Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making Pictures With My Papers

Can I tell you how much I love taking my papers and making pictures out of them--

I think that painting the papers are as much fun as making the pictures too!

On the bottom of this one, I applied the Golden's molding paste over a stencil--it's so easy and it's a great result--

And how lucky am I?-- I found another oversized song book at a garage sale yesterday.  This time it's 400 pages and it was only  $1.00!

In all the years I've been going to these sales, I've never found these type of books.  This is the second time in a week now that I found one--that's the way it usually goes.  And linens and doilies--you can never have enough.  I have no idea what I'll do with all of these that I'm always picking up, but I have a weakness for them--

Hey, these were 25 cents each.  How can you possibly turn that down?!


Jackie said...

Both of these are beautiful Diane! I love garage sales too!

Mojca said...

wonderful! beautiful color combinations. I like it :)

Paula Phillips said...

I love these! Thanks so much for the inspiration.
Much Love

Janie Husband said...

your papers are fantastic, diane...what amazing pictures you created ....i love someone else said, thanks for the inspiration....

I have a ton of old linens also...there is something about them that i cannot resist.....

Buffy said...

How do you do that? Do you use stencils to make the images. These are both amazing. I love them. I have a thing for linens too,I think I already told you that and 35 cents,I would have bought them too. Great finds!

Janine said...

Diane, your work is beauftiful!

Connie Schwarz said...

dIANE! you have inspired me to try that today! i just have to think of the subject matter! yeah!
and as far as the old music book...well my friends at wonders on woodland give me things like that but i always hate tearing them up! my friend deb tries to reassure me with "but it will become beautiful art!" and i guess thats better than keeping it/them under wrap.
you are a good read every morning diane!
you're just good people!

Emelie said...

I agree, makingpapers is fun and I don't, but I make a lot of backgrounds and if I didn't put a face there it would be a paper. I guess it is the color and design making we like a lot. I have to get out the catalog and look at molding paste, the design makes me think of the old tin ceilings. Now you can buy that tin, however you have to purchase a carton and not a single. I have seen great paintings done on these tho at a gallery.

Of course your paintings with your papers have great appeal and charm.
The steam coming out of the mug is so pretty.

Unknown said...

You found some treasures!!! Your artwork is breathtaking!!!

Mary said...

and you do them so very well!

Joella said...

These are beautiful! LOVE:)

Janet Ghio said...

Wow--these new still lifes are wonderful!! you should do a tutorial on painting papers!! They are beautiful and lucky you--you are in the yard sale zone!!!

Dorthe said...

Diane, your papers, are beautifull,want to reach out,and touch and look close, so many wonderfull colors, and what you do with them are so vibrant and fantastic.
Hugs ,Dorthe

Dianne said...

Lovely finds and such beautiful artwork on your papers... What an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is always so inspiring! I too love happy art!

Debbie said...

Wow! What great finds for your art. I love both of your paintings too. Your blog is always so fun to visit!

Terri Kahrs said...

Diane, your pages are YUMMY!!!! The way you've composed your picture is outstanding, and I love the texture. Just the right touch. LOVE your goodies! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Janet said...

I simply LOVE your art! Your colors and style are fantastic.

I'm drooling over all those bits of lace and doilies. I use them as stencils for spray painting. They make beautiful designs for painted papers!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Daine...I'm the same way with linens...I have lots of old handkerchiefs too(hankies). I like using painted papers never know what you will come up with. Poor Bob (from previous Post)...I hope his mom and dad are home by now.

Sissy Sparrows said...

Those paintings are soooo beautiful...I love them. How lovely that you are able to tie your beautiful papers in as well.

Marlynn said...

These are wonderful, Diane, and I am in envy of your song book and lacy linens.... I just love that so much I have trouble using it some days... and others I just start ripping! Have a great day.

Jonny J Petros said...

Gosh your work is so wonderful, I looooove these !!! they kinda look like stained glass.When you paint your own papers it gives your work such an extraordinary vibrancy. That molding paste seems neat I tried with plaster over a stencil but I think I will like getting that paste better.

Unknown said...

oh wow Diane!!! you know your work always makes me so happy!!! the details the textures...wonderful!!!

Gollywobbles said...

