If you live in this part of the country--you know what I'm talking about. It's bitter cold out right now with snow on the ground, and the next 2 to 3 months will pretty much be the same. It's yucky out, you feel yucky (due to lack of sunshine and fresh air) and you look yucky (due to lack of sunshine and fresh air). And I don't have an outside job, so basically I become a recluse, which would always get me down, but not anymore, because I now have TIME to play and have fun!
I've been cleaning out my art room, and actually getting rid of a lot of stuff that I know that I'll never use and to make room for everything else that I will use. I have 3 major obsessions when it comes to art. First I cannot help but get every art publication out there, I cannot stay away from online classes ( I signed up for 2 at the end of the year, and just signed for 3 more--what is my problem??), and my biggest obsession is art supplies. I have found things that I didn't even know that I had.....but now I have TIME for them--just a fraction of what I have--

I've actually been using the watercolors for my class
Watercolor Bliss with Alisa Burke- definitely a bit of a learning curve. And I've been playing with the chalk pastels--no idea what I'm doing, but fun. Look at the
Shiva paintstiks- -haven't even opened these up yet--but I will. And how about that ribbon tape (LOVE ribbon tape)--didn't even know I had it, but it goes perfectly with the painted papers from my last post---which I used in my latest piece--
.....and I got out my stash of scrabble tiles and grunged them up--because I had the TIME to do this--added some molding paste for the foam (Latte's--one of my favorite drinks!). The one thing that I've learned from Every online class that I've taken is to enjoy the process of art making (which I know is no surprise). The more I do this, the more I can accept the "ugly" stage--not freak out, and keep going until it's not "ugly" anymore.
Yes, I enjoy a good cup of freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning!
I completely enjoyed making these 2 pieces, because I took the time to play around with them--just for the mere fact that I now have the luxury of TIME!
See......I even had time for this rambling post!