Friday, January 14, 2011

Textured Papers--A Step-by-Step

So  in  my  last  post  I showed  you  the  2  textured  papers  that  I   made,  and  I'll show  you  how  I  did  them.   Originally,  I  had  this  book  on  making  paste  papers,  which  involved  boiling  water  and  adding  cornstarch.  It  actually  seems  pretty  easy,  but  I  didn't  want  to  make  the  mess,  and  basically  I  just  wanted  the  end  results  to  look  like  the  pics  in  the  book,  so  I  decided  on  an  easier  way.

I  started  out  painting  a  design  on  the  cardstock  paper--

And  then  I  mixed  regular  gel  medium  with  acrylic  paint  and  spread  it  over  the  paper  with  a  palette  knife--a  fairly  thick  layer.

And  then  immediately  took  this  rubber  comb  and  made  my  design  into  it.

I  then  let  it  dry  completely  and  then  just  added  my  layers  of  paint  onto  it.

You  get  great  texture,  and  you  can  use  anything  you  have  handy  to  create  the  texture--a  regular  comb,  a  nail,  skewer,  bottle cap --whatever.
The  main  thing  is  that  every time  you  lift  your  texture  tool  off  of  the  surface,  make  sure  to  wipe  the  gel  off  so  it's  clean  when  you  make  more  designs  in  the  gel.

The  next  paper  started  out  like  this--just  an  acrylic  wash  over  it--

And  I  decided  to  try  it  this  time  with  just  the  gel  (no  paint  added  to  it)  and  then  see  if  it  made  a  difference,  and  I  don't  think  it  did. 

It  eliminates  the  one  step,  and  you  definitely  use  a  lot  less  of  the  paint.   I  really  like  the  way  these  turned  out   and  I  want  to  try  this  technique   on  canvas  or  wood,  but  when  I  do,  I  think  I'll  try  it  with  the  heavy  gel  medium  for  even  more  texture.  To  get  this  result,  you  have  to  use  the  gel  medium,  because  it  dries  clear,  and  the  color  from  underneath  comes  through.

And  here's  another  fun  paper  that  I  did.  I  started  out  with  an  embossed  paper  that  was  white,  or  you  could  use  textured  wallpaper,  and  here's  how  it  ended  up--

And  all  I  needed  were  these--

And  this  video!

Thank you jerseyweeds.   So  fun  to  do!!

And  one  more  thing--you'll  see at  the  top  of  my  sidebar--Lisa  Lectura's  giveaway.  Well,  she  picked  the  winner  yesterday,  and  guess who  won??!!  ; )
I  now  have  a  another  very  cool  piece  of  art  for  my  art  room--I'm  very  excited!


Healing Woman said...

Diane, I loved the video, loved the music and loved your results. Thanks so very much for showing this technique. I am going to order one of those irons...Wow..your results really are amazing.

Emelie said...

this was and is such a fun visit, and of all things I so much love that bird that just happened by in your previous post. Those colors also in the whole paper are wonderful combination. Such fun inspirational things you have shown us. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Diane...your textured paper is wonderful! And the crayon technique looks amazing...I have one of those irons that I have never used...maybe, just maybe, I'll try this.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the look of this technique! And YES...I saw that you won! I'm so happy for you! Lisa's art is beautiful! Hugs! ♥

Giggles said...

Thank you so much for sharing this awesome video...where do I get that tool...I want Love your papers it turned out wonderfully!

Hugs Giggles

GlorV1 said...

Excellent video and the music very much to my liking. I do have one of those irons and lots of crayons. This is going to be lots of fun. Thanks for sharing and again congrats on winning the giveaway. Have a great weekend.

Janet Ghio said...

Where did you get the little iron to melt your crayons? I looked for one of those at Michaels today--they don't have them. I saw that you won the giveaway on Lisa's blog--lucky girl!! Your papers are fabulous!!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

These papers are amazing, Diane! I really love that last one. Thanks for explaining how you went about making these. And congrats to you on winning a piece of Lisa's lovely art! Lucky you!!! Theresa

Jaime Haney said...

Great tutorials Diane. I love the look of these, all of them.

Ro Bruhn said...

This looks fabulous and thanks so much for sharing the technique. Thank you for visiting my blog so that I could find yours, I've added you to my blog list.

Rebecca Anthony said...

These are incredible papers! I am so happy you shared such a cool technique with us(O: Really nice work, I love them all!

Pam McKnight said...

What a great blog post, loved your results and loved the video and music. Now I have to get one of those irons too! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Juls said...

such gorgeous pages, love your use of texture....and the techneque with the crayons is amazing!!! thanks so much for sharing! Hugs Juls

kluless said...

