
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm On a Design Team!

In  the  beginning  of  the  summer  I  was  contacted  by  Deco Art  asking  me  to  become  a  member  of  their  design  team.  Are  you kidding??--that  was  a  no-brainer!   When  I  started  painting  10  years  ago,  the  first  paints  that  I  started  playing  around  with  were  the  Americana  line  of  craft  paints--never  in  my  wildest  dreams  would  I have  thought  that  I  would  be  designing  for  this  company  someday--it  makes  me  VERY  happy.
So  they  sent  me  lots  (and  I  mean  lots)  of  their  products--including  these--
...their  line  of  artist-grade  acrylics--in  every  color--these  paints  are  wonderful--I'd  say  comparable  to  all  of  the  other  acrylic  lines  that  I've  used--very  vibrant  colors!
And  I'm  now  listed  with  the  other  artists  on  the  Deco Art  website--very  cool! 
And  here  are  some  of  my  projects  that  I've  made  for  them--I'll  put  up  the  links  for  the  instructions--
go  HERE  for  more  info
go  HERE  for  more  info
go  HERE  for  more  info
So  how  cool  is  this?!   I'm  so  happy  to  be  part  of  the  Deco Art  'team'!!
And  one  more  thing  I  want  to  share--another  work  of  art--
My  Grandson!  Preston Carter--he  was  born  last  Friday--just  a  day  before  my  big  show  that  I  had  to  go  to--we  kept  telling  him  to  be  born--and  he  listened!  He's  doing  very  well,  and  seems  very  content  in  his  new  world!
Okay---now  I  gotta  get  back  to  work--getting  ready  for  week 2  of  my  show,  which,  by  the  way,  was  EXCELLENT  last  weekend!


  1. Congrats on your DT post - they are so lucky to have you. Love, love, love what you have created with the new paints - totally gorgeous, as is your new Grandson. A real cutie.
    Denise xx

  2. Congrats to you! How exciting! Can't wait to check out the site with your latest work on it. :)

  3. congratulations and loving all your fab projects, congratulations on your new grandson, enjoy. Annette x

  4. WELL! Congrats on that beautiful grandson. Love the work and love the fact Deco Arts contacted you!! Very exciting! Love your work!

  5. Congrats on DT spot, more fab artwork and of course your super cute grandson!

  6. This DT spot is so well deserved! Congrats! Your grandson is beautiful! xxoo

  7. CONGRATS Diane!!!! Especially on becoming a grandma again!! What a beautiful boy!!

    Very cool about the deco art!! Wow! So excited for you! Those paints looks great!



  8. CONGRATS Diane!!!! Especially on becoming a grandma again!! What a beautiful boy!!

    Very cool about the deco art!! Wow! So excited for you! Those paints looks great!



  9. Hi Diane. Congrats on your new Grandson. Awesome. Congrats also on your new job so to speak. Way to go.

  10. Congratulations on TWO awesome events. That last little work of art is a real treasure!

  11. I'm am just so thrilled for you! What great news, from that beautiful little boy to being on a design team! Yeah Di!

  12. Congratulations, Diane. I'm so happy for you :)
    And congratulations on the new little grandson too. He's beautiful!

  13. How Great and how Fun, Diane! and your darling grandson, congrats! ox

  14. Such fabulous news, Diane! What a great honor for true talent!!
