
Monday, October 28, 2013

A New Poppy Painting--From Start to Finish

Now  that  my  BIG  show  is  over  (it  was  great!)--I  have  some  time  to  get  out  my  paint  and  play!    So  a  little  step-by-step  of  my  latest  painting.
The  first  thing  I  did  was  take  one  of  my   canvases  in  my  favorite  size  (12 x 24)  and  put  papers  on  it--
There's  2  reasons  why  I  do  this--first,  even  though  this   pretty  much  gets  covered  up,  I  like  the  texture  it  gives  when  you  paint  over  it,  and  2nd,  I'm  not  a  big  fan  of  painting  directly  on  to  a  canvas.   I  prefer  to  work  on  a  smoother  surface.  
And  then  I  got  out  my  paints--
....just  started  laying  paint  down  using  my  brush,  and  you  see  the  brayer, and  texture  tool--whatever  I  was  in  the  mood  for  at  the  time---I  never  have  a  plan  at  this  stage.

Next--was  adding  layers  with  these--

It's  always  a  little  hard to  know  when  to  stop--because  there's  never  an  end,  but  I  decided  that  it  was  time  to  paint  my  poppies--I  knew  from  the  start  that  I  wanted  to  paint  these--

I  kept  working  on  the  background  too--I  wasn't  quite  happy  with  it--adding  and  taking  away  color  until  I  was  happy.  A  great  technique  to  get  rid  of  paint  is  with  plain  old  rubbing  alcohol  (91%)--
You  can  rub  as  much  or  as  little  away  as  you  want--I  was  able  to  bring  back  some  of  my  collage  that  I  started  with  at  the  very  beginning  of   the  piece.

And  this  time,  instead  of  wasting  my  extra  paint,  which  I  have  a  bad  habit  of  doing,  I  had  a  little  8 x 8  canvas  by  my  side  for  the  leftover  paint--

--the  start  of  another  painting!


  1. Your poppies are gorgeous and I always appreciate a step by step. Thanks!

  2. Wow this is just amazing!! Hugs Juls

  3. Lovely poppies. Nice work. Thanks.

  4. Oh my this is gorgeous!! Love poppies too!

  5. Diane, you always make it look so easy and we know it is NOT! I had not heard of the tip about the alcohol, thanks!

  6. Oh, how glorious ! I love love love your poppies and that beautiful slightly moody background!
    Brava !

  7. Oh, how I love!!! Thanks for sharing this!!

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  9. What a beautiful canvas! Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. really beautiful. I just love your poppies. I almost always cover up canvas because I don't like the texture either. Your work rocks. Blessings, T

  11. Beautiful Diane! Thanks for sharing!
