
Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Trying Very Hard to Think Spring!

I  really  am,  but when  you  have  temps  in  the  20's,  it's  kind  of  hard.  Tomorrow  looks  like  a  warm  up--sunny  and  in  the  mid  30's--time  to  break  out  the  bermuda  shorts!   Well,  at  least  I  can  think  Spring  with  my  she  art  girls--

I  haven't  altered  a  birdhouse  in  a  long  time.  They're  fun  to  do--each  side  is  like  a  new  canvas  to  work  on--completely  separate  from  the  other  side--

So.....what else can I do with these girls?...Hmmmmm...

I  had  to  do  it  : )

You  know,   I  wasn't  even  going  to  sign  up  for  this  class--I  did  it  on  a  whim,  but  now  I'm  so  glad  that  I  did,  and  I've  become  a  big  Christy  fan  (check  out   the  very  excellent  giveaway  that  she  has  going  on  right  now  with  Pink  Paislee  papers)   And  guess what??   She's  offering  a  new  class  in  May--She  Had  Three  Hearts--Art  Journaling  Workshop.   I've  already  signed  up  for  it.  It  doesn't  matter  what  the  class is,  I  know  I'll  like  it,  but  it  sounds  great,  and  her  price  for  the  class  is  impossible  to  turn  down--go  check  it  out!


  1. Love the bird house. :) Yeah, I'm sick of this cold, too. I like the wormth better.

  2. These are absolutely incredible boxes. And the birdhouse is to die for. I like how you say each of the sides is a new canvas.

    We may get snow this morning, and rain is already pounding down. It has been one miserable winter, and like you, I am thinking hard that it's spring.

  3. Such a pretty bird house. Just love the colours and textures and artwork. Really lovely.

  4. Adorable birdhouse! I agree, we are way overdue for Spring. Hopefully, not too much longer.....

  5. i love your boxes & bird houses!
    such blessed birds to have
    such a home!
    i know, let's bring on
    the fullness of spring!!

  6. wow these are amazing!!! Love all your details! Hugs Juls

  7. What a happy, bright idea Diane! I was looking for an idea to make a little something for my elderly neighbor and I just happen to have a birdhouse from a garage sale that would be perfect to decorate and paint for Anita. Thanks for the inspiration!
    The cold is getting me down too and I am so ready for Spring. 36 here today...sheesh.
    Tina xo

  8. The birdhouse is love! I almost wanted to touch my laptop's monitor and imagine to touch your beautiful work. Thank you for sharing your art from the heart. :)

  9. Yes, it's true. Ohio takes forever to reach spring. Those birdhouses are adorable and I see you put to good use what you learned in the class. Are they waterproof? If not, I can see them hanging merrily on a covered porch or sunroom.

  10. Uau I love it. Incredible boxes!

  11. Gorgeous art, that bird house is so fantastic ! I love your girls, I would really want to take the She Art class too !

  12. Hi dear,
    this is a cutie piece- how sweet, and how beautifull. I love little birdhouses, Diane, and yours are so special.
    Also your boxes are fabolous.
    Here I was soooooo freezing taking my trip ,this morning--uhh.

  13. Great houses! I just got my printer and hope to be as good as you at printing and using prints of my originals. Happy day to you Lady and thanks for always inspiring me.

  14. I so look forward to your posts! I love seeing your art,its always so beautiful and inspiring. I love your birdhouse and your boxes. And as far as the weather well lets just say I now have my air condition on.

  15. Bellissime queste creazioni :-)
    complimenti , un saluto mary

  16. I love your birdhouse!! Christy's class was really wonderful-I learned so much about backgrounds!! It's only in the 40's here and snowed this past weekend--I sure am getting tired of it!! I want spring!

  17. Amazing boxes and amazing artwork Diane! Your work is always exceptional!

  18. Oh WOW, that is the coolest birdhouse I've ever seen!!

  19. Such a pretty bird house! Its been raining cats and dogs here, but we know spring is around here somewhere. Have a happy creative week! ~Theresa

  20. I'd say your creative muse is ON! So fun seeing your pieces...I'm looking forward to your show postings and hope spring visits you SOON.

  21. So beautiful and full of whimsy, just love what your doing while waiting for spring :-)

  22. Love the birdhouses!!!!:O) Hang in there warm weather is around the corner!!!:O)

  23. Oh Diane this is all so wonderful! I LOVE the birdhouse! Those boxes are too fun and wonderful as well! I think you've captured Spring and more!

  24. Your projects are so beautiful! I LOVE that bird house too! I might just check out that 'she-art' class!
    Hugs and blessings

  25. BEAUTIFUL...... i am going to check out the classes you recommend.. ;)

  26. I L O V E the birdhouse! Isn't the weather crazy! We are meant to be cooling down and it was VERY hot and humid here in the weekend!

