Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So this was a birthday present to myself--my birthday was in February, but better late than never--

I purchased this from the most talented Lisa Lectura.  She posted  it on her blog back in December, and as soon as I saw it, I knew that I wanted it for my little art room  that I was making over.  She has an Etsy store, and she customizes also, and if you're familiar with her work, you know she also paints wonderful angels, and other mixed media pieces.   I love her very creative blog.

So speaking of my art room--I won't call it a studio--it's just too small.  I wanted to show you around a little bit.  First, this is where I do most of my work--

Believe me, this table is usually a  happy  mess, but I knew "company" was coming, so I cleaned it up.  And see the paintings on the wall?-those are Julie Ann's  amazing angels--if you go to her blog (just click on her name), at the top, it says free angel images that she is so generous in sharing, and that is where these came from. I just downloaded them and put them on canvases--thank you so much again, Julie!  She's also opened up a new ning site--Whimsical Art Academy.

And then we have the other side of the room--keep in mind this is a very small room--

I love my collection of faces--I have them all over the  house.


And this is my Elizabeth with color.  Why am I not satisfied with this?!  Two months ago, I would have been ecstatic--I guess this means that I'm pushing myself.  This is a good thing--

And on this  wall here  is my ever-growing collection of art--

Some is mine, and the other pieces are from various artists.  There are 2 reasons for this--the first one, of course is I just want to be surrounded by art, and the other reason is to cover up the cracks in the plaster.  This poor room is in such need to be replastered. I complain about this house alot with all of its problems. And sometimes I feel that  I live in a sardine can, because the houses are so close together (when I open up the windows in the summer, I can hear all the gossip going on from my neighbors  who sit on their porches across the street--that's how close these houses are) but I could never leave it--it's part of the family .

We've lived here since 1981, and this room was a bedroom to one of my kids at one time or another.  With 5 kids, it's hard to have your own room, but this room is so small, that only one could fit in it, so who ever had it--liked it alot! 

And there's another reason why I'm so attached to this house.  This is the house that I grew up in until I moved out when I was 19, and THIS was my bedroom the whole time that I lived here with my family.  So if you would  have told me 40 years ago, that I would be coming back, and raising a family here, and in the end, turn my bedroom into an ART ROOM?!--well, you would  have  knocked  me over with a feather!!


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

You have a lovely art room, Diane! And I love that you put your own paintings on your wall. :) Elizabeth is stunning!

Anonymous said...

I was admiring your Elizabeth, thinking "ohhh what a lovely painting, look at the colours!" and then I saw that you weren't liking it! It's sooo good! We are our own worst critics, I think. Take it from me, it's a wonderful piece and beautiful to look at.


Silke Powers said...

Diane, I loved that post! It's like coming full circle! Wonderful art room - love all the art on the walls!!! And your Elizabeth is gorgeous!! Much love, Silke

*jean* said...

your space is very charming!! and your create banner is delightful! thanks for sharing!

Vicki Holdwick said...

Diane, I love your art room and the fact that you grew up there adds so much.

I love the Elizabeth with color - don't be so hard on yourself! It is gorgeous!


Tina said...

What an inspiring world you've created in there. and Elizabeth is a beauty.

Martha Lever said...

First of all, your Elizabeth is gorgeous and I don't know what you don't like about her. It's your style and it's beautiful. I am like that too though... we are just too critical of our own work but when anyone else looks at it... it's FRESH!!! And I wonder who will go on A. tonight? Maybe Erin and I am actually getting tired of Shoban(sp). I hope that Michael is safe tonight. Oh, love your art room too and yes, I am sure that years ago you would have been very surprised about all the beautiful art you would create in that room!

Janet Ghio said...

Love your little art room and thanks for the great links!!

Debby said...

I love, love your art room, fabulous! Happy Belated Birthday and what a fab banner, gorgeous. I think you Elizabeth is beautiful.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have an amazing art room. You are one of the lucky ones who has a room to herself, too.

What irony (and good fortune) that the bedroom you had as a child has now become your prized work space. Thanks for the tour. I believe you would fit right in with WOYWW. Looks like that kind of post to me!

pammyjo said...

You're art studio is very wonderful. I do have a seperate space that my husband had built for me, but it's very small too. But ... it's my space and I love it. I really like your art collection.

me said...

I LOVE your art room, Diane! I had to laugh when you said you cleaned up for company- because the first thing I thought when I saw your table was, wow, how clean!!! lol
You have inspired me to rearrange and spruce up my studio (mine is small too, but MINE), I too, want to cover my walls with art- and photos. Love my photos.
I think it is so cool that you are back in your old bedroom, making dreams come true. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!

Heavens2Betsy said...

Fabulous to think of you raising your family in your own childhood home. I think Elizabeth looks lovely as she is. Your room looks very organised - I'm full of admiration. Love your banner x

Terri Kahrs said...

Thank you for the tour of your art room and the fascinating fact that it was your own bedroom when you were growing up! Lots of good vibes in this little room, Diane. And it's sooo neat and tidy too. Love your growing art collection! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Joyce's Journey said...

Your art room is beautiful, but I would call it a studio because that's what it looks like to me. I just love, love, love that this was the home you grew up in and that was your very bedroom as a young girl. Oh the inspiration within those walls! That is such a great story! If we all were that lucky to wind up back where we started from! The hopes, dreams and desires that consumed your mind so many years ago have been tucked away and now you are free to unleash them. No wonder you create such beautiful pieces!!

jb said...

