Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Blog Reward and An Alternative Way For Finding Art and Art Supplies

First of all, I want to thank Natasha for giving me another blog award!

Thank you Natasha--make sure you check out her blog, if you haven't already--you'll be treated to some wonderful eye candy.

So here are the rules:

*nominate 10 blogs for this award

* make a blog post about it and let everybody know who you got it from

* let the nominated blogs know about the award

So that's pretty simple, and I always like to share other artists and their work with everyone who isn't familiar with them.  So here goes:

                                                                         2. Kelly
                                                                         3. Jeanne
                                                                         4. Marilyn
                                                                         5. Buffy
                                                                         7. Lisa
                                                                         8. Sharon
                                                                         9. Sam
                                                                       10. Emelie

I hope everyone will go and visit these creative souls' blogs--we all help each other on our artful journey!

And Ricky from Garage Sales Tracker.com. wrote this article and wanted me to share it with all of you--another good reason for garage sales and flea markets.

Finding Art and Art Supplies

Everybody knows that going to the local arts and craft store is the easy way to find painting and
other art supplies but the truth is these places are a tad bit expensive. Another alternative that I
have found to be very feasible is to try a flea market or yard sale to find canvases and supplies.
Since most of us artists are on tight budgets finding alternative ways to purchase supplies and
surfaces hitting these bargain hunters dream sales is a perfect solution that never really crosses
the minds of most artists.

At a local garage sale just last month I stumbled upon a collection of art supplies that the parent
had purchased for their daughter in hopes that she would take up the hobby. Fortunatey for
me the hope never turned to fruition but I got to reap the benefits as I was able to purchase the
following: gray bristle round -28 flat -26 a half dozen round -4 bristles, an easel, and 3 canvases
for…… $30.00. Yes $30.00. If I had gone to the local store this obviously would have cost me
over $100.00 but since it was a garage sale(with no tax included) and the mother just wanted
to get rid of the supplies since they would have otherwise gone in the trash I was able to sav
some of my hard earned money.

Miscellaneous sales if you hunt around on the internet reading the listing descriptions will show
you that every so often there are pastels and other paints for sale but this is not as common as
finding brushes and canvases.

Flea Markets also act as another great place to find supplies and since most Flea Markets
act more as a mall with set hours each week these might be more feasible to consistently find
If your own the other side of the trade and you want to purchase art work than a garage sale is
right up your alley as you may have heard of the story of Teri Horton who purchased a Jackson
Pollock for $5.00 and later found out that it’s a multi-million dollar painting. While the odds of this
happening for you is very slim it certainly is possible to find lots of great artwork that the owner
of the home used to have displayed throughout the house but when it came time to redecorating
it didn’t fit with the new theme of the home and so they have decided to change things up and
guess who ends up being the beneficiary, you do. So all in all flea markets and garage sales
end up being great places to find art supplies and art work.

Great advice, Ricky, and thank you for this article.  And it's so true--you NEVER know what treasure you will find at a garage sale!


Kelly Berkey said...

Yay! Thank you so much!! I love getting awards!

Hope you have a lovely week my friend! I had a brutal day at work, the air was off and it was 90 degrees and I had to move 2 thousand lbs of books on my own! I ache all over. I'm in bed right now, bellyaching about my day. So much for being the "textbook manager'. i got demoted when we lost all our work study to one mishap or another. Now I'm shipper, receiver and all around if it needs to be done, do-it girl! So glad I leave for vacation this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Your a sweetie to honor me with an award. I am very flattered to be included in with those amazing blogs & next to my dear friend Dorthe.
That's a great post about garage sales & supplies. My very favorite thing is lucking into a garage where someone used to be a crafter & gave it up. I've scored some good stuff that way! Lisa

Rebecca Anthony said...

Diane, I am so honored, this is amazing! Thank you very much!!!! I can't even believe I'm in the same list with these other amazing artists(O: I'm all smiles thanks again!


