
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So In The End....

I  did  very  well  on  my  "business"  trip.  I  finally  emptied  out  all  of  my  bags  and  put  everything  in places  that  I  can   remember  where  they  are.  I'm  a  little  more  organized  now this  year  than  I was  last  year,  so I think  I'll  be  able  to  remember.  And  I've  been  trying  to  phase  out  of   making  over  old  furniture  but  I  just  couldn't  resist--

This  Singer  sewing  table  makes  a great  base  for  a  table.  We  have  larger  cupboard  doors and  they  make  the  perfect  table  top!

I  really  do  have  a  problem  with  lace.

And   do  you  think  I  have  enough  knobs  now?.........I  don't  know......

Did  I  mention  that  I'm  also  partial  to  vintage  kitchen  towels  and  ladies'  hankies?  Hankies!!--how could  you  not  love  these?!  And  don't  forget  about  those  buttons!!

And  I'm  always  on  the  look-out  for  a  rooster  to  add  to  my  collection.  I  saw  alot  of  many  unique ones,  but  I  have  too  many  and  not  enough  space,  so  I  was  thinking  more  on  the  smaller  side.   It  was  a  toss-up  between  this  one--

(This  one  is  pretty  neat--it's  made  out  of  terra  cotta.)

Or  one  of  these  for  only  $6.00  each--

This  one  was  really  speaking  to  me--literally,  but  in  the end  I  didn't  think  that  he  would  be  too  happy  with  me  in  my  art  room,  so  I  went  with  the  terra  cotta  one.

This  was  a  4-day  sale  and  we  were  there  from  the very  beginning  bright  and  early  on  Thursday  morning,  and I  was  just  oooohing   and  awwhing  at  all  of  the  "treasures"  before  me.   Well   by  Saturday  afternoon,  all  of  these  "treasures" (and  they were  EVERYWHERE)  was  all  starting  to  look  like  junk .(I   know  that's  what  alot  of   people   think  anyway,  but  not   me  : )  I  pretty  much  hit  the  wall,  so  we  just  took  the  time  to relax  in  Chattanooga  and  later  Gatlinburg--more  about that  in  my next  post.


  1. Wow !! Awesome treasures!! Love the doorknobs and the furniture really great buys:O) cant wait to see what you create!! Thanx for the inspiring comments:O) Have a great day Isabel

  2. My husband loves flea markets. But I don't. But I feel like I should since you can get really neat cool stuff there. I bet you would wear me out. I'd be dragging my feet and you'd be saying I bet there's something really special just around the next corner. LOL

  3. What the singer bottom for a table base,,,love the lace....really love that rooster and I think you made the right choice......and the knobs...well really I like all you found....

    I can't wait to see all your creations using your "treasures"....

  4. oh what a wonderful time you had...and oh what you picked out...i know ya' had to hold yourself back from purchasing even more!
    what a treasure to peruse so MANY flea markets!
    thank you for sharing your i know i am not the only one who waits with baited breath to see your creations from these!!! xoxo

  5. These treasures are such eye candy!!

  6. I am so happy for you but I am jealous too! What a wonderful trip and cache!

  7. Good stuff you got!! I would have hit the wall long before you!!

  8. So many good stuff you got, really treasures:))
    Hugs, Biljana

  9. Diane,
    wonderfull that you did well :)
    and love all the great finds-wonderfull singer table-I have one too in my garden,also with an old door , on top, --the doorknops
    is a great collection, Diane---AND ofcourse the laces.
    Have a lovely evening dear,

  10. Well I came home and I am not on your step any more, you have the most wonderful things, so it is a good things I was not with you as we mayhave had a fight and I wouldn't want to do that. I can hardly wait to see what you do with some of these things, and I know you will say remember my business trip and I got this. And look at all those knobs, you have.

    So when your out with friends and someone says....what do you collect and you say knobs, it makes you such an interesting person. Thanks for all the g reat photos it does my heart good.

    Tomorrow and friend and I are going to this old victorian house that has many many rooms and big walk in closets, many women display things there and fill the house, at great prices, so I hope to find things. I will think of you.

  11. Oooh Diane....Did you see me waving to you on Sunday?
    Only from as far as Grassy Cove tho.
    We were on a little photo excursion Sunday morning up there as it's only about 20 minutes away.

    We opted not to do the 127 as we do each year. I am not into the whole mixed media like before, and our log cabin and studio are BURSTING at the seams with old stuff!

    Hope you enjoyed Chattanooga and Gatlinburg.Looks like you got you got a great "haul".

    Next year give me a holler a head of time and we can meet up!

  12. I was with you in spirit on this trip. You really did get some great "finds."

  13. Ah what bliss - days of rummaging through old junk... I would have been in my element. However, it would have been my boyfriend's idea of hell on earth! Each to our own...

  14. Oh how fun. You really got a lot of neat stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the tables. Have fun in your creations. Take care.

  15. WOW!!!! So many beautiful treasures, must have been such a fun weekend.

  16. Hi Diane, Thank you for the visit. Wow what wonderful vintage treasures! I love the Singer table and the green table. I love your blog and your beautiful artwork too! :)

  17. Looks like you had a blast Diane! You have some beautiful finds there!!

  18. I never thought I would be burned out of going bargain hunting, but I can see where after a marathon like you experienced, you would be ready for some R and R. Can't wait to see more finds. Loved both roosters, too. Guess I would have gone for the terra cotta one too.

    Did I mention it's really good that you are back?

  19. Wonderful 'stuff' - love everything in your treasure haul. Well done! And the rooster you chose won't break your heart like the real guy would so wise choice! x

  20. What lovely treasures! Ahh, the mint-green(?) table, lace and are those sewing needle 'bottles' I see??? You have some lovely things to work with here, sweet lady! Can't wait to see them turned into something new! xoxo

  21. you got so much great stuff! I can't wait to see what you do with it all,especially the sewing machine base. Glad you picked the terra cotta rooster hahha. And a girl could never have enough lace!

  22. That's one big bag you had. :)) Amazing finds!

  23. Glad you did well!! I love your two oval tables -boy is that little aqua one cute cant wait to see what you do I know they will be beautiful. I like flee markets too we have pike days here once a year thats nice to go to ----I love the vintage kitchen towels and hankerchiefs too.Have a great day. Sincerely Jonny

  24. Look at all the did quite well. One thing about that rooster, he won't wake you up in the mornings. Love all your stuff!!

  25. All I can say is JEALOUS!! I do have a set of 2 glass hanles but I'm not using them until I get MORE! And the kids toy blocks...I've been watching for some but I around here the kids played with them until they wore down to slivers because I have yet to find the set you have, which is what I want. I'm sure we had more than several sets growing up and there were 6 of us so where did they all go? And all the magnet alphabets and numbers? I won't speak of the pink depression glass and other treasures my mom hauled off to the DUMP! OMG! Our hoosier style BIG cabinet moved to the basement and reassembled to hold tools ( EEEKKK ), the 4 or 5 huge boxes filled to the brim with costume jewelry left by my Grandmother. I won't mention all my dolls, the glass chimes and huge stacks of 45 rpm records that I left in my room when I married! I want it ALL back....even the triple mirrored old chest of drawers that I hated as a teen (was I crazy? ). Le Sigh.......