It's so cozy visiting your blog...always something incredible to see! Your work is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to visit me as well! Smiles, ~Sam

Julie Fillo said...

yeah, how is it we have never found each other? I like your art too, and thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm following you too.

Beth A. @ Songbird Hill said...

Oh..I love your papers and how you put it all together as a painting! Very talented! Thanks for sharing with us.

Martha Lever said...

WONDERFUL!!!!! Love both of them!

Debby said...

I love both of your new art pieces, so beautiful. I am lovin' that music book, fab and the linens, a girl can never have too many of these beauties. Great finds.

sharon said...

Your papers and the art you create with them are gorgeous Diane!! I love your color are making me like purple!!

About the rein, I did not use the 2 part, I am using a brand that a local dealer sells here, but it is on the internet as well, Lisa Pavelka's. It involves using a uv light, but so far I have found it very friendly!

Kristin said...

Oh, Oh!! These are so wonderful! I love all the texture in your work! I just made some background papers for the first time recently and I too am having a ball using them. Thank you for sharing what you did with your amazing papers, Kristin xo

joanna said...

Such beautiful papers Diane!! and your new work is fantastic!

Caterina Giglio said...

well hi there! love your blog and your work as well! the linens are so beautiful! I also loved your post-- fun with bob! adorable and a great video!

Dori Patrick said...

Hi Diane! Thanks for visiting me! I LOVE these papers you are working with!!! I'm a fellow paper addict myself, so I can relate. Ha! And love what you did with the molding paste. Very clever!

Jeanne Nelson said...

Diane, your papers and art are stunning! I love the rich color palette of these two pieces, and have GOT to try your modeling paste and stencil idea...if you don't mind!

OMGoodness, you are running across such great finds these days, you lucky girl! The song books are to-die-for. I, too, have a passion for vintage doilies and any type of lace trim. I think about some lady whom, years ago, spent so much time creating such a beautiful piece of work, and while I'm thrilled to obtain it, I can't imagine there was not one family member whom could appreciate it. Thankfully, for us, there are such family members, I suppose!

Are you selling your art? If not, you SHOULD! It's beautiful! Happy creating ~~ Jeanne

Jeanne Nelson said...

PS: I agree with Janet ~~ I would LoVe to see you do a tutorial on painting papers!!! They are gorgeous!

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Your art is so charming and so unique. I would love learning from a tutorial of yours on how to create your beautiful papers.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

What gorgeous work! Really love both the pieces. And what treasures you found...songbooks and lace!!! I really need to find some of those!!! :) Theresa

Shelly said...

Hi Diane, I'm glad you found me, so I could "find" YOU! I love your beautiful artwork... so inspiring!!! Looking foward to following you to see what you're up to. :) -Shelly

Annette Q said...

Hi Diane!
I like the idea of molding paste over the stencils. It has such a great effect. Thanks for sharing!
Your art is sooo pretty too :-)

Dapoppins said...

Your work space must be the most fun place in the home!

Lola ^^ said...

Great you found that song book!
I was looking at your last post: Bob is too cute! :) i love the natural hearts too, i'll try to find some!

Lisa said...

I love the way you create! Making those beautiful papers, then cutting them up & putting them back together! Awesome! Your finds are very cool too. I posted my linen & lace haul too. For .25 who could pass it up? Lisa said...

thanks diane!!;) you don't have to answer this till the next time you visit, if you remember, do you answer everyone back? "43"?
these are so wonderful...i too love making paper and backgrounds! then you have just the right "stuff" for a project. xo wanda

Linda Vincent said...

You are a constant source of inspiration Diane....fabulous work!

O H I K A said...

These are wonderful!!! love your art!

hello, saw your blog and fell in love!

Unknown said...

I still maintain that you could sell your own line of art papers. They would be quite popular I'm sure!

FAQ said...

Yes you can tell us how much you love your papers cuz we love them too! Beautiful!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

This is amazing Diane! Love your papers and the texture is to die for.

joyce said...

Diane, I LOOOVE your blog ! and your work ! Thanks for all your encouragements :)♥

Janny said...

They are awesome, thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

Wow- I love all the textures in your paintings.

PocketsOfInspiration said...

great finds!

Unknown said...

Wow what a great deal on those lacey pieces. They are so pretty.

Monica said...

these are so beautiful diane! lovely work.


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