Some New Art--She Art Style
I've made a new girl here--what I like to call my Christy Tomlinson she art girl with help from Julie Nutting. Christy's was one of my favorite classes and she's so generous in sharing different techniques, and Julie's book Collage Couture is one of my favorite art books--also lots of great techniques and ideas. So I combined what I learned from both of them to make my own version--
She is actually on a cupboard door--
....a very LARGE cupboard door--it's hard to get a good photo of the whole thing
I love adding all of the little details and embellies as much as I like creating it.....
I like mixing the old and the new and whatever I may find. When I make these girls--they always will help me put their story together, so I just go on my little scavenger hunt around my house to find those just-right additions.....