I've never seen one like this before. It's about 5 inches at the widest point, but then it narrows down to about 3 1/2 inches, and it's just as deep. My husband found it at the tobacco store for $1.00! One dollar I tell you! And look how it turned out--
I decided to keep the original trim on it--it went great with the images that I used.
I used prints of my own art combined with scrapbook paper, and in case you missed it, I talk about how I do this here.
And then when I was in Tennessee this summer I found these--
These porcelain doorknobs for just $2.00 each and a couple of these also--
But instead of feet, it's more of a pedestal stand--cool!
And the doorknob was the perfect match for it. Wouldn't this be so cute in a bathroom? I have to admit that I have a hidden motive for showing these boxes. My plan is, in the next few weeks, to open up an Etsy store, and if all goes well, I'd like to sell my boxes on Etsy, among other things. It doesn't take much to get me excited and these make me very happy!
P.S. Okay, I'm going to sneak one more in here, because I really LOVE how this one turned out. Keeping with the pedestal stand--I had this wood finial that I found at a craft store ages ago, so I decided to do it again--
What I love most about this one are the images I found at the Etsy store Charmed Memory Collage. They're all instant download collage sheets, and these ones were ATC size, but she also offers inchie sizes and domino sizes plus other sizes. Quite honestly, I didn't look at everything in the shop. I found these instantly, but I will be going back--check out this store if you like vintage shabby. These are shabby roses on sheet music, and one of them was called "Gypsy Love Song". So I was looking at my Garden Girl, and I thought--she really looks more like a gypsy to me (can gypsies have blonde hair?)
I've been using images of my girls so much, that I think they're starting to talk to me. So I think my Garden Girl is now going to be referred to as my Gypsy Girl with Blonde hair (all natural, of course).Now I have another plug here--how I found out about this Etsy store. Well, I joined Zinnia's ning group Roses on My Table. It's free to join and there are trade and swap groups there that are also free. I also joined her R.A.I.L group there. It's only $35.00 for the year, and each month she has a new project with downloadable videos. Last month it was domino pendant necklaces and this coming month is a Memory Keeper's Treasure Box starting out with a plain wood craft box--right up my alley. And her style is my style. She likes to use vintage images, stained lace and all the froo-froo (sp?) that goes with it. So, go check out this ning group--remember, it's free to join.
P.S. P.S. I almost forgot--Wanda!--I like Wanda--she's such a fun lady!! If you're not familiar with Wanda and her blog, hop on over and pay her a visit. She posts the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises or just the sky on her blog, not to mention her excellent art. So it started me thinking. I never look at the sky, or anything outside for that matter when I'm so busy like this. Even when I'm out and about hurrying and scurrying--I don't even look up! So Wanda.......this is for you--
Unfortunately? we've been having beautiful Fall weather here for the last couple of days, and this is how our skies have been starting and ending. My point is---Thank you Wanda for reminding me to stop and smell the roses!
Okay....that's it, I'm done now, or like I say to my daughter when I'm finished talking to her on the phone---Okay, I'm gonna hang up now....Bye.