Thanks for sharing your space with us - it's great to see where you create all your fabulous pieces :) Looking at all the comments here I think your outnumbered, yes Elizabeth definitely gets the thumbs up! said...

diane, elizabeth is truly beautiful including all her surroundings! but i know exactly how you feel in your finished product. good people remind me all the time.."someone else LOVES your piece"!! i just love your great is that to be creating in your old bedroom..tear drops here! xo wanda

Emelie said...

First off I feel like I want that valance for a quilt part. That is OK I may not quilt for a little while as I have a painting mood.

YOur art room has know a lot of fine times, and been with you for a lot of things. That is always why you hear people say "If those walls could talk". Also I think of an old Country Western song, Faron Young, "Hello Walls" Maybe they crack with the burst of information.

So pretty to see art on the wall and recognize it, and also you tip on how you made it look like on a canvas, I like that idea a lot.

I really have to get down and do some major tidying up as things have gotten so messy from my preparation to the show. I will I can't stand horrible messes.

Enjoyed your post so much

WrightStuff said...

What a great post and so lovely to see around your 'studio'. It's fab. It may be small but it's all your own lovely space to get messy and creative. I shall think of you there painting your Suzi faces and creating all your other wonderful treasures!

Betzie said...

You are so much neater than I am...i love your artwork collection!

Carin said...

Thank you for showing us around your art room! It's lovely! And what a nice surprise to hear it was once your bedroom. Elizabeth is wonderful!

Juliette Crane said...

i just adore that CREATE banner. just perfect for your studio work space and so inspiring! i love that you bought it as a gift to yourself too :) thank you for the inspiration!

xoxo, juliette

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Diane! Elizabeth is beautiful! Your art room is a magical place to "create". Love how you decorated it with your art collection! Thanks so much for your sweet words! I'm so happy you are enjoying your banner!

Lisa :)

Anonymous said...

OMG I love your house story. What an incredible journey your room has had. You have turned it into a wonderful place to work. Kudos for filling the space with artwork and for helping to support other artists. This is my first time here, so now I have to go look at your artwork. Your room rocks. Dana

Kim Hambric said...

What a great story and a beautiful space. Wonderful things come from that room. And, yes, I would most definitely call it an art studio.

Buffy said...

Your art room is so clean and tidy,I use my kitchen,I have a room but for some reason I end up in my kitchen. And I just love your elizibeth,I can't believe you are not satisfied with her,she's gorgeous but I know what you mean. Wow thats so sentimental that you lived in your house when you were growing up,then raised your family there too. I love that. How about idol last night,I was surprised that katie went home. Sad.

My Creative House said...

Diane your art room looks lovely, it was so nice to see it,and all the beautiful arts on your walls, love your "patchwork" pictures they are wonderful.

Sandy said...

What a beautiful creative space. I loved this post about how you grew up in this room, came back and raised a family. Seems this room is the room from Harry Potter that is whatever you need it to be at the time you need it to be.

Your Elizabeth is beautiful and I think you hit the drawing just right. While I am by no means a judge or an art critic, I did want to offer a bit of advice that is yours to discard or ponder. The flowers in the background seem to lead my eye all over, with no place to land. The one stem creates a line that draws my eye right off the page. The other flowers aren't connected to anything and creates a bit of discord to me.

That said, the drawing of Elizabeth is gorgeous and you should be very proud. Keep creating!

Wyanne Thompson said...

I would say you have a studio! It's about the same size as mine, but much neater! LOL It is a very inspiring place that you have to work. I know you are going to have many hours there filled with creativity and love.

Sue J said...

How neat and tidy your workspace is. I start out with good intentions but then the mess takes over. Your portraits look excellent hanging on your wall.

Lisa said...

I love your art room! The story is heartwarming-the kind I like to read when I'm sipping my tea in the evening and have settled from my own art making. I know Julian and her angels are very moving to look at. Your art, as you must know, is really pretty. I don't know how you do some of the techniques you do, but they turn out so neat. I love that you support other artists too. Often this is so rare.

Terri said...

Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your art room. It is cozy and looks so great with all your art work on the walls. Amazing to me that it was once your own bedroom as a girl. That is what I call "roots", and seems to be very symbolic.
Your Elizabeth is lovely, but I know what you mean, I have a Marie I am not satisfied with, yet a year ago I would have loved it.
We are growing : )

jgr said...

I agree with Erin. Your Elizabeth is really beautiful. I also enjoyed seeing your Art room and the story of how you grew up in that house.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Lisa's work is just amazing...what a completely beautiful banner she created for you. Your Elizabeth painting is such a masterpiece - it looks amazing! Theresa

Marlynn said...

Thank you, Diane, you are inspiring me to get up and get busy doing more organizing right now. Love your room! And the fact it was the room you had growing up! How special.

Unknown said...

I love your art room. Mine is quite tiny, as well. Probably 5x8. Not even big enough for a bedroom. It is my space though and for that I am grateful.

Monica said...

thanks so much for sharing your arty space, i LOVE seeing other people's creative spaces. i don't think a 'studio' has to be any particular size though. :)

very inspiring.

Jacqueline said...

I really love your Elizabeth! She is so beautiful!

Dana said...

Hey! This is the first post of yours I read and Ive been reading since (it's Apr. 25 now). I'm glad I kept with it. You take lovely pictures of interesting things. I love what you make with your papers which are also interesting. bob is a hoot. Later, Dana


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