  27. oh these are just beautiful, I LOVE your work so much, there is just so much detail and parts to explore..such a feast for the eyes! :) I love your birdhouses AND the little boxes..gorgeous!

  28. Your birdhouse is BEAUTIFUL! Love your boxes too!


  30. I truly love your birdhouse and your boxes. They are wonderful creations.

  31. Diane, your work is just SO beautiful. I hope you are living the life you have dreamed of because you deserve it. You are so generous in your encouragement and sharing!

  32. this is SUCH a fantastic idea for a birdhouse!!! OMG!!! How cute is this??? Tara has a birdhouse collection-so this seems like the perfect project to try out! And I love your mirror in the post below...did you do that whole frame? LOVE!!! I also checked out the 3 hearts art journal workshop...just may take it! Seriously!xxx

  33. Hi Diane, just found your blog, beautiful work!look forward to following

  34. I adore birdhouses too - and love what you've done with yours! Thanks for the link to the class too.

  35. Thanks Diane for visiting my blog. I plan to take lots of pictures and come home with lots of ideas. Love your birdhouses!

  36. Adorable!!! You have turned out some fabulous things from this class. I just can't wait!!!! Now I'm off to check out her new class.

  37. Holy Cow! Just look at all of these fabulous comments, Diane!!! I adore your work, and these birdhouses are amazing and so rich with eye-candy details!!! Bravo!!! Hugs & Happy Spring! Terri xoxo

  38. Excellent bird house. It must be fun working with them. Each side is beautiful. Great work and enjoy your class.

  39. Hi Diane,
    Standing ovation from me...I LOVE what you have created and I love those beads that say "home"--so brilliant!! This birdhouse just sings to the heart--masterful!

  40. Ahhhhh big sigh... I love every single little detail. You amaze me. :)

  41. these are all so cute! i need to get a blank birdhouse some day soon and go crazy! still cold here in indiana but just seeing the sun is a welcome event.

  42. Wow, Diane! How do you find the time...personal chef...full time maid..? No? Haha!

    You are incredible...magic in everything you touch :)

  43. Thank you Diane, your work always feels so happy! I need spring and sunshine and these do help me feel a bit better. Sending hugs to you!
    Much Love,

  44. Stunning creations; everything just works so well together - something I struggle with at times :-)
    Anne x

  45. These are REAL BEAUTIES, Diane, they are gorgeous!!! :)) Only looking at that stunning bird house brought the spring closer!
    Lots of love,
    Sanda xoxo

  46. well get on out here to california and start enjoying the beautiful spring weather we are having . . . and bring those bird houses, we have a few 'homeless' birds looking for housing.

    PS the birdhouse are very fun.
    i think i may sign up for Christy's next class - it sounds amazing

  47. Everything you create is so beautiful!!! Your She Art girls look so pretty on all the different surfaces. :) Theresa

  48. I love all the layers you always have in your much fun!


  49. The birdhouse is adorable! And I love the sweet girl with Be Happy and the little birds! You have so many great ideas! We are Christy fans, too! I love the movies...and the book! ♥ I lived in a remote area in NC for a few years and it reminds me of that! ♥

  50. Hi Diane,
    Thanks so much for coming to visit! Honestly, these creations are so beautiful...your work is spectacular!

  51. So beautiful!!! I love your work!

    I hope it warms up for you very soon! Our daughter said it snowed,again, in PA!

    Have a great weekend!

  52. Love finding new wonderful people who Art! My thanks to Cameron =D
    Your work is just divine!

  53. You are such a talent!!! I love your birdhouse (I do want to try that - loved your description on each side being like a canvas ;) and those boxes are wonderful. Thank you for your sweet smile too, xoxo

  54. Thank you Diane! You are such a sweet support ;) xoxo

  55. Thank you so much for your kind words Diane, it really helped, we are so missing Jet. I hope your daughter's babe gets better soon!!! We still have pips and she is helping us to get over the loss.

    On another note I would love to have one of your birdhouses do you sell and send to the UK?
    I don't know if the box will stand the UK's weather but I guess I could always have it inside!

  56. Hi Diane, how gorgeous! I love the birdhouse and your boxes are just beautiful, your work always feels so happy! I hope it warms up for you soon! I'm loving the change of season, we're heading into our Autumn but still having lovely warm days at the moment.

  57. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE your art? If not, then I am now! I LOVE your art. So very beautiful and merry making. I really enjoy looking at it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  58. your art is so inspire me...

  59. Hi Diane, Gosh those boxes are so neat! Love your birdhouses!Beautiful work! Sincerely,Jonny

  60. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! That was such a lovely thing to say :o)

    I love the altered birdhouse sooo much! It is gorgeous!!


  61. gorgeous....GORGEOUS pieces, diane! i love birdhouses!
