
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Having Some Fun and YES---Another Great Giveaway to Share

So  today  is  Saturday,  April 2,  but  as  I'm  writing  this  part  right  now,  it's  early  Friday  morning,  April 1.   I'm  at  my  kitchen  table  with  the  girls   enjoying  my  cup  of  Peet's  coffee.  And  I'm  looking  out  of  my  picture  window  and  admiring  the  beautiful  white  carpet on  the  ground  from  the  big  fluffy  snowflakes  that  are  falling  down--Ahhh--Spring--what  a  beautiful  Season!!

Okay.....whatever....on  to  the  blog  post--

I've  put  the  She-art  on  hold  for  a  while  and  decided  to  do  some  Diane-art

Diane-art  is  a  lot  different  than    She-art.   It's  all  about  different  shapes  and  patterns  and  a  pretty  much  planned  design.   It's  definitely  more  time  consuming,  but  once  I  figure  out  what  I'm  going  to do,  I  really  enjoy  the  process.    And  this  is  on  a  16 x 20  canvas.  I  haven't  worked  on  this  size  in  a  while--these  larger  sizes  always   intimidate  me  a  bit.

I  used  some  of  my  painted  papers,  some  speciality  papers  from, and  also  artists'  papers  from  Somerset  Studio (I  finally  broke  down  and  bought  a  subscription, and  they  sent  me  a  pack  of  their  papers).   And  I  even   used  some   corrugated  cardboard  that  I  just  painted--I  love  this  stuff  to  use  as  a  collage  element.

And   Diane-art  usually   will  have  mirrored  designs  on  all  sides (but  not  always)

So,  what  does  this  say  about  my  personality?   I  guess  it  means  that  I  like  to  have  a  plan---don't  like  surprises.    And  this  is  why  I  probably  enjoyed  Christy's  class so  much--very  spontaneous--no  perfection--whatever  ends  up  on  the  canvas  is  the  way  it  was  meant  to  be--I'm  hoping  it  will  help  me  from  over-thinking  everything.

And  as  long  as  I'm  talking  about  She-art,  these  girls  are  certainly  the  ladies  of  the  hour--their  popping  up  everywhere  in  Blogland,  but  they  had  to  take  a  break  and  wash  those  pretty  clothes  we've  been  seeing  them  in.

Sooner  or  later--everyone  has  to  do  their  laundry.  But  don't  worry,  they'll  be  popping  up  again--if  not  here,  then  somewhere  in  Blogland.

And  another  giveaway --Becky  Bowman's--she's  giving away  this  original  painting  on  an  11 x  14 canvas--

I  LOVE  her  whimsy  style!!   Make  sure  to  enter  your  name!

So    I'm  finishing  my  post,  and  it's  now  early  Saturday  afternoon.   The  snow  is  gone,  the  sun  is  out,  and  it's  a  nice  'warm'  temperature  of  40 degrees.   NOW.....were  talkin  Spring!!


  1. Love all your work and the colors especially. Thanks for sharing the blog giveaway from Becky. I'm going to hope on over. Have a nice springy weekend. :)

  2. The colors are terrific. I love color and my next weeks PPF has a lot of color. I like how you incorporated all this paper onto your canvas. Great work. Enjoy the snowflakes.

  3. I love your Diane art! 16x20 would feel intimidating to me too. I'm not real fond of your warm spring though... haha ;) warmer temps are coming! yay!

    Happy Saturday, Jaime

  4. Hi Diane, This is my first "visit" to your wonderful blog! Guess I don't get out much, this is the first time I have heard of "Dianne" Art, love what you have created and your style, soooo unique! your birdhouse posting is awesome, makes my altered birdhouse look like chopped liver, I need to think outside the box or in this case birdhouse!
    I have added your blog to my side-bar so others can enjoy your art as well.
    Wish I could sent you some of our 80 degrees + temperatures.
    Happy week-end,
    Barb in Texas

  5. I love your art, diane-art especially! :)..thats probably because I like to have a plan too, even if its just a very rough one!
    Oh poo to the keep painting those beautiful bright colours and Spring will be here before you know it! :)

  6. Diana another masterpiece...she art is fabulous but you know I ADORE Di Art x xxx

  7. I love your she art laundry day!! Your sun and birds are sooo cute too. Thanks for sharing about the giveaway...I just entered!xoxo

  8. Oh no snow - say it ain't so. We'll be in New York in two weeks but who's counting - guess I am but I am hoping for better weather. We have beat all records for rain this month. Love the side trees and corrugated cardboard. I do like a plan too and hate it when the piece has its own plan... guess I am a control freak.

  9. Your Diane-art is beautiful. The vibrants colors you choose make me think of a strained glass window. Love it!

  10. I love your sunny suns. Your trees remind me of some I had made awhile back using circles of paper we had marbled in a class. I love circles in trees.
    I too, need to remind myself to not over think what i am doing, and just allow the creativity to flow. I think you do a wonderful job with that, your pictures are truly AMAZING!! I love them.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a splendid weekend!

  11. I love your Dianne art! Even though I think your she art had a Dianne art spin on it! I am just in love with your laundry piece,so adorable!!! You're so funny with your spring temperatures of 40 degreess,its hit summer lows here already,got the air condition on.

  12. I like Dianne art too! It is reminiscent of stained glass, as someone else mentioned. But my first thought was "quilt". I guess with all the patterned papers it looked like fabric to me; I think it would look great as a quilt.
    Interestingly enough, I'm taking the SheArt class beginning April 11 in the hopes that it will help me find BeverlyArt!

  13. I was thinking about you this afternoon, I was thinking about the roof on the bird houses and how much I like the way the design just flowed into itself and it all alone was so artistic.

    It is always fun to come here and see, beautiful work today, and time is going quite fast and summer shows will be here again, how can that be?