You are astounding! I used my coupon and what was left of my Christmas gift card at Michael's yesterday and sprung for the fiber paste and then I played around with it a little bit after work yesterday and all I can say is I need some kind of "over thinking" intervention. Thank you for sharing all the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Great tutorials Diane, thank you!
Kisses and nice weekend.

Dorthe said...

Hi dear,
congratulations with your new art piece!
And thanks Diane, for showing the steps, for getting that wonderfull texture, in your paintings.
I did not se the video yet, but will return for that.
Happy week-end sweet,
XOX Dorthe

claire barone art said...


Anna Schüler said...

thank you so much for sharing! I'm really excited about your work. I'm a painter and just starting to discover the world of art journaling, that we don't have here in germany.


Buffy said...

Congrats on winning another piece of art,your wall is probably so inspiring now. You should take a picture when you get it hung up. And thanks so much for sharing your secrets on creating such cool papers,can't wait to try them. Thanks.

rachel awes said...

i want to play with you & crayons!!!
can you heat up the water
for some tea for two?!!!

Unknown said...

Diane...I sure wish we lived close by so I could come and play! Your art is just so inspiring!!

Unknown said...

Oooo love this, especially that last one with the crayons! Fun!
Happy Weekend Diane!

Kelly Berkey said...

Thanks so much for sharing..I can't wait to start playing!! xo

Melissa said...

Hey Diane,
Looks like messy good fun! All of the papers are beautiful. I really like the embossed one.
PS- How cold is it in Erie today? Snowing down here today and very windy. On my way to Pat Catans!!!!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Love all your colorful fantastic textured backgrounds. Thank you for sharing the step by step photos! It's so inspiring to see how you work.
Have a nice sunday,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I don't have one of those clover irons, but I love the results you got. You are having so much fun with these techniques and I'm loving how you are playing.

Sorry. I sort of lost you on the first technique, but I love the results you got. I'm going to have to play as soon as my life calms down a bit. Thanks for being so inspiring.

Tammie Lee said...

It is fun to see what you are up to and the wonderful results you got. Thank you for sharing how you did this!

ShabbyChicShaz said...

Always on the look out for things to do with my embossed wallpaper stash, don't you just love wallpapers full stop, or is it just me, lol. Off to watch video, thanks so much for sharing, your result was amazing :)

voodoo vixen said...

OK... I hate ironing with a passion and have no idea where to buy one of those cute little ones... but I have a packet of crayons!! Love what you have done and the textured papers are lovely!

Betzie said...

Love your ideas here Diane!!! Ohhhh that fun paper just really speaks to's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

i really like your tehniques and artworks they are brilliant! good luck at work:)wait to see other wonders!!!Ramy;)

Art Expression said...

Thank you for such a great technique, everything looks great. You are so lucky to have won Lisa's painting, congratulation !

Anonymous said...

Love these techniques Diane, I have used a similar one to the crayola before but i love that you used it on embossed paper. Fabulous work
hugs June xxx

Heather Foust said...

Wow I love those techniques! They look like fun! I especially like the crayon melting on the embossed paper. What a great blog post. You always show something new to me. Thanks Diane!You are the best!!!

Holly Loves Art said...

Wonderful!!!! You are so sweet to share your techniques. I have just got to get the paint out and start playing again. Fabric took over! Hope you're having a great weekend.

layers said...

hello, glad you stopped by my blog- you are generous in your sharing of techniques.

Deb Harvey said...

Thank you for sharing! Your papers turned out beautiful. I think I need to order one of those irons, too. It looks like a ton of fun!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congrats on winning Lisa Lecturas giveaway! :) These papers are great. Thanks for sharing the steps. :)

Connie said...

Hi Diane,
Thanks for the tutorials. Sometimes I think people don't try things because they look so complicated but you make it look so easy. When I was a little girl I loved melting crayons and just splashing the color onto paper. Even then I loved arts and crafts.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this inspiring post Diane!

Anonymous said...

Okay now this is cool! I love your papers...but crayola crayons..yummy! Their smell just brings me to another time and place! back to the origins of my creativity!

off to watch your video now!

ciao bella
thanks so much for sharing!

Creative Carmelina

Anonymous said...

that was brilliant! I love it! and now I need to go out and purchase yet another tool for my creative collection of must have studio gadgets!

this is inspirational..thanks again!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Art by Darla Kay said...

What an amazing step by step! Thank you Diane!
I'm having so many issues lately just posting to my blog. Do you use another way to post? I mean, if I want to move photos or insert words it highlights and deletes what I already have in there. So frustrating :(

Rebeca Trevino said...

thanks for showing us how to do this technique. beautiful results!

JoMo said...

Beyond cool! Lovely work you've done, really beautiful.

Lovey said...

Diane this video is awesome!

LuLu said...

Your results for this wax over embossed paper are more exquisite than the tutorial video. Youve inspired me!

Would love for you to follow my blog when you have a moment or 2.


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