
Friday, February 12, 2010

Suzi And Norah

So I'm taking two classes right now, and they're both on faces, but they're different from one another.  I've been taking Suzi Blu's class for a little over a month now, and here's my latest goddess:

She has to be my favorite so far.  As much as I really like the whimsical , colorful art, I 'm still loving the shabby look, and as soon as I drew her face, I knew that's how this piece would turn out.  In Suzi's class the face is colored mostly with the colored pencils  (Prisma), and then  a few finishing touches with the acrylics.  You can do it however you want, but this is how she teaches it.  Also, I'm trying to get a little looser with the hair.  The way she teaches us --it's the face that is the most important--everything else is abstract--so anything goes, including the hair.  I'm still working on that part.  I do know that all of my girls have nice full heads of hair, and this one as a little natural curl to it.  Probably because I have stick straight, baby fine hair that won't do anything.

And then in Sharon's class, All Norah's Art,   we learn  how to color the face with acrylics, and mostly using Folk Art brand paints, which are inexpensive, but still work good.  This is my first face.

Now I've been only taking this class for a week, and I notice some things that I'd like to improve on, but overall,  I'm very happy with it.  I love the look of  Sharon's faces--they have an old-fashioned, vintage look to them.  And you see that house in the background?--that's an inkjet print transfer, which I 've never been successful with before.  But Sharon shows us in her step by step video (one of  7 for the just the first week alone!) how to do this, and I was so pleased that it turned out (I keep telling everybody this : ) She's very thorough with her lesson, and I love watching her paint.  Her new lesson starts today!

I love creating both of these faces--Suzi's and Sharon's-aka Norah's.  I turn on the videos and work along with them.  I know Suzi's by heart--I don't even watch her anymore--I just listen.  I talk along with her, because I know what she's going to say next.  And I'm sure it will be the same for Sharon's, once I watch them enough--right down to her Southern drawl!  Both of these classes are still available to sign up for, and I can't recommend them enough!

No fancy cooking this week to show you, but I will have some cake and ice cream. is my birthday.  I am 56 years old today, and what are those sayings?--"You're as young as you feel", "Age is just a number", "Youth is wasted on the young"--I know there's more.  These sayings were all probably invented by "old" people to make us feel better.  But you know what--they're right.  If I live to be 100, I know one thing for sure--I will  NEVER  be old!!  So I'm off to the internet now to look for some more age sayings : )


  1. These are fabulous. You are so talented. Rock on girl. I wish you were closer so when we're a 100 we could rock the nursing home crowd with art. I'll be 59 in May. Just a number.LOL

  2. She is gorgeous! Love everything.

  3. WOW!!! They are absolutely gorgeous, such beautiful colors.

  4. First - Happy Birthday! And, here's one from another "oldie", Bridget Bardot.."It's sad to grow old, but it's nice to ripen" {I'm getting ripe! I turned 60 this year!!}

    Secondly, I l.o.v.e your art and look forward to you giving us lessons one day! I have been toying with the idea of Sharon's classes, and I thnk I may just indulge..your girls are so lovely!
    Of course, it helps that YOU have the talent already.. :-)

    Happy Birthday.."KID"!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Oh I hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful year. It sure seems as if your art is blossoming into more and more beautiful expression. Your portraits are just amazing. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm feelin' good.

  6. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

    Your faces are beautiful.

  7. Yay, Happy Birthday! It's my bday soon too. Love the Suzi face - so pretty!

  8. Your faces are great....I am taking the Nora class as well and having so much fun.....
    You really are doing a wonderful job with your faces.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  9. Diane, they are both so beautiful! You really do a wonderful job with everything you try! Bravo!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Diane! Hope you have a wonderful day- and that the year ahead is filled with joy, good health, and spectacular discoveries!
    Your artwork is beautiful! You are very ambitious to take two classes at once! I can only manage the one, but am loving it soooo much!
    Can't wait to see what you make next! xo

  11. I love the hair on your Suzi girl! When I was doing art quilts all of my girls had fabulous thick curly hair (unlike my short thin hair) and I want to take Norahs class also. Happy birthday and did you watch Heroes and Villans last night--lots of drama!!!

  12. I love them both!!! What a wonderful and beautiful representation of both classes. I love the hair on your Suzi girl. I will have to try that more chunky curly hair. Guess what I just did? I am so bad. I signed up for Mary Ann Moss's journal class, "Remains of the Day". Have you ever seen her? THe journals are fabulous.
    I am planning on painting some girls in there ala Suzi, SHaron, Misty, Monique, Paulette Insall and Gritty Jane DesRosier.

    Martha :)

  13. These are divine. Very beautifully done.

  14. Wow Diane, these are fantastic!! I love both styles equally, and you transfer came out great!! I haven't worked on mine is quite a while.
    Happiest birthday to you too!!

  15. Well I just had the most fun chatting with you, you talked and I laughed. Such nice writing, and Happy Birthday.

    Your faces are stunning, one does a little gasp when first seeing, such loveliness and such rewards for the spirit to do this art.
    Not enough time in the day it seems. Of course I spend a lot of time on the computer also.

