Friday, June 4, 2010

Playing Around With My Art

I have been trying very hard to build up my stock for my upcoming shows, and I like the fact that when people purchase my art, I can tell them that it is one of a kind, but it's HARD to do this.  So  I've been making prints of my art.  But I don't just want to have matted prints in a browse bin like alot of the artists do,  plus I still want to offer one of a kind  artwork.

And in the meantime, Suzi put up the last lesson in her Piety & Passion class.  It's all about making praintings--mixed media collage/ paintings using your art prints--perfect timing.  And let me tell you, this lesson is filled to the brim with ideas and techniques.  I think this lesson alone is worth  the price of the class.  Alot of the techniques that she shows us involves supplies that I already have, and would have never thought of doing--so Thank You to Suzi!

So a few weeks ago, I showed you these 3 collage/paintings that I did--

And this is what I did with them--

I reduced these 2 and put them on 8 x 8 canvases, and collaged on  some of my painted papers that I had left over, and I now have 2 new pieces of art to offer, and if I want,  I can do the same thing  with these two--print them and make another new piece of art!

And on the third one, I decided to use one of my many wood cigar boxes that I have --

So I can still continue to offer one of a kind artwork.

So if you've ever considered participating in an art/craft show, but a little leary, I found a great post on Heather's blog  Audrey Eclectic about why she loves doing shows and all the advice you could need.  I couldn't have written it better, and it's exactly  how I feel.  Just click on her blog name, and it will take to you that post.  But if this isn't your cup of tea, and you have never visited this blog-- THEN  STILL GO--you will love her art!!

 I'm leaving later on today for my show near Rochester, NY.  I'll be able to visit everyone this weekend.  I like having the internet with me, because it gives me something to do in my motel room other than go to sleep at 7:00 at night--these shows are exhausting, especially when you have to set up the morning of , like this one. I'm hoping to bring home photos---the weather isn't looking too great, though--one of the gambles of doing outdoor shows.

One more thing-- Sharon at All Norah's Art picked a winner for a free spot in her new online class, and it was Sharon Pendergraft--congrats to her  : )  but wait......... what about us  : (    Well, she's doing it again!! So click on this for ANOTHER  chance to win a free spot--good luck--it looks like a great class!


Micki Wilde said...

Love what you did with the prints Diane, especially the one with the bird....lovely work!!

Micki x

sharon said...

Beautiful, really beautiful Diane! And a bog thank you for sharing your techniques and your secrets!!
Best of luck at your show...I know you will be a a hit!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

This is such a good idea! Thanks for sharing, Diane. I read Heather's post too and it made me want to take that next step and find some shows to do. :)

pammyjo said...

Fabulicious! I LOVE These pieces!

Jeanne Nelson said...

Thank you for sharing these great techniques with us, Diane...and the link. Once again, beautiful work; I especially love the cigar box, ;). Best wishes with your show!

Tina said...

Absolutely incredible.
Great work

Susan HP said...

Your artwork is tooooooo fabulous. LOVE LOVE LOVE the boxes, Diane!!!
Also, thanks as always for the how-to's.
Happy weekend!

Buffy said...

Well now you made me want to take suzis class,I did sign up for gritty janes. Very worth the ten dollars. I love what you did,everything came out so original. I hope you have a great show.Good luck and have fun.

Rebecca Anthony said...

I love the idea of praintings! That box you did is gorgeous Diane, well done!!

Janet Ghio said...

I love what you did with your copies. What kind of paper did you print them on? What a great idea! The woman who won the free class is a friend of mine!! Small world. Good luck at your art show this weekend!1 Sell lots of art!!

Terri Kahrs said...

Your "praintings" are awesome!!! Thanks for sharing your secret, Diane! Hope you stay dry this weekend and many good wishes for a successful show! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Betzie said...

Beautiful work Diane!! Hope you don't get rained on at your shows!!!
I just bought two cigar boxes last weekend at a local antique store...wasn't sure what I was going to do, but you've inspired me.
Not that I can paint like you, but I love the canvas idea.
Thanks for sharing! Have fun!

