Wonderful!

  38. Beautiful!!! And thanks for your comment today---I never thought of using the lines to write something on the face. Great idea!!!!

  39. Your art is delightful, Diane. I at first glance couldn't find the quote. But then I read what you'd written and found it. So clever. I love your birds.

  40. Hello, Your profile pic caught my eye on one of your comments to an OWOH participant... I'm wearing the exact same one right now, so thought I would say g'day :))

  41. Hi Diane,
    thanks for your kind visit.

    I love your card, it is so sweet and fun, what a wonderfull job you have done.


  42. I love how you did this...the music is perfect! It's all good, the birdies, the quote. Fantastic!

  43. This is very special and beautiful. Your story makes me long for spring!

  44. Very beautyful. The Birds are so sweet.
    I love the whole composition

  45. oh this is absolutely adorable...i love what you've done. i don't remember how much i miss the birds until they start to sing on springs arrival...then i listen for them every day!

  46. Wow, what a lovely piece, you are I have to say it again, an amazing artist, I love your style and how you compose your art and your use of colours are fab!! Wonderful Piece and a great quote!!


  47. I love this! And I Love the colors! Twyla

  48. Love that saying, and love the way you presented it.
    Lovely piece!!

    thanks for coming by, and I'm glad i found you.
    Off to see more.


    barbara jean

  49. This is gorgeous!
    So creative and wonderful!