    When taking classes you can hear the words without the video even playing.

    Very beautiful. Emelie

  16. Hi Diane- I am loving your faces. Now I'm convinced I have to take Sharon's classes too. Your hair is gorgeous, I love the way it falls onto her face. And 56 is awesome, nothing to worry about there. You just keep painting and you will never be old.

  17. Happy Birthday Diane!!!

    Both of your girls are lovely and very different to each other too!!

    Micki x

  18. Both of these girls are just gorgeous. I can't pick a favorite.And a Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you,hope you have a great day!

  19. Your art is super... Love the color and texture of the hair on the first one.
    Beautiful, beautiful...

  20. Oh Diane, these two girls are so lovely! I love her thick wavy hair. I know you must be enjoying the two classes at once! Happy Happy Birthday to You. Hope it brings you nothing but sparkly shiny feelings of empowerment. Numbers schmmumbers.

    Happy Valentines Weekend too!

  21. Happy Birthday Diane! Hope you have a wonderful day. I love both your lovely lady faces. I have been so busy this week I haven't had time to watch a new Suzi video but have been squeezing in some practice so that's OK! I'm with you on the hair - mine is fine, straight and mousey - hence my Suzi girls have wonderful vibrant, full locks!

  22. Happy Birthday Diane!
    How about "You're a classic, you only get better with age"!
    I love both paintings. I'm so jealous, I haven't had time to paint in weeks. Tomorrow after photography class, I'm getting messy with it!
    Have a wonderful day and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the random generator picks your number!

  23. Happy Birthday, Diane!!
    We almost have the same B'days, I'll be a year older than you on Tuesday!
    Gotta watch those blonde fine haired Feb. gals!! LOL!
    I have to say I love your faces from both classes! I'm running way behind but have a idea in mind that will allow me to catch up, I hope. I mean, surely, I can paint a face that I can show and not cringe doing so before much longer!

  24. Love your faces. YOu are becoming so good at them. I also love your "shabby" look... and Happy Birthday! HOpe your's is as grand as mine has been! hugs and wet smooches from Oliver..

  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Diane. Looks like lots of people have already told you, but I still want you to know how much I appreciate your blog, your friendship, and your art. You are truly an inspiration.

    I love the two faces. You are very, very good. I can't draw and can't imagine anyone taking two classes at the same time. I would get them confused. The way you display them is so unique, too. You don't stop with the face or the sketch, but find a way to use it in your art. Truly wonderful.

  26. Happy Happy Birthday Diane!!!
    Love your beautiful faces!!

  27. Darn! I'm one year older than you! LOL Happy Birthday!!!
    LOVE that first face...just gorgeous Diane. You have really taken off with your classes!!! I can't focus on too many things at once so hope to find time for them another day. Keep having fun! Love seeing your work.

  28. First,Happy Birthday!!
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so glad you did because now I found yours:)I love your faces and I have been thinking about taking sharon's class.I love online workshops.I am going to have a look at all your work . Glad I found your blog.

  29. Oh, Diane! Both of these pieces are just gorgeous! I LOVE the first girl's flowing red hair. These girls really have personality and are so lovely! Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  30. I love reading your blog and your faces are wonderful!!!

    I hope you had a great Birthday! I just turned 57 on the 8th...and I agree with you 100%. I'll never be old either. Too much to do, no time to be old!

    Happy Birthday!

  31. Happy Birthday!!! Age is a state of mind!

    Your Goddess is quite beautiful:)

  32. I'm late but Happy Birthday!! Your faces are beautiful!

    As for age, I like the one about "how old would you be if you didn't know how old you are"....and with that in mind I might be closer to 14 than the actual 66 that my birth certificate says!

  33. These are just absolutley gorgeous! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! : )

  34. A late happy birthday. I love the painting you did from Nora's class. Absolutely beautiful!!!!

  35. Beautiful work on these! I love the color-

  36. Your paintings are just wonderful! I love the red hair on the first one. I'm with you, pin straight hair...Oh and Happy Belated Birthday! My mom's is also on the 12th. Just found out that she is diabetic & I tried to make a sugarfree cake for was nasty! Keep up the great painting!

  37. I'm late in checking out my regular blogs...happy belated birthday. Both of these faces are them both...I haven't tried a Sharon face yet...I did a combination face(Suzi/Norah) in my Moleskine but I'm still working on it. I don't like the how you are doing hair!!! As "they" say: age is a state of mind!

  38. Hey Diane! Just a quick note about Michaels. I could NOT find them either and almost left but then I asked the manager and he found them. I was practically right on top of them but didn't see them. If you didn't ask for help, try again. They may just be there too :)
    THanks for your sweet compliments. I admire your pretty faces so much so it means a lot to me!♥

  39. Thank you Diane, you are such a beautiful lady!
    I bet you are busy making some more of your beautiful art.

    Have an amazing day!



  40. I can't believe I almost missed this post Diane...... your girls are wonderful! You must be very proud of them both(I know I would be if they were mine).
    I have recently subscribed to Suzi's angel workshop - thanks for inspiring me to get started!
    Linds x

  41. Wow, I am speachless and loving your latest goddess!