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Congratulations, Diane! It's an honor well deserved. Thanks for the tip on flea markets. We've been attending to look for treasures like old sheet music and jewelry that we can disassemble. One time we went and there were good acrylics, brushes and prisma pencils! Have a great week! Theresa

wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

wow! what great advice and THANK YOU. xo

Jennifer Williams said...

great ideas for alternate places for supplies. Thank you for sharing.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wish I could find deals like that at garage sales around here. I know people do, but they are in the right spot at the right time.

Congrats on your blog award, too. You really deserve it.

Rina said...

congrats on the award! I need to go to more garage sales!!!lol

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

You're welcome Diane! :) Oh, reading about these garage sales makes me wanna wish we had them in out country. It's not a custom here. What a shame.:(

Dorthe said...

Dear Diane,
oh thanks so very much, I feel honored to be chosen of you, together with lots of fantastic bloggers.
Love your writing about garage sales,--unfortunately we dont have that many here.
Wishing you a wonderfull day,dear friend.

pammyjo said...

Congrats on the award. Thanks for sharing the article. Never thot of flea markets and garage sale for supplies. Have a great rest of the week.:)

Buffy said...

Awwww Diane thanks so much for my blog award,it made my day! I just wish I new how to pass it on but you know me with the computer!And congrats on you recieving it too.

Jeanne Nelson said...

Diane, congratulations on the Blog Award; and thank you for passing it on. I am humbled, and honored to be in your list with so many great bloggers. What a privilege. And thanks for sharing the great article about garage sale finds ~~ terrific ideas! Wishing you a blissful week.

Beth at Crazy4Art4u said...

Great information and you are so right - you can find some amazing things at those yard sales and flea markets. Now I wonder where I can find one of those Pollock's, hmmmmm right on my wall of course (since my last name is also Pollock)! Oh well, just not the famous one *Sigh*
Hope you had a nice July 4th...
Beth P

Lynn Cohen said...

I too have tons of art supplies I have gleaned at garage sales and flea markets. Boxes of colored pencils, canvas', papers, brushes, pens, textile fabrics by the bag load, embroider floss by the box load, stamps, stamp pads, beads, I could go on and on and on. I have spent pennies for these things compared to what I would have spent for them new in a store and most of what I buy this way is NEW or barely used. I've done it so much that I need to STOP as I no longer have room in our house for these treasures! I'd like that famous artist painting though so I guess I'll keep looking. ;-)

GlorV1 said...

I always try to look for "good stuff" at garage sales but rarely get lucky. Maybe it's because I don't go often. I should start going to garage sales more. Congrat to the ladies. Have a great rest of the week. Take care.

Emelie said...

I have been thinking of you all day, the internet has been off and on with some problems maybe storm related I had to have things shut down due to storms, we get struck often by lightening and lose appliances and Tv, computer once despite the surge protectors.

I am sorry to decline the award, I haven't been doing them and I should stay consistant with that decision I think, you are a valued blogging friend I hope not offended.

I have found many stencils, even matt medium at thrift stores, for just a few cents sometimes as low as a dime. then you find things that others don't think of as art supplies like embossed wallpaper that makes a great stamp.

thank you again.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Great post and great tip to share ~ I once found a mother lode at a garage sale (flea market booth going out of business). Thanks with blessings!

Sybil said...

congrats on the award!

Animated Confessions

Heather said...

congrats on the award and thanks for the good art tips! Also, the crackle I've been using on the dolls is a 2 step crackle...its the Anita's Fragile Crackle that you can get at Michaels. Slowly but surely....I'm starting to make it work :) I think the trip may be letting it dry for a good bit between layers~

Lynda said...

Great article! I was just explaining the importance of flea markets and garage sales to my fiance before I read your post. Great minds really do think alike! :) Thank you for the birthday wishes.. Did you want to participate in the trade drawing? If you do, cool..if not, thats fine too :) I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion. Have a great night :)

Gollywobbles said...

Oh Diane, what a nice surprise to be honored on your blog. I quickly wanted to thank you, as it's been a chaotic week. I'm not very good at passing the torch, as I'm a little shy about some things, but I do have my favorite blogs (yours amoung them) that I hope to list before the week ends. Surprise company is coming I just learned and that can throw a ringer in my plans however. Best of luck at your show!!! Thank you so much! ~Sam


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