Unknown said...

Very cool Diane, you're such a great artist! I love your enthusiasm! Best wishes at the show!

*jean* said...

gorgeous pieces, diane! i love your praintings!

Art by Darla Kay said...

Diane, I'd love to attend one of your shows! Your work is so wonderful to see online, I can't imagine how beautiful it is LIVE and in person!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Wow - look at all this wonderful information!!!! First, I LOVE what you did with these paintings you show here. I adore taking Suzi's classes, and I've actually been thinking about trying to create prints. I'm not in the same class but it is something I am looking into and gathering all my information. :) I feel transformed taking her classes. :) I am a follower of Heather's blog, and she always has something so informational and fun to say. Her art is amazing - she is such an inspiration. :) Have a great weekend, Diane!!! Theresa

Kelly Berkey said...

OMG, be still my heart! Diane, that is sooooooo cool! Now I know what you are talking about!
I haven't had time to go out and get the latest lesson. This is the answer to my problem with wanting to only offer one-of-a-kinds and still using prints I can make myself (that's what the soldered charms were going to be about)...but this is AWESOME!
Now you know what I'll be doing this weekend!

Check your email dear, I have questions!!

Love what you did and you inspire me just as much as Suzi does!

Debby said...

HI Diane, you are so amazing, love what you are doing with the prints. Hope you have a great show this weekend.

Biljana said...

Collage paintings are wonderful.Bravo Diane, and good luck with your show:)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've seen that technique at various art shows, but none as great as you did yours. Your art is so distinct and detailed, I'm glad you were able to stretch it a bit. Thanks for sharing these.

My thoughts will be with you this weekend. I know you are on your way to the show by now, since I'm running so far behind today, but just know that I'll be there in spirit. Have a great show, a fun time, take lots of photos, and stay dry and safe. BTW, sell some art, too (grin).

Stephanie said...

That is so awesome!! You are really talentedd!

Dianne said...

Such lovely pieces...

Beth at Crazy4Art4u said...

I love these prints - they almost look like stained glass! Seems I am lagging behind you - I am in Suzi's beginner class and plan on taking her Goddess and Poetry as well as her Passion and Piety (think that is what they are titled), anyway will be enrolling in them probably next week. Are you taking Sharon's new "faces in technicolor" class that starts June 18th? Thank you by the way for all the sweet comments you have left on my blog!
Talk soon,

Nelda Ream said...

What a fantastic idea! Love how your "new" pieces turned out. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Dana said...

Interesting. Hmmm. Haven't checked into your blog for a few weeks (I'm moving). I, too, am taking a Suzi class (petite dolls) and love, love her. I have learned so much from her. AND, I am hoping to win that free spot in Sharon Tomlinson's class. How wonderful to paint technicolor faces! You should check out my blog.

lee said...

oh good luck with the show, you should sell out, your art is amazing

Emelie said...

I understand perfectly what you just said, it is really what I do with my paintings for quilts and working the painting into fabric and then making a quilt. I even think you could do a black and white print of my work and useing it as a transfer image. The possibilities are endless. I think of you all the time when I see things at sales and thrift shops. It is wonderful to know one has a supply of things to use and still use ones own art and do new things with it.

That little box is just a charmer with it's beauty.

Marlynn said...

I absolutely love what you did with these pieces of art work. Was just at an arts festival today in Herndon, VA, and I love to see the "original" one of a kind. It seems you have been able to wed both of these worlds together! Love it. Best of luck at your art show! M

Anonymous said...

I just love that box! You are so creative and productive!!

Christina Silverio said...

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful idea! Brilliant! And your artwork is fantastic; I love it!
And good luck on your show! :)

Jonny said...

This is a great idea! I am trying to make an online store which probably wont be done for a long time but this is neat to make different things with prints I can have a lot more stuff by using my prints Thanks for the great idea - That cigar box came out really neat! Sincerely Jonny

TonyaA said...

Lovely works!

Mescrap said...

Beautiful !!! Love what you did !!!


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