    You seem to have a good inventory also of supplies to choose from, and it always seems like just the right thing.

  14. Hope the flakes didn't last too long Diane!
    Love your new very colorful, energetic, alive, and you!
    Happy weekend!

  15. Amazing isn't it what we know of ourselves through our art. Love these pieces and really enjoyed learning more about your process, always fascinating.

  16. I love your Diana-art, the colours are wonderful. Your she-art also has signs of Diane-art in it as well, so bring it back again soon. I am about to sign up for the she-art course.

  17. Love Diane art it has many layers maybe you do too? you techniques are very clever love the laundry one and the face in the sun lovely what is she art ? will have to check it out thanks for your lovely comments Diane they always make my day love Claire xx

  18. I do so love your Diane-Art! I think you must have an ordered mind. I find the symmetry very comforting. I like all things symmetrical and do struggle with things outside of my comfort zone but relish the challenge.

    This is so colourful and many layered and has so much detail it a joy to explore.

    I love that the girls are doing their laundry. Indeed she art is everywhere but it's good to have a go.

    Happy Sunday
    Lesley x

  19. I absolutely love this. Thank you for sharing this

  20. once again another great piece of art from your she art also....made me sign up for the class... ;)

  21. Hi Diane, Thank you for your visit! Diane Art is so beautiful, sunny and colourful! I love it. Happy Spring! Wini xo

  22. Wow, your art really spoke to me today. I love all of the detailed little areas of interest and color and varying images drawn and painted, and...{sigh}. I need to journal today. Thank you! ~Kathy

  23. Diane,

    So bright, energetic,and wonderfull colors- I love ,what you cal your -Diane art_ - I love the sun :)

  24. Thanks for sharing your Diane-Art. Yes, I can see those clothes lines getting around. Every spring I take photos of mine. Something old school about hanging out the laundry. lol
    Maybe new school with focus on our planet too. Happy spring to you!

  25. beautiful. i'm always loving your use of colors. and the stained glass collage part is really breathtaking!!

  26. Diane-art is really controlled, and I like the symmetry of it. But I miss the girls and know they will be back soon, too. Of course that size canvas can be a bit intimidating until you get into it. I see you have really taken over the piece and added your own stamp of approval on it. It is really fantastic.

  27. the laundry makes me smile..waiting for the snow to go away so I can hang my laundry out! I too love your art!

  28. Nice creation - and I like the way you do your laundry. Gave me a chuckle remembering when we really did hang clothes on the line to dry! The smell was glorious. My fav survivor is becoming Phillip, please Dianne SAVE ME.... I am going all stealth..... hugs

  29. Very beautiful!!
    I love the topiaries on the sides too - and that laundry piece is fab! Wonderful as always.
    And your followers are just building and building - just amazing!!!
    So sorry to hear about The House too - I thought it was a wonderful idea - and glad to be a part of it too xoxoxox

  30. Yummmm...Peets coffee! We have Peets every morning now, too! No snow here, however; it's been pretty nice, finally! I hope you get warm weather very soon!

    I love your new painting... I'm really a bird lover and your birds are wonderful!

  31. I absolutely LOVE Diane Art! :) Thanks for sharing your newest piece. I loved learning about the different elements you used. :) Hope you had a great weekend! :) Theresa

  32. I love all your art. It is so interesting, maybe it is the layered collage, or the painted papers, but there is always some thing new to find.

  33. I love Diane-Art! :) Gorgesou pattern and colors. And I love the she-art laundry. :)

  34. Laundry day is just so cute, I love it :)

  35. Laundry day is just so cute, I love it :)

  36. Hi Diane, fantastic work, so creative I love it! Oh, and I'm glad you like my hedgehogs! ;) xx

  37. well dear lady, Diane art is wonderful. I love all your details and love hearing about how you go about it.

  38. I love pretty little birds in art pieces! And the bright colors are beautiful! I entered the giveaway! Thanks for the link! ♥

  39. I Love Laundry Day! Not actually doing laundry I mean I love your work of art. Diane-art is always a favorite!
    Happy Spring!

  40. This is lovely and yes, so you! the colors are deep but also fun. Full of color and brightness. I myself am less of a planner ;) I usually think of a feeling and an idea of what I want, but rarely do I have it all down before I set out ;) I blame a small attention span!~

  41. I like the symmetry of your work, it's very easy on the eyes and beautiful. Diane-art is great! Happy Spring :)

  42. I just love Diane Art! It always brings a smile to my face....and brings a knowing sigh to my sure know how to do what you do!!! It's so detailed, so colorful, so wonderfully stimulating to the eyes....just so GOOD!

  43. Hi Diane, Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your post. I am loving the trees of circles. I like both the she-art and the Diane-Art, both have great color.

  44. Hi Diane, Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your post. I am loving the trees of circles. I like both the she-art and the Diane-Art, both have great color.

  45. I'm Lovin' "Diane Art"..:)) What A Great Post! Wishing You More Springtime Fun..Hugs, Terri

  46. Hi Diane,
    I just came over to wish you a happy, creative day!

  47. Diane Art ... Diane She's all a GOOD THING:)
    Hope it warms up soon there already!!!

  48. Great post and beautiful art! Thank you!

  49. Gorgeous Diane! Your little sun should be on Sunday Morning (the CBS morning show on Sundays in case you aren't aware of it). Before every commercial break they show a beautiful sun in some form or another.

    Have a great day.

  50. I love Diane art. What a great give away!

  51. I love your Diane art!!! Love the birdies too!

    Thanks for the giveaway to check it out..


  52. I LOOOOVE all your art work, Diane!!! These new ones are just wonderful, they are really speaking to my heart!
    Lots of love,
    Sanda xoxo
