Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Having Fun With My "Patchwork" be continued..


Diva Kreszl said...

I love your work! So glad I got to meet you via the Whimsical Art Academy. I look forward to following your blog :)

Michelle Palmer said...

This is gorgeous! We'll have to look for you at the Lilac Festival~ The hill of lilacs smell so wonderful! We'll be hoping for great, sunny days~
Wishing you the best...

Manon said...

Great work! I love that you added on the glass gems. Love the *patchwork* series!!

Andrea said...

These are great!

Unknown said...

You really are amazing!! Love this!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That heart is simply amazing. I like both, but there is something about the heart that simply speaks to me. Love it.

Heavens2Betsy said...

These are delicious creations as always x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

This is beautiful! Love the colors.

sharon said...

Gorgeous Diane....your style is wonderful!!You create such depth with layers and color!!

Lisa said...

Another beautiful piece Diane! Lisa
PS I knew we had a lot in common! Tell your brother I said Happy Birthday too~

Buffy said...

I'm just loving your patchwork series. The colors are gorgeous and I love the glass gems you added.

BlueRidgeLady said...

Just loving these Diane!! Can see why you are having so much fun with them!! Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know what a treat it is to see what you're up so and to watch you continue to explore and actually DO SOMETHING with all the inspiration you have! you ROCK!

Unknown said...

Such beautiful work you do!
consider yourself tagged for the Sunshine blog award:)

Who you callin' housewife? said...

These are great! I love the birds and bees tucked in. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a message. I LOVE meeting new (to me) artists.

Dapoppins said...

You inspire me!

Wrote a lil post this week, curious about your opinion. However, since I am still suffering for major comment addiction, (COMMENTS ARE CRACK!) I wont know what you think.

If I make a poll would that be cheating?

Marlynn said...

Beautiful, beautiful - you have a talent for everything - love your patchwork!


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